I don't know, but Game Endings always are a touchy topic...
These days, it just seems a lot of endings often have hanging storyline threads, cliffhangers and/or set-ups for DLC's, expansions, and/or sequels.
I think that's what drives me nuts more than anything - lack of completeness.
I have no problem w/ hero dying, characters dying, or any other story stuff - as long as it works and makes sense w/ the story/plot.
If you have a game w/ multiple endings, you just have to kind of pray to God you do get one of the better endings out of the club - hehe.
Hopefully, ALL of the multiple endings don't suck, though...

Some of my favorite games, hell - I'm still waiting for some hanging story-line/plot-line threads to be resolved...
Half-Life series; and The Witcher 2 come to mind right now.