Author Topic: Big Ass DS Homebrew Thread of Manliness  (Read 2887 times)

Offline idolminds

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Big Ass DS Homebrew Thread of Manliness
« on: Tuesday, August 21, 2007, 10:58:17 AM »
Well, I've spent some time with my DS flashcard, so now for the thread where I tell you about a lot of cool stuff. I talk about this stuff in the podcast, so have a listen.

Real Hot Stuff is where I ordered my DS flashcart from, and I bought the R4DS. Unfortunately, it looks sold out now. The M3 Simply is the exact same card, just branded by another company and uses its own firmware so go for that if the R4 doesn't come back in stock. It'll run you $40 for just the cart by itself, but you will need to buy a Micro SD card to use with it. Micro SD cards are really cheap on newegg if you don't mind ordering separately.

I paid the $3 extra to get DHL shipping with full tracking and even though it was supposed to be at least 2 days, I got it next day. The site has a great rating on So you can look at other sites that might offer the card cheaper, some of them can be pretty shady. And many of them ship out of Hong Kong so the shipping charges will rape you.

There are two kinda of flashcards, Slot-1 and Slot-2. Slot-1 are "standalone", the plug into the DS slot and run from there. The Slot-2 fit into the GBA card slot and require what is called a "PassMe" card in the DS slot. The PassMe usually comes with the slot-2 cards.

Why would you want one over the other? Well, the Slot-1s are nice because its just one card, you can put your GBA games in slot 2. The Slot-1s are pretty popular and going forward compatability should be good. On the other hand, the Slot-2 cards allow you to make use of GBA homebrew as well as DS. Don't worry if you buy a slot-1, there is a product called the EZ3-in-1 that plugs into the GBA slot and allows you to have extra RAM (like the Opera browser uses), GBA compatability, and rumble. That'll run you about $20.

One term you'll see is DLDI. This is a driver kind of thing that allows homebrew to work on various cards. Sometimes you'll have to manually patch a homebrew rom to work for your specific card. Its not complicated and some cards can auto-patch things for you. Just something to be aware of.

And now, the cool stuff.

Word puzzle game like Bookworm. The "ad" on the page is in black and white but the game is actually nice and colorful. On the bottom screen are blocks with letters on them, and you drad the stylus over the letters to spell words which then is scored and those letters are removed. All the while new letters drop down from above. If a column gets full to the top of both screens it begins to shake and you have 10 seconds to clear some letters or its game over. Pretty addictive.

Word Wrap
Simmilar to Boggle. You are given a random assortment of letters and must use those letters to spell words. Each "level" is based on how many words you can find, and it gets more difficult the higher you go because the words get longer (and there are fewer words you can form overall).

Its Doom, on your DS. Pretty damn cool, except I didnt hear any music. Sound worked fine. One screen shows the action, the other screen shows the map and HUD.

Quake, on DS. Again, pretty nifty. Controls similar to Metroid Prime Hunters.

ScummVM DS
One of my faves, play classic adventure games on DS. Works wonderfully.

A collection of puzzle games. Not the best looking game around, but if you like puzzles it's probably worth having.

Everlasting Love
You play as a monkey that loves the beat of the music playing (Which is Everlasting Love from the We <heart> Katamari). He bops his head to the beat of the song, and if you tap him on the beat he jumps really high. The goal is to get through the levels with the fewest number of jumps and avoiding hazzards, so you'll sometimes have to tap off-beat to keep him from hitting spikes on the celing.

Cave Story DS
Just a demo right now that lets you run around and see stuff. Soon we'll get to, like, shoot things.

Drawing app. Really cool. Highly reccomended.

Fatbits Pocket Painter (aka, Photoshop DS)
A really awesome looking art app that isnt released yet. Might become an official product, or might be released as homebrew. I want it either way.

Geometry Wars clone. I haven't gotten it working properly.

An organizer app thingy. I havent used it myself, but it has a web browser, media player (supports a ton of formats), calendar, notes, todo lists, etc. The kind of thing that would have been awesome if it was built into the DS.

DiceWars DS
Dice Wars. On DS.

Nethack, on DS. Havent messed with it much.

Decent. Another one I haven't used yet.

Heretic...havent used, blah blah. Theres also one for Hexen.

Arcomage is a port of some MMO card game. You have a castle and a wall, and so does the enemy. You play cards to damage the wall so you can then attack the castle...or play cards that rebuilds your own. Kinda cool.

Comic Book DS
Read comic books (or any image, really) on your DS.

Image Viewer
Another image viewer application.

And theres even more stuff. AmplituDS is kind of like the PS2 game Amplitude, theres several apps to teach kanji and stuff like that, and theres even ports of text adventures like Zork. And just now I found a port of Lemmings!

Offline nickclone

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Re: Big Ass DS Homebrew Thread of Manliness
« Reply #1 on: Tuesday, August 21, 2007, 06:59:55 PM »
It makes me happy seeing you get a real kick out of you flashcard. Not many people on this board like the DS as much as I do, its glad not to feel alone. Its amazing that they can do all that stuff on the flashcard, but all most all of the SNES games won't work on it.

Offline idolminds

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Re: Big Ass DS Homebrew Thread of Manliness
« Reply #2 on: Tuesday, August 21, 2007, 10:27:43 PM »
Update: Lemmings is pretty sweet, and works how you'd think.

I got Nethack to work but...uh, its not really that great to play on here. Maybe if I got Crawl going...hmmm...

You know, there is a lot of really cool non-games for the DS in Japan. Like, tons. EA released a program thats full of drink recipes, like a bartenders guide. Theres a gardening guide that tells you about various plants and how to grow them. An origami folding guide. Cooking guides full of recipes that will even speak the directions to you so you can use it while cooking. Several language guides in several languages. Even stuff like manners training.

Too bad a lot of that will never see the light of day outside of japan, and unless you know japanese importing isn't going to be that useful.

Offline ren

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Re: Big Ass DS Homebrew Thread of Manliness
« Reply #3 on: Wednesday, August 22, 2007, 08:13:33 AM »
Coooool. I had no idea there was such interesting homebrew. Those two word games you posted at the beginning sound like fun times. must look into this later..

Offline gpw11

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Re: Big Ass DS Homebrew Thread of Manliness
« Reply #4 on: Sunday, December 28, 2008, 12:37:32 AM »
So, about a year and a half later, how do you guys feel about the DS homebrew scene?  I bought a DS Lite the other day and am very interested in getting some homebrew on it - mainly for emulators and some organizational software (should that even exist).  From what I've seen so far, the CycloDS would be the way to go feature and support wise, but that, combined with the 3-1 card is looking to set me back about $80.  Is homebrew still going strong?  Do Snes games work a bit better now? 

Offline idolminds

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Re: Big Ass DS Homebrew Thread of Manliness
« Reply #5 on: Sunday, December 28, 2008, 12:59:36 AM »
I recently read that SNES emulation has improved, but I havent personally tested it. Other than that, though, I haven't kept up on the homebrew scene as much since I got my PSP. Though I should go see if anything new and cool came out. And hell, Colors is worth the investment alone.

Offline gpw11

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Re: Big Ass DS Homebrew Thread of Manliness
« Reply #6 on: Monday, December 29, 2008, 04:49:46 AM »
Yeah, I'm pretty much set on it although I'll probably wait a few months just because I can't see myself messing around with it considering the backlog of games I've gotten myself into.  Persona 4, Aquaria, PoP, Trauma Center, Castlevania:OoE, The World Ends With You, and probably some shit I'm forgetting.  I'd also like to play through Okami again before I finally retire the PS2.  That also brings me to another problem altogether:  I have Disgaea for the PS2 but have never really been able to fully get into it on either the console or PC through emulation.  This isn't because I don't like it, but rather because there's just been other stuff going on.  Now that I have a DS, would that be the version to get into?

Offline idolminds

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Re: Big Ass DS Homebrew Thread of Manliness
« Reply #7 on: Saturday, March 12, 2011, 01:30:02 PM »

Just found something that might be of interest to anyone with an older R4 cart. You've probably noticed that its become outdated and if you happen to want to run new games on it, they require a whole bunch of patching and hacks. At least they did when I last used my DS a few months ago.

Anyway, when I went to try that Okamiden demo I stumbled upon a new R4 firmware, called Wood. Easy to install (copy and paste), and suddenly everything is working without patches and crap.

So if you're still into that sort of thing, might be worth checking out.