A lot of you already know, but those that do not, I will be moving to Texas. My father is getting a house who also lives with my younger brother. He's been wanting me to move in with him for sometime now. For me I just felt like keeping the job I had and living on what small money I did make. It wasn't much, but since I live in a small town it was still affordable to live on. However with most of my friends I did know here, they have moved on sometime ago, this includes K-Man. Then with the girlfriend breakup almost a year ago and a job that meant little to nothing to me, one day I thought about the offer my Dad kept giving me and decided it was time to leave this place. I consider myself extremely fortunately to have the parents that I have since its not this easy for most people to just pack up their shit and go do something different. So yea, I've been helping my Dad look at houses. The area he is in has some good neighborhoods, and its close to Dallas and Fortworth so it'll be a nice change to the small town I've been living in for the passed 4 years. Also Belmont's place is about a 4 hour drive south from there, it's a wonder I didn't do this sooner.
Right now I have packed most of everything up. I'll be here for another couple hours doing the last bit of laundry then I'm heading to my Mom's place so I can pick my Dad up from the airport tomorrow morning. Then we'll drive back here and move everything out. Wish me luck for a smooth move.