You know, it's really about id having name brand recognition (that is to say: power). I mean Raven has name power (but not as much as id). They just don't have the same name behind them that id does (or used) to. I mean, they could (maybe), but they just don't. Not yet anyway. They could someday, but not right now. Raven makes good games, but not as good as Doom or Quake (even though Raven made Quake IV). But even though Quake IV was good, it was not as good as Doom III (and that's because Raven doesn't have the name recognition that id does, and will always be in there shadow). I would really like if Raven made a good game (a great game would be better), but first they have to get out of id's shadow or they will always be viewed as id's inferior. Especially when id has heavyweights like Doom and Quake and Raven has not as great of games. Well some are heavyweights, but some aren't. Actually none are really heavyweights. But Jedi Outcast was good (Raven made that, right?). They should make another one of those (but even if they did, it could not compete with Doom because it is made by id... or Quake for that matter (except Quake IV which was made by Raven)). But I don't really want Doom or Quake now anyway (maybe soon though, like next week).
Oh yeah, Call of Duty... um id doesn't want to compete with that because they can sway they market with their name power, but maybe not even against COD. Raven might try it though because they don't really have much to lose (since they are always in id's shadow). COD is an awesome game, but I would like another Raven-developed Jedi Outcast game instead (maybe), or Quake (but not developed by Raven (instead I would want id to develop it because they are the better studio (or at least the one with the bigger power of their name))).
Man (I thought) I was bad at (using) parenthesis (too much) (sheesh!).