Author Topic: Nvidia releases new drivers w/ Downsampling option: Dynamic Super Resolution  (Read 1838 times)

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Nvidia releases new drivers w/ Downsampling option: Dynamic Super Resolution
« on: Thursday, October 23, 2014, 04:34:39 AM »
New NVidia drivers released (344.48 WHQL) for NVidia users, which also contains a new official Downsampling option for 400-900 series cards called Dynamic Super Resolution (DSR).
Originally, only their 900 series cards officially supported DSR out the gate.

Also, if you want to do Downsampling w/out NVidia or AMD's version of it:
For those who ain't got Durante's GeDoSaTo (Generic DownSampling Tool) - you can get that here.

For those who don't know what Downsampling is:
You set to render a game's resolution at a rate higher than what you are actually running at - i.e. you set it to run either likely higher than your monitor supports; or the game actually supports; or actually both.
Then, it scales everything back to your desired resolution that your monitor actually supports.
The end result is that you get an image of a better quality than you normally would if you ran it straight-up at regular normal resolution - b/c you start at rendering at a higher-res; and then force it back to go lower.

You have a 1080p monitor. You set a game to render at 4K and then it scales things right back to your monitor's 1080p resolution.
B/c you forced it to render at 4K originally, you'll get a better image quality when you scale back to 1080p (than if you started straight-up with 1080p).

NVidia's solution DSR is is aiming to do things at an even better image-quality rate + can also run across multiple-monitors; plus it's easy to use + set through your NVidia software w/ a few clicks.
Using Durante's GeDaSaTo is a bit more complicated for users than what NVidia's doing here - since it is geared for technical users b/c they have to write + use actual code; and things of that sort.

Now, I don't have AMD vid-card.
So, if AMD has a solution Downsampling option in their drivers officially - please, share the info!