Sometimes things are exactly as they appear. How likely is it that this guy got physical with border police?
Don't know, never met the guy.
Does he have a history of mental instability or violence? Has he ever been arrested before for any senseless acts?
Again, I wouldn't know.
Because justifying the results here would take such a senseless act.
I caught a fish *this* big. Retelling of stories tend to get blown way up.
this report:
Jones said Watts was crossing into Michigan from Point Edward when he was selected at random for a secondary Customs inspection. Watts exited his vehicle “angrily” and border officers began checking the black sport utility vehicle he was driving, Jones said.
I don't know if you've seen the authors blog (it was linked to in the original article), but I could believe the guy might get angry. The word "fuck" appears 12 times on the main page of the blog,
including the title. Maybe he's not, maybe he was just having a bad day. And I imagine getting picked for a random search doesn't put anyone in a good mood.
But look at it from the patrols perspective. Random search, they do them a lot. Every person is different, and they know nothing about any of them. The kinds of things they are searching for are usually illegal, and the people transporting such goods would be very unhappy about it being found and are likely to do anything. So now we have Mr Grumpy Author behaving in a hostile manner...well, things will escalate quickly.
Border officers ordered Watts back into the vehicle, and when he refused, officers attempted to handcuff him, Jones said. At that point, Watts began to resist and pull away from the officers “and became aggressive toward officers,” Jones said.
Rule #1 with cops: do what they say. If you have a problem with it you can say so and then take it up with the proper channels later, but generally you aren't getting out of doing whatever it is they want right there on the spot. If they tell you to get back in the car, you do it. If you refuse, they are going to put cuffs on you. You might not be under arrest, but they don't want someone that might be upset and refusing to follow directions just hanging around, you know?
This could have stopped if his answer to "Get back in your car" was "Ok." Soon as the cuffs come out its pretty much over for you.
Jones said a border officer used pepper spray to subdue Watts. Jones said Watts “choked” an officer during the struggle.
Yeah, thats usually a trumped up thing. Guy doesnt want cuffs on, gets in a but of a struggle, pushes an officer away or whatever and it goes near the throat...well that turns into "choking". Pepper spray gets pulled on people refusing to comply, which sounds like what this guy did. They stop him for a search, he gets out of the car. They tell him to get back in the car and he refuses (which he totally admits to). Im sure he didn't take kindly to them wanting to cuff him. And it goes on from there.
I'm going way to far with this post. I'm not the worlds biggest cop lover or anything, but sometimes perfectly normal people do stupid shit and then blame it on the cops. You might be right, that this guy did nothing wrong at all and a cop just wanted to punch someone and do a whole lot of paperwork...but that seems unlikely. I guarantee there is more to this than what the author or the cops say.