このやつがぜんぜん気が変んだよ。 That guy is completely fucking insane.
I can understand loneliness driving people to extremes, but on top of being mostly imaginary to begin with, with only the stimulus of a program to drive your psychosis, this is taking such insanity to a whole new level because the virtual program can't even acknowledge your fantasy. So you're literally playing make-believe with your make-believe. That's pretty fucking bad, man. You're even further than far gone at that point, I think.
A lot of this kind of thing stems from some severe societal problems over there, which is probably obvious enough to anyone, but it's really as much to do with women as it is to do with men, and has a lot to do with cultural restrictions as well. But the Japanese have a strange relationship to technology that's hard for westerners to understand, which doesn't directly lead to shit like this, but is what puts them just far enough over the top so that a number of nutjobs will go and take shit like this too far (and let's face it, if some of this technology actually existed in America, some nutjobs here would probably go for it too -- but nobody's going to bring ラブプラス to the states). This relationship is hard to explain without having some exposure to pre-war history, post-war history, and a little modern film/literature history. Even the perception of religion and morality over there can come into this somewhat. It's weird shit, but it seems a lot weirder when you're assuming a somewhat even playing field, and that really isn't the case. There are fundamental differences that drive some of this stuff forward, some of it far more mundane than you'd think.