Yeah, just because you paid for it doesn't mean you own
all the rights. For example, when I shoot events no matter who pays for the photos I still own all the rights.
If you get a really cool haircut you like a lot... no matter how unique it is, the barber doesn't own the haircut.
Actually they sort of do. Original haircuts, up-does, etc. are all art. Again, it doesn't matter what the medium is. A lot of haircuts, styles, are actually associated with specific stylists and salons and salons, for example, the Bob, the Rachel (from Friends), etc. I'm talking more upscale salons and not your local barber shop.
When I buy a painting, I have ownership and could do as I please with it. When a tattoo artist draws an original tattoo on you, he has given away that piece of art
Nope, unless explicitly stated, you only have basic rights, like being able to display the piece, take pictures of it, etc. You definitely don't own the right to reproduce and resell it, etc.