OOOOOOOPS! I didn't mean to remove you guys from my buddy list! I was going through my hotmail address book, and I thought it was just removing a bunch of e-mail addresses I didn't recognise from the quick edit add list on the side. Apparently, removing names from there affected my messenger, which is a pretty shitty feature if you ask me. I wondered where all the contacts went!

It was an honest mistake. All my friends just poofed away!
So yeah, I'm settled in for the most part down in Brooklyn. The sublet that was supposed to last for 1 month has now turned into a multiple month offer. I've been super busy, learning new programming languages at work, exploring the city, and trying to find a more permanent housing solution. I tell'ya, this city almost drove me crazy for a week or two...
I've met some crazy people. I've met some lipstick lesbians (who knew they actually existed?). I've met some people who seriously need to lay off the drugs. I've met bums who think I owe them lots of money. I've met the crazy stench of human poop in the subway. There is something for everyone here!
This city is pretty great. I'm enjoying it here thus far. I just have so many more places to explore. I've seen the museums, the night life, the ghetto, and the celeb spots. I'm ready for a weekend at home with me and WoW.

SO- if anyone is around the NYC area- I know some great spots!