Parents moving, no parking for the '96 Corolla they have insured but never, ever drive. It actually runs perfectly, but is a bit beat up on the outside. Basically, they want very little for it: just looking to get rid of it. I thought I'd take the opportunity to write a funny craigslist ad (probably tomorrow, maybe the next day) to see what kind of rejects reply to those (my last experiment in this was hilarious).
So, anyway, writing the ad in the next couple of days and I'm going to include a couple stupid pictures with it that I put together (jack-off photo shop job with the car with a eye-patch on, shit like that). You're all a creative bunch: I'm going to post a couple of pictures here and if anyone wants, they can do something stupid/ridiculous to the car and I can say something about that. If no one does, totally cool - more of a fun thing than an actual request of any kind.
Also, if you want a piece of shit Corolla, let me know.