Author Topic: So who wants to fly out and help me move?  (Read 2955 times)

Offline Quemaqua

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So who wants to fly out and help me move?
« on: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 03:12:48 PM »
It's hard to imagine how heavy a bunch of game art books can be until you put them in a big stack and try to lift them.  Or put them in boxes.  Or pack together a whole box of collector's edition stuff.  And toys.  And maps and posters and CDs and DVDs and cases and books and books and books...

I honestly wonder how the fuck I ever fit half this game stuff into this room.  Looking at it now, I have no idea.  And it makes me fear I won't be able to get it all into the new, bigger room, even though logically there should be no trouble.

Why do I love games so much?  And how much of this shit am I going to have amassed by the time I'm 50?

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Re: So who wants to fly out and help me move?
« Reply #1 on: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 03:27:19 PM »
This thread just depressed the shit out of me.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: So who wants to fly out and help me move?
« Reply #2 on: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 03:43:06 PM »
Really?  As crazy as it is, it makes me happy.  I'm glad that there's something I love enough to have this much history with.  While it's a logistical pain in the ass, I love looking back and realizing that I own so much stuff that I can consider classic.  Granted, a lot of it is just pure fluff entertainment, but I've been widely inspired by a lot of it, too, and there are some items I'm much prouder to be an owner of than some movies and books people consider worth having in a library.  I own first and early editions of some old books, including first editions of Lewis Carroll's Sylvie and Bruno books, and while videogames are a much younger medium, I think it will be a comfort to me in my older age to be able to look at this library and follow the history of what games have been and, by then, will have become.

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Re: So who wants to fly out and help me move?
« Reply #3 on: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 04:09:21 PM »
Haha the same thoughts cross my mind occasionally.

I was just rearranging my room yesterday and my brother picked up a bunch of my old CD's "Ok, I found this old shit in the bottom shelf I'm gonna toss it out." I look at what he's carrying and it's (in order of appearance) Quake, Quake 2, Anachronox, Omikron, Deus Ex, Giants, Rainbow 6, R6: Rogue Spear, R6: Raven Shield, and a few others. I nearly freaked out! "Well, it's not you're ever gonna play any of them again" he explained, to which I replied "Bro, it's not like I go through your DVD collection and toss out the old ones! These are my old games! Someday I'm gonna install them on my kids or your kids computers!! Or worst case scenario there will be an apocalyptic event and I will have something to entertain myself with using older technology while the rest of the world ends."

He still doesn't get why I hang on to them but whatever.

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Re: So who wants to fly out and help me move?
« Reply #4 on: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 04:34:51 PM »
Did you beat the shit out of him anyway? With a list of games like that and he just want to throw them out, he deserves it.

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Re: So who wants to fly out and help me move?
« Reply #5 on: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 04:47:41 PM »
Did you beat the shit out of him anyway? With a list of games like that and he just want to throw them out, he deserves it.
I know!! hahah! Imagine someone tossing out original video cassettes of The Godfather and the Bruce Lee collection!

I'd smack him upside the head but I'm trying out this non-violence thing. Ghandi was on to something. Plus my little bro is technically bigger than I am, he's a gym-jock.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: So who wants to fly out and help me move?
« Reply #6 on: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 05:14:10 PM »
Which explains why he'd throw out video games.

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Re: So who wants to fly out and help me move?
« Reply #7 on: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 08:48:50 PM »
Since I've actually seen your game room in person Que, I can imagine how much shit that is to pack.  How much of a pain is it going to be to get that huge black shelf out of that room?

I'm packing stuff too now since I'll be moving next week and throughout the rest of the month, luckily I won't have to move my bed since I'm giving it away and getting a new one.  I feel you on the heavy boxes full of games and books (especially books), I tried packing a large portion of my books in one huge box but decided against it since it probably weighed enough to have its own gravitational field and spread it out over several smaller boxes.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: So who wants to fly out and help me move?
« Reply #8 on: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 09:08:02 PM »
Yeah, you have to be careful with books.  Just my game art books alone probably weigh close to a hundred pounds, and the guides/manuals I've amassed over the years collected into one box is I think about just over 40.

The DVD shelf will probably suck to get out of here, yeah.  Thankfully, we're hiring movers.  We realized there's just no way to logistically do this otherwise.  It's too far a trip to go out and back making multiple trips over the course of even a couple days, even with a small truck, especially since I don't really have anyone that can reliably help me move furniture for the length of time and number of trips we'd need.  So we'll be moving the small stuff ourselves over the course of probably more than a week, tons of boxes, and some of the small furniture if we can get my father in law's truck for a few days, then some dudes will come in for the rest of it.  Crossing my fingers on that one.  We've used them before, and they were cool, but... arg.  You never know quite how that's gonna' go.

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