Quite some time ago, back when I was playing F.E.A.R., I was having trouble with my Radeon 9800 XT overheating and getting red dots everywhere in the game. My warranty on my card was still good, so I decided to see if I could RMA it. ATi accepted the request, but they were going to repair it. I would be without a videocard, and therefore a computer, for at the minimum two weeks. So I never sent it in. Instead, I got ATi Tool and underclocked my card some, which solved the overheating problem.
Fast forward to Tuesday. I come home after spending a week over Jennie's. My computer is making all kinds of racket. I identify that it is coming from the videocard fan. The bearings must be wearing out. So I submit another RMA request to ATi, and get a response just minutes later. My warranty is expired, and they will not repair my card.
Then I remember I still have the other RMA. I check the e-mail and the RMA approval came on 11/2/05. ATi has an RMA status checker, so I check it. It says it hasn't been fulfilled, basically, but doesn't say cancelled or anything.
So, I was thinking I could just send it in and use that old RMA number. But I'm afraid that they'll receive it, find out the card isn't under warranty anymore, and send it back and all I'll have accomplished is being without a computer for a week or so.
Then I was thinking I could call ATi and explain the situation and ask them if I could send it in using the old RMA number without a problem. Then I'm thinking that might be a bad idea and they could lock down the old RMA and then I would have burned a chance to send in the card without notifying them of anything.
What do you guys think I should do?