Author Topic: Minecraft  (Read 42435 times)

Offline K-man

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #200 on: Wednesday, January 26, 2011, 03:46:19 PM »
Such as? Every update it seems like they fix something new.

Well pretty much everything that works in single player that doesn't in SMP.

Also, I'm not 100% sure because I don't have control access to the server I play on, but apparently there is no way to make you 100% invincible any more?  Some of us just want to mine and build things.

Offline Ghandi

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #201 on: Wednesday, January 26, 2011, 08:01:28 PM »

Offline K-man

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #202 on: Thursday, January 27, 2011, 07:38:58 AM »
Idol beat you to the punch 2 posts up.

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #203 on: Thursday, January 27, 2011, 12:22:30 PM »

Offline idolminds

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #204 on: Thursday, January 27, 2011, 12:31:43 PM »
Im the worlds slowest ninja.

Offline idolminds

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #205 on: Friday, February 18, 2011, 08:03:03 AM »
Minecraft is getting beds!

They will serve 2 uses. First, you can take a nap and skip nighttime if you want. The second and even cooler use is the last bed you've slept in becomes your respawn point. YES!

Offline Ace_O_Spades

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #206 on: Thursday, February 24, 2011, 03:17:33 AM »
I'm at 1000, -1000 of the server

Beds as the new respawn is boss as fuck.
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Offline MysterD

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #207 on: Monday, March 14, 2011, 05:44:54 PM »

Offline scottws

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #208 on: Monday, March 14, 2011, 07:56:50 PM »
that's a little overly dramatic considering the content of the link.  Looks like it happens only if you used third party mode or clients.

Offline W7RE

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #209 on: Thursday, March 31, 2011, 09:32:12 AM »
Minecraft Beta 1.4

* Added tameable wolves
* Added cookies
* Sleeping in a bed now resets your spawn position
* New Minecraft logo
* Holding shift while climbing will hang on to the ladder
* Spiders will no longer trample crops
* Lots and lots of infrastructure for Statistics lists and Achievements

While most of the code is written, statistics and achievements won’t show up until the next update. We didn’t quite have time to finish them this week, and didn’t want to delay the update longer.

Also, Mojang beat Valve in The Escapist's March Mayhem, making the final matchup Mojang vs BioWare. I can't believe Mojang beat out Valve. That's just crazy. Creator of Half-Life, Team Fortress, Portal, Left 4 Dead, beat out by an indie dev with 1 game. I think I underestimated the scope of Minecraft's popularity.

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #210 on: Tuesday, April 26, 2011, 11:47:15 AM »
So the modding API has turned out...interesting. The last couple posts on Notch's blog explain it.
One slightly bad news item is that I’m starting to get second thoughts about the modding API. People are already doing great mods, and there’s no way we’d be able to make an API good and dynamic enough to support all of the awesome things people are making. I still very much want modding to be a part of Minecraft, but I’m not convinced spending months writing an API that won’t satisfy people is the correct way to do so. There probably are better ways to do it.

The main problems we need to solve are preventing people from making money off our work (unless they have a license deal with us), and making sure mods don’t break with each game update. People obviously already CAN make mods, so the ability to make them isn’t the biggest priority.
Right now people are decompiling the java and editing the game that way to make mods. So how do you go back into the engine and add in the ability to mod?

You don't.
After some internal discussion and general anxiety, we’ve arrived at a
plan for supporting mods. It’s still a bit vague and the details might
change after we’ve run it by our lawyers, but here’s what we want to

* Let players sign up as “mod developers”. This will cost money (edit: no longer costs money!), and will require you agreeing to a license deal (you only need one per mod team).
* Mod developers can download the source code from our SVN repository. As soon as we commit a change, it will be available to all mod developers, unobfuscated and uncensored.
* Mod developers get a unique certificate for signing their mods. This means players can see who made what mod and choose to trust individual developers. The cost of signing up makes sure only serious developers have access to this certificate.

The rules of the license deal will contain:

* Mods must only be playable by people who have bought Minecraft
* You can’t sell your mods or make money off them unless you’ve got a separate license deal with us
* The mods must not be malicious (obviously)
* We retain the right to use your mod idea and implement it ourselves in Minecraft. This is to prevent the situation where we have to avoid adding a feature just because there’s a mod out there that does something similar. It’s also great for dealing with bug fixes provided by the community.
Basically its not so much mod tools, but semi-open sourcing Minecraft.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #211 on: Tuesday, April 26, 2011, 01:17:18 PM »
Minecraft is nothing short of a trailblazer.  This is all new territory for devs.  I mean the game is developing while being sold.  All sorts of new and interesting situations are going to arise.

Offline idolminds

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #212 on: Friday, June 10, 2011, 09:11:13 AM »
Infodump on Notchs blog. Some highlights:

Minecraft is coming to 360 and Xperia PLAY (and later all Android devices). Notch will be helping on design but will not be coding those, hes dedicated to the PC version.

Modding support will be coming in 1.7. In this case, the "modding API" is actually the source code for the game. You have to agree to some terms before they give you access to the code but apparently anyone can sign up to do it.

And then theres this.
We are working on Minecraft Beta 1.7, which I’m referring to as the “adventure update”. We’re keeping the details secret so people can get surprises. The idea with this update is to flesh out the game a bit, making it reward exploration and combat more. Assuming we like them in play testing, pistons are coming in 1.7.

Offline idolminds

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #213 on: Sunday, June 12, 2011, 09:41:03 PM »
Today I decided to take a look at some Minecraft mods. The whole modding scene is a bit of a mess and there is no easy standardized way to install them. You basically open up the minecraft.jar file and dump files into it. And compatibility between mods can be a big problem. Hopefully Mojang addresses this or when the community is able get their hands on the game source/mod API that they come up with some kind of simple mod standard.

Anyway, a couple of the things I checked out were very cool. The first set here I'm probably going to play with for a while here. Its a series of mods made by a dude named Xie. That link goes to the Hunger mod, but Ill explain the others. The Hunger mod simply makes you hungry. Theres a little indicator that shows you how hungry you are and eventually you'll start starving to death unless you eat. I was looking for something like this to make the game a little more interesting when in Passive mode, but even in other difficulties once you build even the simplest house there is no reason to venture outside. Now you need to actively find food.

He has a couple other mods that kind of go along with that, which are Farming, Cooking, and Food Stacking. The stacking one just lets you stack foods into stacks of 16 which makes carrying them around easier (now that you can starve). Cooking adds more recipes to the game as well as campfires and stoves to cook on. Farming adds a whole bunch of new plants and seeds to the game. Trees can drop fruit, you can grow pumpkins, corn, and a bunch of other stuff. Pretty cool.

Another mod Im running now is Nature Overhaul. In it trees will grow, die, and replant themselves. Forests will grow and spread depending on biome so you have everchanging forests without you having to go out and plant trees yourself. Another nice perk is in this mod using an axe on a tree cuts down the whole tree at once, saving you tons of time harvesting.

This last mod is really cool, but sadly slows the game down too much to keep it. FiniteLiquid makes water behave more like water. Ocean blocks are still infinite, but digging out a "river" will cause the whole thing to fill in to the level of the ocean. Pools of water can be drained, and draining into another pool causes that pool to become deeper. Water on flat ground will spread until very thin and then evaporate. Its really cool to watch and its too bad it makes the game chug a bit because I would love to keep this one on.

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #214 on: Monday, July 25, 2011, 02:43:58 PM »
Some interesting info on the Adventure update on PC Gamer. Permadeath, XP, and what looks like a hunger meter? Wee!

Offline Xessive

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #215 on: Saturday, July 30, 2011, 04:17:52 AM »
So, with the Humble Bundle 3 bonus I finally took a chance on Minecraft. And much like Terraria, I don't get it. I don't understand the object of the game and how to progress, or how to even recognize that I am progressing.

Am I trapped within the confines of objective-driven gameplay? Do I need to be told what to do to get any sense of accomplishment? Nay, I say! I just don't get Minecraft!

Offline W7RE

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #216 on: Saturday, July 30, 2011, 05:02:19 AM »
The key to Minecraft and Terraria is getting past the learning curve. There's almost no in game help (less of it in Minecraft), and until you learn how to make a few things and understand the interface and how things work, it feels really weird and overwhelming. Terraria still feels cumbersome to me even after playing for a while.

Minecraft is legos. Really, I'd say that it's much better to think of it as a building toy than a game, and my drive to play is based 100% on having an idea for something to build. The exploring and fighting of enemies is just stuff to do while I'm gathering resources for my construction.

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #217 on: Saturday, July 30, 2011, 06:10:08 AM »
I confess that I tried out Terraria.  I'm with Xessive.  I felt overwhelmed immediately, with next to no idea how to proceed.  I went away and didn't come back.

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #218 on: Saturday, July 30, 2011, 07:39:40 AM »
Both games desperately need tutorials and a hint system, though Terraria is further along with that than MC.

Minecraft for me is all about exploration and building. Wander around and find a deep dark cave to explore, find materials and other useful bits inside that you can use to build...whatever you want. The name is basically a description of what you do: mine and craft.

But before you get to that point, you basically need to go read at least the crafting page on the wiki. No, I don't how you were supposed to figure out how to make a crafting table without prior knowledge of its existence. Anyway the basic world start is: punch tree for wood, turn wood into planks, make crafting table, make wooden pickaxe so you can gather stone to make a stone pickaxe. There, now you basically know all you need to to get started. You can mine into the world and you know how to craft things.

Theres no real "game" part to the game yet. There are a few monsters to deal with but the combat is really basic. Thats something they are working on for the next update, but that won't be out till September.

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #219 on: Saturday, July 30, 2011, 07:47:28 AM »
I find Terraria's inventory and crafting system to be sort of cumbersome, even after having a while to get used to it. The inventory seems large at first, but there's so many different items that you soon realize it's not enough. The guide NPC tells you what you need to craft things, but it took me 10-15 minutes to figure out how to use it. I didn't realize I needed to drag a material onto the right area to get the info, and I still don't remember if it tells you what crafting stations you need.

Terraria's only real major difference from Minecraft, to me, is the progression of difficulty. It still has no quests or anything, but you have to farm better weapons and armor before you can move on to harder areas. The problem with this is, I hit the end of the progression line in a few days, and got bored. With Minecraft, all I need is an idea for a new project and I'm sucked back in. It's less about character progression and more about tackling your current project. It's more self driven.

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #220 on: Saturday, July 30, 2011, 08:21:18 AM »
I enjoy exploring and building in Minecraft more than Terraria. In Terraria building a house is just something you have to do. Protection from monsters, a place to store your stuff, a place for new residents to move in. I know you can get fancy with it, for whatever reason I don't. But Minecraft I'll go and build some crazy structure just because I can.

That is interesting about hitting the end of progressing in Terraria. Since I don't find the building aspect all that fun, once I max out theres little incentive to play. Other than starting a new character from scratch again.

Offline W7RE

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #221 on: Saturday, July 30, 2011, 09:12:50 AM »
Yea 2 friends and I went from nothing to nearly full molten set in Terraria in about 3 days. As soon as I got to that point I realized there was very little left to do, and it was mostly going to be farming for rare or expensive stuff. There's nothing more to tackle with the new stuff, so the drive is gone.

I haven't played Minecraft in months, but I know all it would take is an idea for a building project and I'd be sucked back in. I'll probably just in and mess around when the adventure update comes out, and maybe get stuck in it for a while again.

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #222 on: Wednesday, August 03, 2011, 03:09:48 PM »
Anyone have a good MP server they play on? Preferably one without a lot of people on it?

I gave copies of Humble Indie Bundle 3 to a few friends and I want to play a bit of MP Minecraft with them while they have access. I'd sort of like to play in a fresh area, but hosting a server looks like it's gonna be a bitch. I tried the server Ace of Spades had said he was playing on, but it doesn't look like it's up anymore.

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #223 on: Monday, August 29, 2011, 05:42:10 PM »
Why no Steam, Notch?
Being on Steam limits a lot of what we’re allowed to do with the game, and how we’re allowed to talk to our users. We (probably?) wouldn’t be able to, say, sell capes or have a map market place on that works with steam customers in a way that keeps Valve happy. It would effectively split the Minecraft community into two parts, where only some of the players can access all of the weird content we want to add to the game.

We are talking to Valve about this, but I definitely understand their reasons for wanting to control their platform. There’s a certain inherent incompatibility between what we want to do and what they want to do.
Normally not news, but its interesting that hes basically saying the same thing EA said about BF3 not being there. Just...less corporately.

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #224 on: Saturday, September 10, 2011, 09:59:28 AM »
So the next big update is the Adventure Update, version 1.8. Well, at least originally. Its not being split into two parts so 1.8 will have some of it, and 1.9 will be the full thing. Weird, I know. To make it even more confusing you can now download the "leaked" 1.8 thats being officially hosted by Mojang. Its like a beta for the beta.

So things in 1.8 right now? New lighting! Torches are slightly yellow and flicker faintly, the moon casts a blue light over everything (which was really cool when I was exploring a cave that had a hole in the ceiling). Its nice and smooth, looks snazzy.

Biomes are larger! Someone posted a seed for a world that spawns you in the ocean biome on a tiny island with a single tree. Build a boat and it will take you half the day to reach the mainland. The oceans and lakes are now deeper as well. I guess there is a new swamp biome with trees growing in water and vines all over.

Villages generate! This is in prep for 1.9 where the villages will have NPCs living in them, but right now you can find these villages just out in the world. Pretty handy since the one I found had a tower with torches already in it, a bunch of houses, and even a "smithy" with some smelters and a small lava pool for garbage. If you find one right away then it sort of saves you the trouble of building your first house.

Ruins! I guess there are strongholds that generate now that are like finding long lost underground buildings. You can also find abandoned mineshafts with old carts and tracks in them. Certain creatures will only spawn in these places.

As for the player, you now have a hunger meter to keep track of. You can sprint (which makes you hungry). You can earn XP even though there's currently no use for it.

Anyway, neat stuff is happening.

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #225 on: Monday, November 14, 2011, 06:52:35 AM »
Gem Collector, a VCS-like videogame made inside Minecraft.  That deserves a thread bump.

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #226 on: Monday, November 14, 2011, 08:15:12 AM »
Wow, crazy.

Also worth the bump, Minecraft 1.0 went gold and should release this Friday.

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #227 on: Thursday, March 01, 2012, 10:33:46 AM »
1.2 is out

I don't know all the changes, but some of the neater ones are the addition of a jungle biome, ocelots, cats (which are tamed ocelots), world height has doubled, and new mob behaviors. For example, creepers are scared of cats. So if you want them to leave you alone its a good idea to get a pet cat to follow you around.

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #228 on: Thursday, March 01, 2012, 04:38:37 PM »
I haven't played this game in so long.  I need to get back into it.  I think what it was is I was building this castle and I thought it was really cool and then I saw what some of the more talented people were doing and was completely humbling.

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Re: Minecraft
« Reply #229 on: Thursday, March 01, 2012, 05:02:29 PM »
Some of those really impressive things are done with special tools and in out-of-game editors, so they lose a lot of appeal. But I know what you mean. I've never built anything of importance in MC because as soon as I find a cave or something I'm down in there pretty much permanently.