Author Topic: Girls are nothing but trouble...  (Read 5137 times)

Offline HxCeddie

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Girls are nothing but trouble...
« on: Tuesday, December 19, 2006, 08:43:14 AM »
You know, I really don't understand girls sometimes. Honestly. I'm in a situation right now that could have easily been avoided, but now, it's turning into a war almost and it really sucks. Let me explain...

There is this girl I work with who I always liked, but she had a boyfriend. I knew her for about 5 months and we became good friends, but I was always hoping it would become more. Now, in September, we went to one of our company parties and she was all distressed because her bf dumped her. At the party, we hooked up, and from there, we were having a little fling. But then it became a situation where I liked her, but I knew that if anything went wrong, it would be really hard to go to work and see her everyday, so I told her that I don't normally sleep with girls that I work with and I told her that I just wanted to be friends. She was apparently cool with that and I thought everything would work out.

Now, here's where it gets dicey. One night we were just hanging out at her place and she ended up kissing me, then one thing lead to another. So...I just we began to sleep with each other again, but the idea of us going out never really came up, and I was just confused. So this went on for about a month or so.

Now here's where it gets stupid...

We were at a company dinner and she was all over me because she was drunk. She was nibbling on my ear, kissing me, etc. We went back to her place that night and had fun, but I noticed some things from the party. First, she was all over this guy right next to me. Now I understand that we weren't going out, but I think it's one of those unsaid, understood things that if you're hooking up with someone on a regular basis, you don't hit on other people in front of them. It just seems wrong, and I was kind of pissed because of that. Then, I found out later that she was making out with some other guy I work with outside and then came back and was all over me like nothing ever happend.

That pissed me off a little bit, but then what set me off was that I found out not from her, but from other people, that she got back together with her boyfriend 3 WEEKS prior to the dinner. So basically, she had a boyfriend and I guess that she didn't feel like telling me something that is pretty important information to know. This just set me off. I was really pissed off at her, but because we were both so busy with school, I didn't see her for two weeks.

This is where it becomes a war...

We all went this past wednesday to our company holiday party. Every time I saw her, I felt like punching her. I was so angry that she played me. So she kept on trying to talk to me but I kept ignoring her. (I guess girls hate that, right?) There was a point where she asked me why I wouldn't talk to her, and I was really incredibly drunk, so I told her she was a bitch and I never wanted to see her again.

After the party, we all went to a bar in NYC and I guess from here, I blacked out but this is what other people told me. I guess I called up an ex-hookup who lives in NYC now and she met me at the bar. I guess I was trying to rub it in Katie's (the bitch's) face that she screwed things up. I guess Katie started crying...again...and I just went to a corner with Tiffany (the ex-hookup) away from everyone I work with. Then I guess Katie came up to me and asked me if I wanted to go get cake because she turned 22 at midnight of the night of the party. I guess I told her to fuck off and I have better things to do. Don't remember this, but I guess she cried again.

Then I completely blacked out and woke up 5 minutes before I had to catch a shuttle to the airport, naked, in my ex-hookups bed. So from here, I guess I'm still piecing everything together of what happend that night.

So yeah, girls are trouble. I really don't want to see Katie anymore, ever, but I have to because I work with her. It's one of those situations where I know we weren't going out, but the girl completely broke my heart. I considered a her really good friend aside from everything else, but I guess I wasn't a good enough friend for her to tell me something like she was cheating on her boyfriend with me. Also, the whole situation angers me because the reason they broke up in the first place is because this kid was a complete asshole to her and treated her like shit.

But I guess this just proves the point that assholes get the chicks and nice guys get left in the dust. And this situation really sucks and I"m hoping that I'm making the right decision by just ignoring her as much as I can.

(P.S. - this is def. the longest post I've ever made. Insanity!!)

Offline angrykeebler

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Re: Girls are nothing but trouble...
« Reply #1 on: Tuesday, December 19, 2006, 12:12:42 PM »
Alcohol- The cause and solution to all of lifes problems.

Sorry I have nothing serious to add =\
Suck it, Pugnate.

Offline beo

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Re: Girls are nothing but trouble...
« Reply #2 on: Tuesday, December 19, 2006, 12:58:52 PM »
she's a bitch and although you probably still like her in some twisted way and feel kinda bad for it, you getting the other girl in front of her is awesome - it means that you won. i'm really fucking bitter at woman-kind at the moment, so i can only give you kudos.

now i'll relate my bitterness, because it's good to get it out...

earlier this year, a girl who i was seeing cheated on me, and then tried to play it off because although we were fucking, we weren't technically "going out" at that precise point in time.

i tried to be cool about it and we continued to screw around for a bit. well i wasn't really all that cool about it, and she started acting like a real bitch towards me. she'd be all over me one week and wouldn't return my calls the next. i got pissed at her for all her shit and called her out on it. i called her a fat prostitute in the process, she said a bunch of shit back, and then about 3 days later she decides that she wants me again. i told her to kindly fuck off.

about a month or so ago she wanted to meet up again, so i thought "fuck it, we share some friends and it'll be easier to just sort it out". we met up and got drunk, i manage to forget about all the shit from before and we ended up in bed again. she drunk dialed me a few days later and asked me along to drinks on her birthday. i went along, she ignored me all night and stormed off when i tried to talk to her. fucking bitch. she tried to get me to meet her on saturday night, so i sent her a stream of abusive text messages. i didn't realise just how much i could hate someone until this past relationship.

i wish i was gay - (most) women are crap.

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Re: Girls are nothing but trouble...
« Reply #3 on: Tuesday, December 19, 2006, 01:45:46 PM »
There is this girl I work with who I always liked...

I'll stop you right there, you do not dip your pin in company ink. It's just not worth it. I know you mentioned you don't normaly sleep with people you work with, but you need to change that to hard and fast rule.
I hooked up with someone I worked with (on my team even) in my first job, while it had its moments it did become difficult and I'll never do it again. I'd ask someone out that works in the company but they can't be in the same department.

Woman are a lot of work and this chick sounds like a drunk slut who perhaps regreats what she's done but, fuck it man you need to let this one go and move on and don't drink around her again becuase it'll bring all this back up.

Offline sirean_syan

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Re: Girls are nothing but trouble...
« Reply #4 on: Tuesday, December 19, 2006, 01:58:11 PM »
Women lack the sanity gene, but that's not the problem here. I'd say things are more of a result of people falling into bed too easily.

Offline ren

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Re: Girls are nothing but trouble...
« Reply #5 on: Tuesday, December 19, 2006, 02:02:12 PM »
Women lack the sanity gene, but that's not the problem here. I'd say things are more of a result of people falling into bed too easily.

I'm with you on this one. She puts out way too easy. You knew she was trouble but you still got drunk and had sex with her. I don't see how it could have possibly had a good ending. Girls aren't crap, you're just picking crap girls.

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Re: Girls are nothing but trouble...
« Reply #6 on: Tuesday, December 19, 2006, 02:58:18 PM »
I found out later that she was making out with some other guy I work with outside and then came back and was all over me like nothing ever happend.

Oh dude, you got some other dude's saliva! That woulda pissed me off too :P

Seriously though, I know how you feel man. Even though it's technically some form of a "fling" there is a code one must follow. No matter what the truth is, you generally have to make the other person feel like they're the only one. It's a courtesy. She didn't do that for you, so that sucks. Especially considering all the other events following, she's been real shitty not just to you but to everyone involved.

It's good that you stood your ground. Make what you want clear to her, the rest will be up to her. If she's willing to go by your terms then congrats; if not then it's her loss.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Girls are nothing but trouble...
« Reply #7 on: Tuesday, December 19, 2006, 03:07:56 PM »
I guess someone isn't getting a dick in the box this x mas.

But everyone has already said, and said it better. Why are women so crazy? Why? Seriously... W T F???? Why do they randomly do something so freakin' crazy out of the blue? Good look though. You did the right thing in moving on.

Women lack the sanity gene, but that's not the problem here. I'd say things are more of a result of people falling into bed too easily.

I get what you mean. If you are into sleeping around etc., then these are some of the consequences that you have to put up with from time to time. Plus the sort of girl who sleeps around isn't going to be the most stable relationship wise.

Offline poomcgoo

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Re: Girls are nothing but trouble...
« Reply #8 on: Tuesday, December 19, 2006, 03:42:17 PM »
That sucks man, I've been there.  It's one of those situations that you probably knew was going to happen, but still let it blindside you.  Heh, in fact, I'm there right now.  This time, I knew it going in, though.  I met this girl who is really cool and was surprisingly easy.  Great.  That's all the situation means to me.  It's a cool little fling that won't last, but it'll be fun while it does last.  It hasn't ended yet, so for all I know this chick could be sleeping around right this very second and I wouldn't know.  It will happen, though, because she's that type.  She was hooking up with some other guy when she met me, so whats to stop her from doing the same to me? The difference this time, is when it does happen, I'll walk away from it with no resentment.  I guess it kinda sucks to look at things like that, but if that's what it truly is, then why lie to myself?  I'll have a good time while the times are good, and if something comes from it then it's just icing on the cake.  If not, then I won't be disappointed because I wasn't expecting it.  It's the only way to go into these things, although I think it takes one bad situation to realize it.

Offline HxCeddie

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Re: Girls are nothing but trouble...
« Reply #9 on: Tuesday, December 19, 2006, 09:56:36 PM »
I totally understand that this is the consequences of sleeping around. Things like this have happend to me before and I really didn't let it bother me for too long. However, what sucks is that I was really digging this girl too. Even though it was fling, there was a potential for something more, and I think that's why this one really stings.

And now I definitely know never to fuck around with any people I work with.

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Re: Girls are nothing but trouble...
« Reply #10 on: Wednesday, December 20, 2006, 01:05:23 AM »
I'm with Sy and Ren on this one, I'm afraid.  My advice?  Find a nice girl that isn't a freak or a slut, spend time getting close to the nice girl, don't fuck the nice girl the first opportunity you get, then see where it goes.

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Offline Raisa

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Re: Girls are nothing but trouble...
« Reply #11 on: Thursday, December 21, 2006, 08:01:24 AM »
oh geez....  how old is katie?

i think i'm going to step out of here till you guys calm down!


Offline HxCeddie

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Re: Girls are nothing but trouble...
« Reply #12 on: Saturday, December 23, 2006, 06:24:41 AM »
oh geez....  how old is katie?

i think i'm going to step out of here till you guys calm down!


21, so my age. Aren't we supposed to be all like mature or something at this point in our lives?

Offline Raisa

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Re: Girls are nothing but trouble...
« Reply #13 on: Saturday, December 23, 2006, 07:24:43 AM »
keyphrase: supposed to be.


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Re: Girls are nothing but trouble...
« Reply #14 on: Monday, December 25, 2006, 04:36:20 PM »
Age has nothing to do with maturity.