Neuropathy--yes. That's one of her diagnoses. It's accurate, though, because a Cymbalta equivalent is working wonders. The femur she broke healed well, according to her bone doctor. But then there were knee issues, a cellulitis infection, and this mysterious intense pain on her legs, finally diagnosed correctly. Add to that stubbornness and fear about walking, excess weight, and yeah, every day is a copy of the previous one. (The pain kept her awake nights too. She was so miserable for a couple of weeks, and we ended up in the ER one day she could no longer tolerate it.)
I've tried every way to impress upon her how walking, which we take for granted, is actually intense strength-building exercise, that nothing can take its place while sitting down or lying down. As bipedal creatures, we must bear all of our weight on each leg as we walk--more, if you consider the push back against gravity with every step. One therapist told her that for every day she slacks off, she loses three. I'd be able to take the overall ordeal more cheerfully if I felt she was doing her part to overcome it. I don't know. Maybe it's unrealistic. But I refuse to give up on her this soon.
Thanks for the moral support, guys.