So I'm at work right now and ten minutes ago I literally could not keep awake. I fell asleep twice sitting at my desk since I got here at 7, and I haven't gotten a damn thing done. It was one of those tireds where you just plain haven't slept in days and absolutely can not function.
The hidden beauty of this situation is that the only energy I need to muster to get through the day is an easy reach into my pocket. Running on empty, I dig through my khakis, and like a gift from heaven two Ephedrine pop out of my former altoids box. Now coffee/caffeine usually does nothing for me, but I brewed a cup to wash down the Ephedrines and now, ten minutes later, I'm not only wide a-fucking-wake, but I'm sweating bullets and I'm drumming on my desk like I'm getting paid for it.
This thread is just to profess my love for Ephedrine. It's over the counter, cheap as fuck, and I've slept probably 6 hours total in the last 7 days but I still feel like a million bucks.
The only bad part? I just ate my last two.