Author Topic: Windows XP Professional question  (Read 3430 times)

Offline TheOtherBelmont

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Windows XP Professional question
« on: Tuesday, December 05, 2006, 01:30:49 AM »
I am wanting to upgrade to Windows XP, been needing to for awhile.  I currently use Windows 2000 and was considering getting the Windows XP Professional Upgrade program(not the retail version requiring a clean HD but an upgrade version for a HD with Windows on it already), which if I am correct, requires you to have Windows 2000 or a lower version of Windows installed(please someone correct me if I am wrong though). I have found a place selling it for pretty cheap HERE and it would be easier and cheaper than buying the straight up full retail version of Windows XP Pro.  I don't want to buy OEM either because it seems it only allows for one install on one machine which is no good.  I was considering the XP Home upgrade program but it doesn't support a Windows 2000 machine but the lower version of Windows, so Home is a no go, unless I get the regular non-upgrade retail version which tends to be the same price if not more expensive than the XP Pro Upgrade program I am considering and Pro is better anyways.

Basically I made this thread to get some of your opinions on what to do for as cheap as possible, maybe one of you know a good site or somewhere to buy it.  I am open to all suggestions, corrections, and opinions.  I just want to know what would be the best course of action for the lowest price.

Offline WindAndConfusion

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Re: Windows XP Professional question
« Reply #1 on: Tuesday, December 05, 2006, 03:59:40 AM »
If you insist on being legit about this, it might be cheaper to buy the OEM academic copy and an extra license.

Also, you know Vista is supposed to be just around the corner, right?

Offline scottws

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Re: Windows XP Professional question
« Reply #2 on: Tuesday, December 05, 2006, 05:35:15 AM »
Just FYI, the upgrade versions are the same as the full version in every way except that you must have a previous, legitimate copy of Windows on disc with the upgrade version.  For instance, you can do a clean install with the upgrade version, but you need a copy of Windows 98 or something in disc form that it can verify during the installation.  Likewise, you can do an upgrade with the full version.

Put another way, buy the upgrade if you still have your Windows 2000 disc and you want the money savings or buy the full version if you don't have the 2000 disc or don't want the hassle of always having to keep the 2000 disc around just in case.  The full retail license for XP allows much more than the OEM license.  For instance, the OEM version can only be put on one machine ever.  Stay away from that unless you'll not be getting a new computer or significantly upgrading your current computer anytime soon.

But yeah, aren't you in school?  I can get a copy of XP from school for like $10.  It's OEM, but... it's $10.

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Re: Windows XP Professional question
« Reply #3 on: Tuesday, December 05, 2006, 09:16:31 AM »
I can get a copy of XP from school for like $10.  It's OEM, but... it's $10.



Offline TheOtherBelmont

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Re: Windows XP Professional question
« Reply #4 on: Tuesday, December 05, 2006, 01:57:47 PM »
If you insist on being legit about this, it might be cheaper to buy the OEM academic copy and an extra license.

Also, you know Vista is supposed to be just around the corner, right?

Vista is going to cost too much and I don't want to buy OEM in case I ever have to build another machine.  Also I'm not a huge PC gamer so Vista is really of no interest to me at the moment.  Also I looked into buying the OEM version with an extra license but I couldn't find something that was comparable in price to the XP Pro Upgrade link I posted.  I could have just not looked around enough though.  I will buy OEM if I can find an additional license for a good price though.

I have a Windows 98 and Windows 2000 install disc so I will probably do what Scott said and just buy the upgrade unless someone else mentions something.  Also Scott, I'm not in school anymore so I can't get the discount and even if you were able to get it for me I am planning on a pretty significant upgrade sometime next year (I want to get a 64 bit processor and mobo that supports it of course later down the line so OEM would just be a hassle later even though it is just $10).