I dug it. There were some problems, but no worse than anything else, really. Basically every character in
Aliens was completely worthless except the ones who survived. The characters were paper-thin cannon fodder. A couple of the characters in the third film were halfway decent, but the movie itself got stupid after the first third or maybe the first half. The 4th was pretty much completely worthless, and if Joss Whedon hadn't redeemed himself by doing lots of great stuff since, I'd still want to crucify him for writing that monstrosity.
So yeah, I had my issues with the film, but it was still fun and the visual style was pretty great. The original
Alien continues to far surpass all the rest of them in my eyes, and I do wish
Prometheus had gone more that route, gone more for minimalism rather than tossing in a bunch of fairly gratuitous stuff, but it certainly was more on that side of things than any of the other movies. I didn't like the stuff Scott mentioned, and I thought the ending was sort of hackneyed, but enjoyed the exploration, the crazy creatures, and even the creature at the end—
the alien, I mean, which I thought was kind of interestingly different and neat-looking
I was satisfied. If they dropped some of the poorly done or more comic-booky shit I'd have been a lot happier, but it didn't make so many missteps that a sequel couldn't take a more realistic/minimalist tone. Which is absolutely what I think it should do. Like I said, my favorite of all 5 films is
Alien by a fucking landslide.