Author Topic: NWN 2 Patches Info Thread -- updated w/ Patch 1.02 notes  (Read 3136 times)

Offline MysterD

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NWN 2 Patches Info Thread -- updated w/ Patch 1.02 notes
« on: Monday, October 30, 2006, 06:40:39 PM »
Patch 1.01

I don't know if NWN2 has released version 1.01 yet or not, but the patch notes for it are actually already available. If it ain't out yet, it's coming soon, it sounds like


Neverwinter Nights 2 – Version 1.01 Patch Notes

New Stuff
·   DM Client – A beta version of the Dungeon Master Client is now available.  You can access it from the NWN2 Launcher, or by running nwn2.exe with the –dmc switch.  This allows you to start a multiplayer game in which you can have a great deal of control over creating, managing, and commanding creatures, placeables, and more.  Over the next three monthly patches we will be continuing to add features, fix bugs, and improve the interface.
·   New Druid Spells – Druids have been granted 9 new spells, one for each level.  In addition, the feat Natural Spell has been added.  Druids that take the Natural Spell feat may cast spells while Polymorphed or Wild Shaped.
o   Level 1 - Foundation of Stone:  This spell grants a target immunity to knockdown, but reduces their movement speed.
o   Level 2 - Body of the Sun:  The caster’s body emanates fire, burning nearby creatures.
o   Level 3 – Jagged Tooth:  This spell grants a targeted animal the Keen property on one of its natural weapons.
o   Level 4 – Moonbolt:  This spell creates a bolt of energy that deals strength damage to living creatures and knocks down undead, giving them penalties on attack rolls and saving throws.
o   Level 5 – Rejuvenation Cocoon:  The target of this spell becomes encased in a regenerative cocoon, where they are cured from poison and disease and regenerate health.
o   Level 6 – Tortoise Shell:  The caster gains a natural armor bonus of +6, plus an additional 1 per every three caster levels to a maximum of +9.
o   Level 7 – Swamp Lung:  This spell causes victims to fall prone for 1-6 rounds, during which time they can catch disease.
o   Level 8 – Storm Avatar:  This spell infuses the caster with the energy of a storm, making them immune to missiles, hasting them, and adding damage to their attacks
o   Level 9 – Nature’s Avatar:  This spell grants a targeted animal a series of very powerful buffs.
·   Water Reflection/Refraction – Water is now more visually exciting!  Users have the option to toggle Water Reflection and Refraction on in the Options Menu under the Advanced Graphics tab.  Note:  These settings can cause slowdowns on older hardware.
·   Client Packs – Module makers can now create Client Packs in the toolset, which can be placed in clients My Documents\pwc\ folder to allow users to connect to Multiplayer Games for which they do not have the module.  These .pwc files contain only the data absolutely necessary to run the module on the client side are useful if, for instance, you are running a persistent world and do not wish to allow clients to open your module with all of its areas, creatures, and scripts visible.

Bug Fixes
·   Input in Single Player games should now be much more responsive.  Previously, input commands could lag for up to several frames before taking effect in-game.  This is no longer the case.
·   Broadcast Commands are now more reliable and last longer before companions will revert to their default behavior.
·   The “Loot All” button would sometimes loot all of the items from a container but would not close the window or remove the icons.  This will no longer occur.
·   The player can no longer become stuck in a cinematic style cutscene by switching characters immediately as the cutscene begins.
·   The game will no longer crash if you switch back to your character after ordering one of your companions to barter with another player.
·   The Chat box, both in-game and in the Gamespy Lobby, will no longer overrun when players type long messages.

·   Fixed several instances where the type of damage was not specified in a spell’s description.
·   The descriptions for Bless, Divine Shield and Shield Other have been updated.
·   Isaac’s Greater Missile Storm and Isaac’s Lesser Missile Storm will no longer target allies on difficulty modes lower than D&D Hardcore.  Additionally, they will select their targets more fairly now.
·   Magic Fang now grants the proper bonus to animal companions.

·   Long quest names will no longer be cut off in the Journal.
·   Longer target names now fit underneath the targeting window.
·   The Scimitar +2 will no longer have a Rapier icon.
·   Items could occasionally become lost when moving them in the inventory with the game paused.  This will no longer occur.

·   Users can now add .mod files as well as modules in directories to campaigns.
·   The toolset could previously enter a state where it would crash when saving a module to a directory.  This can no longer happen.
·   The default NWN2 load screen is now available in the toolset.

Original Campaign Fixes - Warning:  Spoilers below.
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« Last Edit: Monday, November 06, 2006, 06:11:03 PM by MysterD »

Offline MysterD

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Re: NWN 2 Patches Info Thread -- updated w/ Patch 1.02 notes
« Reply #1 on: Monday, November 06, 2006, 06:13:01 PM »
Patch 1.02 is out via the updater w/ NWN2

Neverwinter Nights 2 – Version 1.02 Patch Notes

This patch is a hot fix to address issues reported by the community where cutscenes and scripted events did not seem to fire correctly when a companion character was being controlled.