Author Topic: Life has been hard in the last year. This will be a long shocking read.  (Read 4353 times)

Offline Pugnate

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Life has been hard in the last year. This will be a long shocking read.
« on: Saturday, January 18, 2014, 02:22:45 PM »
I have been away from Overwritten for a while and I am going to now explain why. It is lengthy:

The best thing in my life right now by far is my wife. There is a lot of mutual respect and love, and we take a lot of strength from each other. Things during the last six months have been great, though there was a lot of friction and I am sorry to say, major fights during the first year or so at random. Since then, both of us have grown up a little and it has been pretty good.

Things have been bad on other fronts though.

1. Robbed twice: I was robbed at gunpoint a year ago while heading to a factory. The cash taken from me was a sizable amount, and it put a significant dent on my savings. Then, ten months ago, I was robbed again. This time I was carrying four months rent in cash which I was scheduled to pay.

So that was fucked.

It got worse.

2. Accident: I got into a terrible accident. My car was smashed on the side by a speeding Mercedes, which hit my car and flew and hit a tree. No fatalities nor any injuries, but it was a huge financial hit repairing the car. The other driver was intoxicated but in this country you are lucky to get away with your life. I wasn't compensated.

3. Fire: After my car was repaired, it kept giving me issues. Apparently there was some issue with the fuel distributor on top of the engine. So after the workshop told me the car was repaired, I drove for thirty minutes until I stopped at Shell for some petrol. Here, something terrible happened. The fuel began leaking from the distributor and the car caught on fire.

Yes, at the gas station.

Panic ensued. Cars pulled out of the petrol station in a panic and police and emergency response people came to put out the fire and save the station or it could have exploded. Long story short, everything including the engine burned.

I had to sell the car for scarp and get a new one. My savings were now gone and it was affecting my business.

4. Chased by terrorists, threatened with murder, rape, blackmail: So my wife was working at mental health facility near the sea port, which is a bad part of town. We didn't know at the time, but the area is filled with gangs, bad political groups, and the Taliban. Yes, the motherfucking Taliban.

So this mental health facility we later learned was being used to sell drugs or something. Well, we suspect. Anyway she had been at this place for a few months, when her and her female colleague started facing weird office sabotage. Things were destroyed in the office etc. Then, they started getting emails and text messages from numbers that couldn't be traced. I tried. The police tried.

The messages started with sexual harassment and then threatened rape, gang rape, violent murder, death by rape...

Because my wife worked at CNBC, she had been hired to have her media contacts shed light on the mental health facility. We feel the terrorists were either threatened, or were unable to work their drug operation because of new high level employees.

At work she was getting messages commenting on what she wearing how she was walking etc.

So my wife stopped going to work for a while and we started getting messages that they had followed us home and they would kill her and kill me our families.

At first we thought it was all bullshit.

Then they told us they had followed us home.

We still thought it was bullshit.

My wife started getting nightmares. She woke up crying and shaking because the moment she woke up she read an email from them that named our street address and described our house.

We hoped it was bullshit and the Taliban or whoever the fuck it was had read her address and were just trying to scare us.

Then, one day it was confirmed they were tailing us.

You see, we had gotten frightened and hadn't left the house. They told us that they noticed we hadn't left the house in a few days.

Then one morning we went somewhere.

Then we got an email that told us exactly what time we had left and where we had gone.

We got scared and my in-laws who had been insisting we live with them for a while were adamant we stay with them.

We stayed with them for nearly a month I think.

My work really suffered. Already suffering from all those losses, my business went to the brink. I didn't know what to do.

When I was working, I couldn't really concentrate.

I couldn't leave for work because my wife was scared and I was worried about her.

She had resigned from that hellhole, though she didn't want to lose the income. At this stage they were asking us for money.

Eventually the threats died down and we moved back home.

But we were both not the same.

So my wife took us to Nepal for an ultra cheap yet fun vacation. Nepal from here is like Canada from the USA, so the cost of traveling is minimal, but Nepal is a beautiful country with lots of jungles and cheaper than living here, yet you are on vacation.

That mended us a lot.

Now we are back and I am trying to get things back together. My business has suffered and I am just working like a maniac on my writing jobs. Things are a bit touch and go in terms of finances, but at least we are still alive.

I am feeling quite depressed at this moment about everything so I am just going to share it with you guys. I feel like a failure. I am 34 and I have nothing to show for it. This last year took everything away that I had built.

The whole thing has been so shocking, which is why I have avoided talking about it here.

Offline PyroMenace

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Re: Life has been hard in the last year. This will be a long shocking read.
« Reply #1 on: Saturday, January 18, 2014, 03:12:02 PM »
Man... Im sorry to hear that. Try not to be so bummed about it because after reading all that, plus all the ups and progress you had gone through over the passed couple years, it is me that feels like a complete failure. There's no way I could recover from some of the shit you have so its completely understandable that you're not 100%. I can't really offer advice since I'm pretty much a toddler when our life experiences are compared. I will say that it's been a real privilege and pleasure having gotten to know you and I feel a bit humbled that you consider us the place you express yourself and communicate with. I guess the only thing I wish you could do is relocate to a different part of the world, but I have no idea if that is even an option for you. Hope you can pull through, I'm all ears if you wish to talk.

Offline idolminds

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Re: Life has been hard in the last year. This will be a long shocking read.
« Reply #2 on: Saturday, January 18, 2014, 03:27:44 PM »
Yeah, don't feel like a failure. You're way ahead of me in terms of doing things with your life. Plus you have put up with a lot of shit. I mean...yeesh. I'm glad you're safe.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Life has been hard in the last year. This will be a long shocking read.
« Reply #3 on: Saturday, January 18, 2014, 03:48:02 PM »
It seems to me that the deck is stacked too much against you.  Get a new deck, man, however you can manage it.  No one is going to judge you a failure in those unworkable circumstances.

Your courage is inspiring.  But don't push your luck too far.  There must be a better place for you than that.  Has to be.

Offline Ace_O_Spades

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Re: Life has been hard in the last year. This will be a long shocking read.
« Reply #4 on: Saturday, January 18, 2014, 03:53:01 PM »
Holy smokes, what a crazy time. I'm happy you are safe, that is quite a lot of shitty things to have happen. I hope things turn around for you and your family, it sucks you have had to be put through so much.
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Offline beo

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Re: Life has been hard in the last year. This will be a long shocking read.
« Reply #5 on: Saturday, January 18, 2014, 03:59:41 PM »
I'd second what cobra said. If you have the means to, move far, far away. Too many near misses - dont risk yourself.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Life has been hard in the last year. This will be a long shocking read.
« Reply #6 on: Saturday, January 18, 2014, 04:56:39 PM »
I'd second that. I know that's easier said than done, but maybe it's time you guys thought about emigrating permanently.

And never let yourself feel like a failure over setbacks that were never things you could control. I know, at least to a degree (minus a lot of those horrible, scary experiences), where you're at. I'm 31 and just now starting to figure out what I actually want to do with my life. It's tough to feel like you're getting to mid-life and haven't even begun doing what you want. But at the same time, man, that isn't true for you. You've already started down some of those paths, so if you just keep working at it, you'll get where you're going.

You've done well in the face of bad odds and worse circumstances. Don't put off doing what's best for you and your wife. Talk to her about it. Maybe there are some changes you guys can make, even some smaller ones, that would be good for both of you, or help you to ease your minds.

Anyway, really sorry to hear things have been so bad. I knew about some of that, a lot of it I didn't. Hope things look up for you in 2014.

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Offline K-man

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Re: Life has been hard in the last year. This will be a long shocking read.
« Reply #7 on: Saturday, January 18, 2014, 05:54:19 PM »
Wealth/possessions should never be the measure of your self-worth.  Real sorry about the rest.  Maybe GTFO of there?

Offline Cools!

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Re: Life has been hard in the last year. This will be a long shocking read.
« Reply #8 on: Saturday, January 18, 2014, 05:59:07 PM »

It's time to grow up and be a man. Depression? My ass! Get robbed twice? Burned the car? Boohoo, shit happens. Cry me a river.

But your family getting threatened by the fucking Taliban? You kidding me? It's time to take things into your hands and get your family out. Yes, it's going to be hard and expensive. Doesn't matter, you have to be a man and protect your family. You'll have to make huge sacrifices, but family comes first. You'll have to take on shitty jobs, work multiple shifts and never be able to do whatever it is you dream of doing, but at least your family will be safe. If you don't do something, you might as well say goodbye to your wife now.

Apply for immigration to every country. Don't be picky. Go to every embassy. Talk to everyone. Check every possibly route. With this Taliban shit you actually have a great cause for immigration. Go anywhere that is closer to your goal. Live there for as long as it takes for you to get citizenship, then stay or move on. Worst comes, pack your bags, take a plane and request refuge status once you land. Seriously, get out, use these threats, inability to get out of your house, etc. to get out. You are a smart guy, known English better than most of us, have lived in Canada, etc. so you already have an advantage your average immigrant.

No more talk of depression. You have your goal, now go and make it happen. Fuck prays and hope. You can do it.

Offline angrykeebler

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Re: Life has been hard in the last year. This will be a long shocking read.
« Reply #9 on: Wednesday, January 29, 2014, 07:09:17 PM »

You need to get the fuck out of Pakistan. Come to California. We can hang.
Suck it, Pugnate.

Offline scottws

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Re: Life has been hard in the last year. This will be a long shocking read.
« Reply #10 on: Thursday, January 30, 2014, 05:49:49 PM »
Wow, that really makes me realize how much Americans take everything for granted.

Robbery:  Robberies happen and you are out any cash stolen but these days most people don't even carry cash and your credit and debit cards are at least partially insured by the financial institution in case the thief successfully uses it/them.

Accident:  Accidents happen but usually insurance covers it.  Insurance is far from free, but at least it comes to your aid in situations like yours (usually) so you don't have to take a huge hit all at once.

Fire:  Insurance would cover all of that.

Chased by terrorists, threatened with murder, rape, blackmail:  I suppose it could happen, but I haven't heard of it happening to anyone in my extended circles.  If there are any militant Islamic terrorist cells here, they certainly don't control entire parts of any town.

Get the hell out of Pakistan however you can.

Offline W7RE

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Re: Life has been hard in the last year. This will be a long shocking read.
« Reply #11 on: Saturday, February 01, 2014, 06:03:26 PM »
If you were single I'd marry you to get you a greencard. Just don't make me consummate.

Offline sirean_syan

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Re: Life has been hard in the last year. This will be a long shocking read.
« Reply #12 on: Saturday, February 01, 2014, 07:08:16 PM »
Then you could divorce him, get half his money, and solve your problems at the same time!

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Life has been hard in the last year. This will be a long shocking read.
« Reply #13 on: Monday, February 10, 2014, 11:13:40 PM »
Thanks everyone for your responses. I deleted the thread like a pussy, but then restored it. I understand everyone's perspective, and even understand what Yuli was trying to do. I was just going through a low moment to be honest. I am not always feeling like this.

Yuli, your father must have overcome a lot to get where he is and it is admirable. But, I am sure he had his low moments as well, before he picked up the pieces.

Yes, if I could move to another country, I would, but obviously haven't been able to so far. As for W7RE, your suggestion made me laugh.

Sirean, you also made me laugh, but you can't divide zero.

On a bright side, my leather export work has picked up. Hopefully this will be a year of recovery.

I am writing for two leading newspapers here and one magazine. My wife's birthday is today and she says she really wants me to finish my book for her. So that's my plan, and it is looking good.

My fantasy novel could be a piece of crap, but I am determined to finish it. I may post excerpts here to get feedback. Thanks everyone.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Life has been hard in the last year. This will be a long shocking read.
« Reply #14 on: Monday, February 10, 2014, 11:15:18 PM »
Wow, that really makes me realize how much Americans take everything for granted.

Robbery:  Robberies happen and you are out any cash stolen but these days most people don't even carry cash and your credit and debit cards are at least partially insured by the financial institution in case the thief successfully uses it/them.

Accident:  Accidents happen but usually insurance covers it.  Insurance is far from free, but at least it comes to your aid in situations like yours (usually) so you don't have to take a huge hit all at once.

Fire:  Insurance would cover all of that.

Chased by terrorists, threatened with murder, rape, blackmail:  I suppose it could happen, but I haven't heard of it happening to anyone in my extended circles.  If there are any militant Islamic terrorist cells here, they certainly don't control entire parts of any town.

Get the hell out of Pakistan however you can.

Scott, you are so right. Things are bad in America compared to how they used to be, but you guys have many rights. You should be thankful for the things you take for granted, but at the same time, these are basic rights. The right to live peacefully the way you want to be the best you can without hindrance.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Life has been hard in the last year. This will be a long shocking read.
« Reply #15 on: Monday, February 10, 2014, 11:15:55 PM »

You need to get the fuck out of Pakistan. Come to California. We can hang.