I know this could be seen as old fashioned, but I don't think that'll ever be true for me and the way I work. I have very specific places where I perform specific tasks, be that work or play. If I compare where I paint to where I do my research work, the only difference is the tools I keep within reach there. It's like when I sit in a specific place I assume a specific role. I'm also not very fond of mixing the roles very much and mixing usually only serves my to diminish my abilities to perform either task. Because of this, if offices do become a thing of the past then I'm going to be sure and make two computer workspaces at home: one for work and one for play.
At the same time, there is something to be said about the fact that a monitor and keyboard really isn't that much different from a set of paints and an Xacto blade. While I might have more attachment to my computer, it's cool that it is really just another tool these days.