Author Topic: Retro Game Master  (Read 1322 times)

Offline gpw11

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Retro Game Master
« on: Tuesday, February 17, 2009, 12:29:30 AM »
After all the buzz and a conversation with Idol, i decided to pick this up for the DS. I'm very impressed.  It's based off some Japanese television show where some middle aged man has to complete challenges on old NES games.  Apparently it's a huge hit and the Japanese love watching this guy suffer for hours on end.  A couple small translated clips I saw were actually really good and there's talk of it being released here...or something.  I don't really care.  What's important here is the game.

The premise is kind of unique; The guy from the  show somehow gets digitalized and sends you back to the 80's as a kid to help him play some games or something.  That part is pretty whacked.  The thing is that you have to play a series of 'retro' games that are actually really well made and fun knockoffs of classic NES games.  In order to progress to the next game you have to beat a series of challenges for the current one.  I don't know how many games there are but so far I've unlocked two shooters, a micro-machines style racing game, some weird ninja game, and i think that's it.  I know there's a few more, including what amounts to a classic era RPG. 

The real charm comes with the extras.  Each of these games has cheat codes and manuals you can view, and you have access to a stack of videogame magazines from the era.  It's really entertaining and pretty awesome.  If you have a DS I urge you to at least look into it.