Author Topic: Logitech MX Revolution  (Read 5831 times)

Offline ScaryTooth

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Logitech MX Revolution
« on: Tuesday, October 24, 2006, 04:32:49 PM »
My MX700 died. So, I picked up this one. Which is replacing the MX1000. My MX 700 has served me well for almost 3 years. But it finally crapped out. The batteries were getting bad and they wouldn't recharge fully. The feet wore off, it's all beat up, the paint is faded. It was time for a new one anyway. I got it from Circuit City for $80. Which is a bit pricey, but I figure if I get a new one, it should be a good one. I was going to get a G7 but I don't like the fact that it only has 6 buttons and only one thumb button. I like the backward, and forward thumb buttons on the 8 button ones, so I decided on this one. It's charging now. If it's half as good as the MX 700 has been, it will be great.

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Re: Logitech MX Revolution
« Reply #1 on: Tuesday, October 24, 2006, 04:43:35 PM »
I recently got the Logitech G5 Laser Mouse myself and it suits my needs.  I do not honestly like spending lots of money on a mouse.  As long as it does what I need it to do (point and click), it suffices my needs.

Offline sirean_syan

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Re: Logitech MX Revolution
« Reply #2 on: Tuesday, October 24, 2006, 04:47:56 PM »
Good to see they went back to having more buttons. I'm not sure if I like the idea that the wheel won't click as you turn it. Microsoft's mice always did that and I preferred Logitech's way of doing it.

I have an MX1000 and I've been completely happy with it. For a while the left-button was acting funny and occasionally double clicked when I just wanted a single one, but it just stopped. I almost replaced it at the time, but there were no models out that I liked half as much as it. Thankfully I didn't.

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Re: Logitech MX Revolution
« Reply #3 on: Tuesday, October 24, 2006, 06:09:16 PM »
I have a... G5?  Or something.  I can't remember.  But it works great.  I've used Logitech mice for probably 10 years now, see no reason to use anything else.

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Re: Logitech MX Revolution
« Reply #4 on: Tuesday, October 24, 2006, 06:12:36 PM »
I used to have a Mx700 (I think that was the model), but it gave me problems for awhile with the wireless. Now I have a corded Logitech and it works great.

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Re: Logitech MX Revolution
« Reply #5 on: Tuesday, October 24, 2006, 06:40:37 PM »
Eh, so this thing isn't working out to well. Megan was microwaving some lasagna and the mouse got all funky. And I didn't realize there was no middle mouse button. Pushing in just changes it from click-to-click to flywheel mode. Boo on that.

Maybe i should exchange this for the mx1000, and get some money back to boot.
« Last Edit: Tuesday, October 24, 2006, 07:10:23 PM by ScaryTooth »

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Re: Logitech MX Revolution
« Reply #6 on: Tuesday, October 24, 2006, 07:06:50 PM »
That's disappointing. It seems they've lost something since the MX1000.

Offline scottws

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Re: Logitech MX Revolution
« Reply #7 on: Wednesday, October 25, 2006, 06:18:19 AM »
No middle mouse button?  That's crazy.  I still use the MX-510 and am pretty happy with it.

Offline poomcgoo

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Re: Logitech MX Revolution
« Reply #8 on: Wednesday, October 25, 2006, 11:08:49 AM »
I hate wireless stuff.  I don't see the need, and with cords I never have to worry about batteries or charging anything.  I use a 2-button ball mouse that I got with a Compaq about 10 years ago.  Seriously.

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Re: Logitech MX Revolution
« Reply #9 on: Wednesday, October 25, 2006, 11:44:39 AM »
I'm with you.  I see no need whatsoever for a wireless mouse.  Maybe on a laptop or something, but that's it.  However, as for ball mouse, I can't stand them.  I really think optical mice were a great development.  Not sure if laser is better or even necessary at this point, especially considering the greatly increased risk of eye damage.

Offline ScaryTooth

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Re: Logitech MX Revolution
« Reply #10 on: Wednesday, October 25, 2006, 06:12:02 PM »
The laser is invisible, I think anyway.

But yeah, I thought a wireless mouse was useless, and stupid at first too. But it's really not. There are no movement restrictions, and I like the heavier feel , because of the battery. It makes the mouse feel dense and easier to handle, it feels more accurate. And you really don't have to worry about the battery or anything. For some reason people think they have to recharge it every hour or something. You can use this thing for days and days before the battery even starts to get low. Then, when you go to sleep, or leave your pad, you just set it on it's charger. It takes all of one second, and it's effortless. When you come back home, or wake up. It's ready to go again.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Logitech MX Revolution
« Reply #11 on: Wednesday, October 25, 2006, 06:17:24 PM »
I hate having to charge anything.  You make it sound painless, but it never is for me.  The batteries lose charge after a while, or the thing runs out of juice before you have a chance to charge it, which happens a lot if you're paranoid about draining the battery all the way before plugging it in like I am, in order to extend battery life.  And I won't buy anything that has to sit on a charger unused while it charges.  I like stuff you can plug in and continue to use if it happens to run out of juice.

And I think a wireless mouse is useless.  I have about 4 inches of space to use my mouse side-to-side, maybe seven inches tall.  Wireless would accomplish absolutely nothing for me, and wouldn't have with any other setup I've ever used.

But I don't like ball mice.  Optical mice are a vast, vast improvement.  I couldn't go back now.

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Re: Logitech MX Revolution
« Reply #12 on: Wednesday, October 25, 2006, 08:58:50 PM »
I'm pretty much of the same thought as Scary. The heavier weight and slight increase in freeness is really comfortable for me. I probably just throw my mouse on the charger once a week and there's a nice indicator on the left side of the MX1000. Generally they go down one of three notches every couple days or 1.5 in days if I'm playing a lot. If I'm done for the day and it's dowm to one bar I charge it when I go to sleep. No biggie. I've forgotten to do it before and I haven't had a problem either, even though it was on the red for a couple hours. Sure, the batteries will die eventually, but by then I'm sure I'll wear the mouse out anyways. Even if I have to charge the mouse every night by then that's not a big deal. At that point the feet, springs, or buttons will be dead so who cares about the battery?

You're just difficult... wait? Que, difficult? Who'd a thought.

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Re: Logitech MX Revolution
« Reply #13 on: Wednesday, October 25, 2006, 09:07:52 PM »
Yeah, and this coming from the guy whose head almost imploded because there was a pen mark on his game box.

But yeah, I still don't get it.  I just plain see zero advantage to having a wireless mouse.  Even if you put them at even convenience... still, why?  I guess I can see the heavier weight thing, but... meh.  Whatever.  I don't get the wireless thing, probably never will.

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Offline ScaryTooth

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Re: Logitech MX Revolution
« Reply #14 on: Wednesday, October 25, 2006, 09:26:19 PM »
So, I took the revolution back, and I got the MX1000. I'm digging it. It's working great. And it's oh so comfy. Love the buttons, everything is tip top.

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Re: Logitech MX Revolution
« Reply #15 on: Wednesday, October 25, 2006, 09:39:23 PM »
What kind of wired mice have you people had?  What did you do with them?  Mine stays on my nice little mouse pad, not like it has to do much travelling.  And I've never noticed the cord on my mouse being a big deal.  On other ones sure, but not this one.

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Re: Logitech MX Revolution
« Reply #16 on: Wednesday, October 25, 2006, 09:44:33 PM »
Oh, and I somehow didn't make one of my main points -- you have to set the charger somewhere and plug it in.  I have no room on my desk for a charger, and I've already got 2 surge protectors in here and I'm using several more plugs than I've got.

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Re: Logitech MX Revolution
« Reply #17 on: Wednesday, October 25, 2006, 10:03:24 PM »
Mostly Logitech wired mice. I think my favorite was the design they used for the doomed iFeel mouse. They also used that shape for a regular mouse and it was the last great wired mouse in my collection.

I dunno. I sorta have a thing for mice. It's the way I interact with the computer for the most part and is therefore as important to me as my video card or motherboard, if not moreso, so I don't like to skimp. Wireless can seem like a minor convience and it seems like that at first, but once I used one for a little it really grows on you. A mouse is something that you physically move around unlike a game controller (minus the Wiimote) so a wire is something that drags. With a controller you're just pushing buttons and staying in one place, so a wire doesn't affect anything and I'll totally agree that wireless is useless there. Thankfully wireless technology has gotten good enough that its just as responsive as a corded mouse. I tried out a couple of the first generations ones and they sucked. It wasn't until the MX700 that Logitech got it completely right and the MX1000 was really the perfection of that.

And damned, you are difficult. I guess you are a little overplugged, but you also have a soundboard and TV right there? What do you expect?

And yes, I did grow a few grey hairs after that game box had a pen mark on my game box. I'm anal. All my movie and games are in alphabetical order on the shelf too (well, not right now, they're in boxes). That's different from than just being resistant.

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Re: Logitech MX Revolution
« Reply #18 on: Wednesday, October 25, 2006, 10:18:39 PM »
I've been using a black Dell optical mouse for a couple of years now and its worked great for me.  I wouldn't mind getting a wireless mouse sometime, but can't justify the cost of some of the nicer Logitech ones.  This Dell one was $5 and hasn't had any problems ever.  If I came across a good deal on a Logitech wireless mouse and mine broke, I would probably get one.

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Re: Logitech MX Revolution
« Reply #19 on: Thursday, October 26, 2006, 04:44:11 AM »
No need to conduct an orchestra with my mouse.  It movies in like a 1 square foot area and thats it.  Don't notice any drag.  I had a MX-700 for a little bit, but I hated the weight of it and took it back.  I think that think felt like it dragged more than most wired mice I've used.

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Re: Logitech MX Revolution
« Reply #20 on: Thursday, October 26, 2006, 07:04:49 AM »
I completely agree that the mouse is important, though.  I'm with Sy... I'll definitely pay up for a really nice mouse.  You use it for *everything*, there's no reason to get something inferior.

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Offline poomcgoo

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Re: Logitech MX Revolution
« Reply #21 on: Thursday, October 26, 2006, 07:28:46 AM »
I've never encountered any kind of issue with a wired mouse.  In the 10 years I've been using this thing I've never run out of cord slack, or needed more room to move.  No tug on the cord, no pull.  Works like a charm.

And to be honest, I actually dislike the heavier mouse.  I'm too used to having a nice light mouse, and wireless ones feel sluggish by comparison.  I used to have a Logitech laser mouse (wired), but it crapped out on me after a few years.  My ball mouse never did -- not after 10 years.  It's still perfect.

Not to mention, I've really gotten the hang of using the ball to my advantage.  I turned off mouse acceleration on XP for my FPS games (namely Counter Strike), and with the ball, I can flick it in a way that the ball continues to spin for a second, just enough to spin a 180 in games like CS.  Awesome.  Sure that's pretty lame I guess, but try that with a laser, bitches!