As some of you may know, I started going back to school last fall, but I've realized that I really hate somethings about school...and some new things.
The Person Who Won't Shut Up: In highschool, we had to be there, most of us had no choice of being there, what time we were there or what we took. In college (especially community college) you get a lot of people who not only want to be there, but they love being there. These people can also be of any age, usually older people love to talk. There was this one older woman who always tell these long pointless stories that no one cared about and would totally derail the flow of the class by bringing up reality shows. If you want to talk about that shit, do it with your friends...I don't care...quit wasting my time old bitch!
The Over Achiever: In every class there is someone who tries way too hard, they try to the point of literally sniffing up the teacher's ass. Last year there was this guy who was always crashing my class (I was in 101 and he was in 102) and sniffing around the teacher's ass (not literally) because I think he had a thing for her. In my acting class, there were also people who tried so hard that just went over the top and couldn't be taken seriously. I've noticed that most of the over achiever's suck at what they do. Check out the website of some of my classmates, the acting will bring you to the brink of suicide. You can watch it here
http://www.absolutiontv.comGroup Projects: I hate group projects! In highschool, you would pick a smart person who would do all of the work or you would separate it all, go amongst yourselves, do your part and bring in the completed part. In college they actually want you to meet outside of school, not only do I not want to, but no one ever does. Makes group work extra complicated and shitty.
The Absent Teacher: I had one class where I would only go in once a month to take a test, the last two classes we had to turn in work labs. I turned all of mine in early, I e-mailed the teacher questions and never got responses. So I had to use my best judgement on the work...which apparently earned me a D in the class even though I did very well on all of the tests. When I e-mailed him for an explanation on my grade, I got I e-mailed his wife, she said she would forward the message to him. Never heard from that asshole and still have no idea why I got a D.