Well lucky me, kman pointed out that Microsoft store sale and I just bought The Witcher 2 retail box for $10 with free shipping. So, hooray for that!
I listed the Microsoft Sale in the Digital Thread.
There's a TON of stuff on sale.
Thing is - a lot of the good stuff on the PC, sold out already -> $10 for Max Payne 3; Ghost Recon: FS; Skyrim; and SWTOR CE (normally $150!).
There's other 360 games on sale there for the 360 gamers, as well....
looks like I barely missed adding Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition to my list. Microsoft store had it for 10 bucks.
I bought the CE when the game came out, but getting the DLC for 10 bucks would be a steal.
Oh, yeah - ALL of the (content) DLC in New Vegas is really good.
And Old World Blues is the best DLC I've ever played - PERIOD.
Here's the CAG Microsoft Store Thread.Oh, if you guys have any local Microsoft Stores, you might wanna call them and find out what they have for stock.
Sounds like they are matching the online prices, as well.
Not sure what the madness might be like in-store, since BF to Cyber Monday might be kinda crazy at stores.