Canada Computers ( has a few brick and mortar locations in Toronto and its surrounding areas so that could be an option for you.
For phones, you're looking to pay somewhere between $40 - $60 a month. Koodo has a deal right now for 2gb of data and 500 minutes for $50 or 2gb and unlimited minutes for $55. That sounds about right. It's also no contract so you can always bail on it when you get your bearings and find something better. Also, basically every plan will be unlimited long distance and unlimited texting these days. Last time you were in Canada I don't think that was the case.
Scarborough is a about 1/3rd the size of Toronto so it's a fairly big area. In it there are some good neighbourhoods and some less good but as a whole it's considered one of the less desirable parts of the city. This is Toronto though, our ghettos and sketchy neighbourhoods would be a walk in the park compared to the sketchy neighbourhoods in US or some European cities.
The biggest difference between the suburbs and the downtown core is walkability, density and transit. Etobicoke and Scarborough were primarily built after the car so the neigbourhoods are less dense and walkable and to get the most out of them you need a car. The bus system here is pretty good insofar as it gets you everywhere but from parts of Scarborough to downtown can easily take you an hour.
The big question is where you're going to work. If you're going to work in Etobicoke, Scarborough would be a bad choice. If you're going to work from home, you can venture further out of the city and easily find a place in the $1,200 range.
I know this isn't really giving you an answer but I can give you better details once you look at some places and start to get a bit more specific.
gpw meant in line with what he said, I use Tangerine as my secondary banks and TD as my primary. The major banks here are TD, Scotiabank, BMO, CIBC and RBC. They're all very similar and have abundant physical locations.
Credit Unions are essentially like banks but instead of redistributing profits to shareholders their mandates are to redistribute it to their members. So as a member of a credit union, you can typically get lower fees and a more personal experience. The downside is that they tend not to have the same kind of national reach the big banks do.
As long as you pay off your credit card every billing cycle (monthly), you're fine. Paying it daily or monthly won't impact your balance. if you're weary of credit cards, you can get a Visa debit card here as well.
Futureshop and Best Buy finally completely merged into one and now all Futureshops are Best Buys. Radioshack turned into Circuit City, I'm not sure if it's still around though. EB Games is still kicking.
Most stores will deliver but if you go used on kijiji you're probably on your own. Your best bet is to rent a van for a day. You could also request a van taxi or Uber. Car shares have vans as well. I don't have a van but I do have a Honda Civic and access to a larger Ford Escape so I can help you out for the occasional thing.
For consistent weekend jobs, retail is your best bet.
Wal-Mart is a generally safe bet. You can go cheaper shopping around discount stores located in the cheaper malls or Chinatown areas. Are you just looking for winter jackets, hats and gloves?
For ISP, avoid Rogers or Bell. They're the biggest but they're also the most expensive. Both of those companies are forced to sell their lines to smaller ISPs who provide the exact same speeds with the same reliability for a much lower price. The biggest small ISP is TekSavvy. I've also used in the past and they were good too.
For TV, I don't think you have many options outside of Rogers or Bell. Depending on where you are, you could get 20+ OTA channels with bunny ears though so you may not need to pay anything.
And now it's time for you to share some details. Are you moving here permanently? When are you arriving?
And OW meetup for sure.