So I haven't been around lately, because I came home to find my computer in limbo made. I restarted and it wouldn't go to windows without the blue screen of death. So after 4 frustrating hours of backing up and re installation on another HD I finally was able to get things going.
So I repartitioned it and did a fresh slow format. After that was done I started storing stuff on it again but unfortunately there was another crash. I then tried to access the drive properties and there was another crash.
I am going to try another format but can anyone recommend a program that checks every minute section of a drive for errors?
The sad thing is this was my latest HD.
Any recommendations on a fast HD?
Oh and the spell check on this new firefox kicks ass. So far it has only highlighted HD and firefox but still heh.
It may seem that all hope is lost, but a few years ago I had a problem with the HD I have my OS on currently (which I have to use as a primary HD because of lack of choice), and after some formats and scan discs it is working again perfectly.