Author Topic: There's a lot of games about to come out and I need to play them all  (Read 2077 times)

Offline gpw11

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There's a lot of games about to come out and I need to play them all
« on: Wednesday, November 12, 2008, 02:01:47 AM »
I'm on a total gaming kick, probably because school and work is pretty lame in the winter and I don't really feel like going out and partying as much.  As such, I've been checking out what's on the horizon and it's pretty retarded.  I haven't even really been looking at console games because I don't want to be tempted too badly, but just for pc:

-Tomb Raider: Underworld.  I think this hits next week or something and I plan to get it.  The demo was pretty fun and I never got too far into Anniversary, but I like the Tomb Raider formula.  I've never really played much of it so I kind of bypassed that whole phase where it apparently got really played out.

-Silent Hill Homecoming.  It's out on STEAM right now.  I personally plan on waiting until I can get a disk version, but I don't know how long I can hold out on that.  I expect to either cave or steal it (shhhhhh) in the next month or so.

-Grand Theft Auto 4.  I think it's out in the next two weeks or so for PC.

-Mirrors Edge.  Hit or miss, I kind of plan on buying it either way just because it looks fresh.

-Prince of Persia 2008.  Out in the next two weeks and looks just awesome.

-Persona 4.  Sure, it's for PS2, but this is going to be like the best thing ever.  I can already tell.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: There's a lot of games about to come out and I need to play them all
« Reply #1 on: Wednesday, November 12, 2008, 06:56:38 AM »
Julia's with you on the last one.  She can't wait.  She's still plowing through "The Answer" from FES, but wants a full sequel.  I think I'm getting her that and the DS remake of Dragon Quest IV for Christmas.

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Re: There's a lot of games about to come out and I need to play them all
« Reply #2 on: Wednesday, November 12, 2008, 07:39:34 AM »
You just missed Dragon Quest IV on Amazon for 20 bucks.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: There's a lot of games about to come out and I need to play them all
« Reply #3 on: Wednesday, November 12, 2008, 07:55:32 AM »
Damn!  That... hurts me.

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Re: There's a lot of games about to come out and I need to play them all
« Reply #4 on: Wednesday, November 12, 2008, 08:40:40 AM »
GPW also needs to catch up on all the stuff he's missed.

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Re: There's a lot of games about to come out and I need to play them all
« Reply #5 on: Wednesday, November 12, 2008, 09:06:22 AM »
I agree, but for me the list is somewhat different:

Gears of War 2
Wrath of the Lich King
Mirror's Edge
Resistance 2
Fallout 3
The Force Unleashed (probably a rental, but still on my list of games I want to play for story)
Tales of Vesperia (it looks really good, can't decide if I want it though)
Fable 2 (undecided)
The Last Remnant (undecided -- could be good, maybe not)
Shaun White Snowboarding (looks like a fun snowboarding game... I miss those)
Far Cry 2 (I just got it for the PC, but I don't have the time to play it now)

There's probably a couple more I'm forgetting.

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Re: There's a lot of games about to come out and I need to play them all
« Reply #6 on: Wednesday, November 12, 2008, 02:35:08 PM »
I really want Fallout 3.  I also want Fable 2, though some negative comments like freezing issues have put a bit of a damper on that.  (I need to do some research to see how true it is.)  I've been into the Banjo-Kazooie N&B demo since it came out, so this one is a no-brainer.  Dead Space looks interesting.  Not entirely sure about that one.  Gears of War 2 is hard to ignore, but I'm not sold on it.

Way too much stuff, considering my situation.  I'm hoping that by next year things will improve, and I can get into more new games again.

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Re: There's a lot of games about to come out and I need to play them all
« Reply #7 on: Wednesday, November 12, 2008, 04:22:13 PM »
PC Games I'm interested in

NWN2: Storm of Zehir -- I like the new features (such as the overland map and create your own entire party) and the new campaign/storyline this expansion has planned. Probably will buy it when it hits $20.

SH: Homecoming -- Really want this on disc (UK version will be on disc, might have to Import). If not, I will buy it much later from STEAM, when it gets cheap enough over STEAM to suit me.

Left 4 Dead -- It doesn't sound like it'll have much content for its price. Will have to wait and see on this one.

Far Cry 2 -- It's too bad it comes equipped w/ Securom Internet Edition (SIE) with revokes.
Spore -- It's too bad it comes equipped w/ SIE without revokes.
Dead Space -- See what I said on Spore.
Crysis Warhead -- See what I said on Spore.

Mirror's Edge -- Not out until 2009 on PC. Probably will not buy for a long while if it comes w/ SIE.
Prince of Persia (2008/2009) -- See what I said on Mirror's Edge. Also, since it's on the AC Engine (Scimitar/Anvil), I probably won't be able to run it.

GTA4 -- Don't meet the double-core processor requirement or else I'd be buying it ASAP.

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Re: There's a lot of games about to come out and I need to play them all
« Reply #8 on: Wednesday, November 12, 2008, 09:13:10 PM »
I've realized that I need to spend more time focusing on games I consider important.  I'm sure I'd have fun with Gears 2 or Fable 2, but are they important to me?  Do they do something really unique and different that I have to experience?  Is there significant art and depth so unique I need to try it?  Are the themes or settings really unique?  The answer to all those is no.  I don't mean to say there's no artistry or that there's nothing worth seeing or hearing, because I'm sure I would find both games inspiring if I got to spend time with them, and I'm quite sure lots of passionate people worked on them both.  I think Fable 2 is also doing some fairly interesting things mechanically that are above what some others have done.  But... neither of those games seem important.  I don't feel like I'll be missing anything significant to let them pass me by, and money is so tight for me right now, that means I have to be more selective about what I purchase than I've ever been in my entire life.  That's taking some big adjustments, because there was a time when I'd have picked up both of those games along with everything else I've got right now and then maybe something else by the end of the month.  Those days are over.

So I decided on Valkyria Chronicles.  It may not be the most revolutionary thing ever, but it seemed to be the more important game to experience, and I don't think I'm going to regret the decision.

Also, why didn't anyone tell me how fucking amazing Advance Wars is?  I know, 7 years and 3 sequels late to the party, but man... this is good stuff.

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Offline gpw11

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Re: There's a lot of games about to come out and I need to play them all
« Reply #9 on: Wednesday, November 12, 2008, 11:00:48 PM »
Stop talking about Valkyria Chronicles. NOW.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: There's a lot of games about to come out and I need to play them all
« Reply #10 on: Thursday, November 13, 2008, 12:50:00 AM »
So you don't want my impressions of the last hours I spent with it?  No tantalizing tidbits of awesomeness?

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Re: There's a lot of games about to come out and I need to play them all
« Reply #11 on: Thursday, November 13, 2008, 12:59:41 AM »
Well, no.  Because then I'd have to go out and buy a PS3 and plasma screen.

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Re: There's a lot of games about to come out and I need to play them all
« Reply #12 on: Thursday, November 13, 2008, 02:17:34 AM »
Too bad.

The demo is pretty indicative of what the game is like, but at the same time, sort of not at all.  You don't get the sense of character from the demo as you do from the game (which is to be expected), but you don't get the depth of combat either.  It doesn't take more than a couple story missions for one to appreciate all the little nuances and how the different roles work in combat.  That alone seems tightly honed, and the general mechanics of movement/cover/shooting work brilliantly.  They actually seem rather wonky at first (because when you're "behind cover" you are sort of in that "mode" regardless of whether or not the barrier is physically between you and whoever is shooting, and hence still get the defensive bonus, and you can basically only duck and cover behind sandbags even though there are countless other objects that would seem to suit the purpose just as well), as the game's slightly realistic tone makes some of the sort of weird mechanical stuff feel a little funny, but once you get how the gameplay flows around the maps, it ends up feeling very balanced and suited to the game.

Graphics are just friggin' gorgeous, but everyone that's looked at a screen can see that.  It reminds me most of Eternal Sonata in that regard, just in a cool sketchy look with a lot more earth tones (particularly because it's trying to act as though it's a book, so you've got lots of papery parchment feelings happening) and not so much with the pastels.  The game teeters a little deliriously on the brink of feeling both vaguely realistic and totally fantastic, but I think it works.  There's enough creative magic at work to balance out the more serious tone and let a little more ridiculous fun into the mix, and while that might work against the drama for some, it'll be old hat for anyone that's ever played a JRPG before.  It just seems to be thrown into a bit more contrast here since much of what's presented isn't ridiculous the same way most JRPGs are.  Still, I like the way they mixed it all together.  The conventional feel is prevalent, but the other spots pop up often enough to let you daydream a bit, and it makes some of the units more fun (like the dudes with bazooka-like things that look like lances, giving them this knightly appearance almost... it's just more fun than a dude with a bazooka).

Anyway, I can see why people said this was addictive.  It's just... very addictive.  The tactical nature of it with the military theme really combine to give you a great sense of conquest, and it's hard to put down when you've got several plans formulating in your head about just how to approach a few things.  You just don't want to stop until you see if the gambit works or not.

So yeah, sorry, but I can't tell you to not buy a PS3 and new TV.  I don't know that you want to go do that just for this game alone since it probably doesn't quite have the overall mileage that a system-seller needs, but with the promise of DLC coming in the future... the future could be promising.  In light of the other good stuff on PS3 now, this is a great addition that gives the library a nice little inconspicuous shot in the arm.  I hope more people start to take notice of it, because right now the buzz seems mostly to be amongst the hardcore RPG guys and not too far beyond that.

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