So, I've been playing a decent amount of my older games lately. I dunno why, I guess because there isn't a ton out that interests me that much at the moment. Last week I played HL2, then I played Metal Gear Solid 4 again. And then I got the urge to play "Wind Waker", so I whipped out the ol Gamecube, and Wavebird am currently going to town. And It made me think. This game is incredibly awesome, both gameplay wise, story wise, and artistically it's awesome.
I remember when the game was announced and was released. People bitched about it being to cartoonish, and childish. And it makes me sad because most games coming out currently are just artistically neutered. Everything has to be realistic, and rough looking. And it's lame. Look at all those modern warfare, call of duty, and medal of honor games, they all look ridiculously similar. Only once in a while will we get something that's really cool looking, and imaginative. I think the next game like that might be "The Last Guardian". I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but the current state of games is kind of "blah".
Anyway, after WW, I think I might play FFIX. Which, I think is probably my favorite in the whole series....