Author Topic: Looking For A Good DVD Editing Program -- for VOB's, MPEG, MOV's, FLV, etc etc.  (Read 3448 times)

Offline MysterD

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Okay, guys -- I'm basically looking for some good DVD Editing Software -- freeware or not. So, what do you guys like?

I liked AVS, but the water-mark is annoying in the trial version; hehe. For $30 a year -- ugh, I want a one-shot deal thing where I buy say a program's Version 6.0 and just stick w/ that for a while; maybe buy say Version 9.0, years later down the road when I need another one (where there's much newer and better video formats out there).

AVS (Trial) did basically mostly everything I was looking for -- but, is there actually anything similar to that out there? Anything better out there than that? Of course, how much do the programs y'all recommend cost?

Basically, I'm looking to edit VOB's. A lot of my old roller skating tapes, dad transferred over some time ago from VHS to DVD (with his Lite-On DVD Stand-Alone Recorder) -- and of course, that turns out to be a VOB format.

The VOB's are not broken into many chapters. I'm thrown some of them on my HD already. I'm looking to truncate some of these; break 'em up; etc etc.

I'm looking to do the following: break video files (such as VOB) up into smaller files; truncate some things out of the video; mute the sound in certain spots; add titles and text to the vid (for say the opening); transfer files possibly into other formats (FLV, MOV, etc) for uploading purposes (to keep file size down); etc etc.

Okay, about file transferring to say upload online -- is there any way to have NO loss of quality from say switching from basically one format to another. I.e. say VOB to (any) MPEG format? VOB to MOV? VOB to FLV? VOB to SWF?

Also, what do you guys like for file formats for videos? What's probably the best quality? What takes up the least about of hard disk space? Etc etc.

Any help would be fantastic.

Offline ren

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Re: Looking For A Good DVD Editing Program -- for VOB's, MPEG, MOV's, FLV, etc etc.
« Reply #1 on: Saturday, August 08, 2009, 08:22:56 AM »
I use DVDFav to rip and then Handbrake to encode. I can't imagine it being much simpler than that. That should let you convert it into a file you can upload online. As for your other questions, no idea.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Looking For A Good DVD Editing Program -- for VOB's, MPEG, MOV's, FLV, etc etc.
« Reply #2 on: Saturday, August 08, 2009, 08:38:59 AM »
I know this isn't a full answer.  I use DVD Shrink to reauthor DVDs.  VOBs alone are not the whole picture when dealing with video DVDs.  It's freeware.  One place to get it is afterdawn.  See if it's any use to you.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Looking For A Good DVD Editing Program -- for VOB's, MPEG, MOV's, FLV, etc etc.
« Reply #3 on: Saturday, August 08, 2009, 09:49:09 AM »
Unfortunately, I don't have much experience either.  I was using the Ulead DVD tools for a while to work on a project and had no end of trouble with them.  They generally did everything I wanted, but for some reason sometimes things would just be off and I couldn't figure out how to fix them.  That's why nobody ever got the Witcher DVDs I'd been working so hard on.  I still have the files around, but I never got things working to my satisfaction.

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Offline MysterD

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Re: Looking For A Good DVD Editing Program -- for VOB's, MPEG, MOV's, FLV, etc etc.
« Reply #4 on: Saturday, August 08, 2009, 04:04:39 PM »
Was looking in Best Buy, saw a few DVD Editing Programs there. Not much.

I'm gonna have to do more researching and stuff....

So, anyone know anything of much, heard, read, or know about...
Magix Movie Edit Pro 15?
Pinnacle Studio Version 12?

Know, heard, or had any experience with any earlier versions?

Offline Ghandi

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Re: Looking For A Good DVD Editing Program -- for VOB's, MPEG, MOV's, FLV, etc etc.
« Reply #5 on: Saturday, August 08, 2009, 06:44:34 PM »
I downloaded a few programs awhile back to edit some VOB's, but they were all freeware and quite shitty. No clue what programs they were, but stay away from them. :)