Eh. I'm not impressed. It isn't that there's not good strips, it's more a case of good ideas with poor execution, bad writing dragging down some otherwise solid strips, and a bunch of strips that don't have any punchlines (or fail in the last panel).
Strip 29 was awesome.
Strip 28 really didn't have a punch line. Just sort of peters out and dies.
Strip 27 was funny.
Strip 26 relied on the fact that apparently these guys really like explosives. Otherwise it's funny, but explosives, even for army guys, don't logically constitute something you'd want. I guess it's an ongoing joke with the strip, so maybe that's justified, but while the concept is funny, the strip by itself seems fishy.
Strip 25 just wasn't funny. It was a lame joke tied in with an "omg, he got shot!" punchline, but the two just didn't mix well and end up feeling entirely contrived.
Strip 24 had the moth. It was... sort of amusing. Overall, I guess I like this one, but I think it had pacing problems and built the wrong expectation. It's funny that nothing happens and he just stands there, but I was *expecting* something to happen, so ended up just being confused on the first reading. That seems to be something that happens with this a lot. I read it once, don't get it at all, then read it again and sort of get it. But you don't want to do that with comedy. You need to strike gold on the first strike, otherwise you end up losing most of the power to make somebody laugh. That said, I fucking love the moth. He's awesome.
Strip 23 was awesome.
Strip 22 wasn't too bad either.
Strip 21 fails utterly in the last panel.
Strip 20 has no funny at all.
Strip 19 is pretty good, but the writing is pretty convoluted.
Strip 18 seems to have a good concept, but is again poorly executed.
Strip 17 is poorly written and confusing. Upon rereading it, it's sort of amusing until the end, but again... no punch line. It's just... over. I mean, you get the impression that he thought what he wrote was funny, but it really wasn't. Might have worked as an aside, but definitely not in an end panel.
Strip 16 is funny, but the writing sucks and there's a couple missed opportunities that feel wrong to have been overlooked.
I don't know. Overall it seems like it has promise, it just isn't nearly at the level of the more popular web comics. The art is great, the guy just needs to learn how to write properly, plan his panels a little better, and omit ideas that lack punchlines.