I'll add all of you guys next time I log on.
I'm enjoying the games I picked up so far. InFamous was pretty good. Kind of wish it was longer and had a tad bit more to do in the city. I also found the ending pretty boring and too much of a cop-out. I like cliffhangers, but it just felt rushed.
Uncharted 2 = pretty graphics and the action sequences are pretty bad ass, a couple of very memorable moments. Great dialogue, I actually *like* the characters for a change. Very well done story for a "game". My mom actually watched me play it at one point and enjoyed it as a "movie"! She kept asking me when I was "playing" cause she it looked so seamless.
Multiplayer is fun as well, but after a few sessions you wake up and remember that it's still a console game. The maps are small, predictable, the ducking mechanism gets in the way (you stick to the wrong places all the time) and the leveling/badges system results in very unbalanced games. Basically, if you don't have a certain combination of badges you don't really stand a chance against higher level players. A headshot isn't really a headshot. You also tend to spawn BEHIND the enemy line during team games so it's all to easy to get spawn killed. Co-op missions are lots of fun though.
LittleBigPlanet is surprisingly fun. I picked it up so my folks had something "easy" to play. We've been playing it together over the last week and it's been a blast. The little sackguys are fun to smack around.