Author Topic: Drakensang: The River Of Time - Update: It's coming in 2011 to USA, UK (9/24)  (Read 2741 times)

Offline MysterD

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Re: Drakensang: The River Of Time (RPG) announced
« Reply #1 on: Sunday, October 04, 2009, 05:59:15 PM »
Interview from w/ Bernd Beyreuther at GamesCom about Drakensang: The River of Time -- which was done all in German.
Some of it was translated on

Here's a quick and dirty translation of two of Bernd's answers regarding Drakensang: The River of Time: How long will the game be?

    Bernd Beyreuther: Well, in the first game we had 80 hours. We were quite surprised about this because it only became clear when we had merged all components together and focus tests were made. Then we thought. "Oh my god, the game's 80 hours long!". We'll try to have the content - which is ca. 150% of that in the first game - told in roughly 40 hours. We want to make everything more compact, we want to reduce walking distances. There are for example jump points within the levels. If you've unlocked a merchant for example, you can don't have to run all the way back. You can easily jump to his location. Of course you can, you don't have to. How do you want to make this work?

    Bernd Beyreuther: [Detailed explanation cut.]
    Of course course this reduction to 40 hours is no reduction in content. We want to take out the artificially stretched parts and the uninteresting parts. [Bernd used the German words "Längen" and "Durchhänger". Unfortunately my dictionary doesn't know an exact translation.] The story however shall be told in a tighter and more gripping way.
    These 150% content also lead to more replay value. For example different training quests and different branches. Much more than in the first part. We simply want to  create a different flow of events depending on how you play and which decisions you make.

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Re: Drakensang: The River Of Time (RPG)
« Reply #2 on: Wednesday, October 07, 2009, 06:32:25 AM »
Developer's Diary from Bernd Beyreuther (CEO of Radon Labs) here, from the official Drakensang: The River of Time website.

Why is Drakensang: TROT A Prequel?
That brings up the question, what made us place the game before and not after “Drakensang”. The answer to this is a little bit more complex. But first things first: The story of “Drakensang” was never designed to be continued. It was epic. It would have been very difficult to tell an even bigger adventure in a sequel. We experienced with „Drakensang“, that the fascination was especially high with the smaller stories. They seem more vivid and personal. The more we would have gone into another epic, the more we would have neglected the smaller characters.

Improvements planned for Drakensang: TROT
Of course we listen to the community. That’s why there will be many improvements in “The River Of Time” compared to “Drakensang”. The story will be woven tighter, the relationships between the characters will be stronger identified. With the technical aspects the player can expect advancements and innovations as well. For example the long routes - often criticized by the community – will be shorter and the handling of the camera will be easier and more intuitive. In addition characters will be completely dubbed. With that we meet the concerns of the partial dubbing of “Drakensang”. Besides the characters can be configured in more flexible ways. There will be a modular construction kit with the new advantages and disadvantages of the fourth DSA edition rules built into the character regeneration.

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Re: Drakensang: The River Of Time (RPG)
« Reply #3 on: Wednesday, May 12, 2010, 02:09:40 PM »

Offline MysterD

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« Reply #6 on: Friday, September 24, 2010, 03:09:49 PM »