And another... E.T. as a farming game? It's free and pretty fun. Typical freemium/wait for stuff to build/wait for resources to collect/spend money for resources if you want kind of thing. But it's cute and colorful, and who doesn't like E.T.?
Also, for the first two... Whale Trail is amazingly fun. It's kind of an endless flyer sort of thing. One button that sends you up and down, but your momentum from when you're up high and allowing yourself to drop is what drives you. You have to collect bubbles to keep yourself going, kind of like fuel, and when you run out, you drop and lose. You can unlock stuff with cash you earn and get free boosts that allow you to extend your run and increase your multiplier, save your ass, etc. It's really addictive and you can play without being tempted to buy anything.
Girls Like Robots is sort of a slightly different spin on Joining Hands, but it's got amazing production. Everything is cute and happy and the story is goofy and it's got some great music. It can get hairy trying to get the best scores once you're in a ways, but you can't help but smile when you play it.