I saw the first season of American Dad, and I liked it well enough till the final two parter
Stan of Arabia. Seriously, WTF? It really really upset me because it was just stupid and mostly false. It lacked any class whatsoever and was basically full of as many raw jokes possible. When I first realized the episodes were going to be set in Saudi Arabia, I was pretty excited. I thought it would be awesome for them to mock Saudi Arabia etc., but the bullshit spewed out was so untrue. There could have been plenty of ways to approach the subject, but they pretty much fucked it up.
Worse part is that people who watched believe it to be true. Most Americans are uninformed and impressionable when it comes to other cultures, probably because they have so little contact with the outside world. Everyone who watched this episode seems to now have that impression of the country.
I decided to go with the director's commentary and I found some things interesting. The first was that the writer was an American woman of Persian parents (Nahnatchka Khan), so it made sense that she had an axe to grind like many hardcore Persian American women. The other thing is that they admitted they did little research and none of them has ever been near the country.
Saudi Arabia isn't a great place, and there are so many ways to mock it that I find it hard to believe they fucked up so badly. They could have mocked the politics, the discrepancies, the class ism. Instead they chose to focus on women's rights, which was an obviously great direction, but they were too eager to get it right. Actually I don't think they cared to get it right.
On the subject of guns, weapons are banned in Saudi Arabia. I've never ever seen a gun in Saudi Arabia, unless a cop had it. Also I didn't know people could be killed for singing on the streets. I wonder why the police don't open fire during any open celebration. Pirated DVDs aren't sold left and right. Actually Saudi Arabia was one of the first countries in the middle east to adopt strict copy right policies ten years ago.
Women can't go out without a male escort? That's bullshit. I guess my mother should stop going out shopping with her friends or going for groceries.
They showed a woman rotting in jail because she stole a candy bar, and had her hand missing. That is again bullshit.
Also the Saudis were ready to kill when they were told god was a woman, as they insisted god was a man. Muslims don't believe god to have a sex.
Plus the cities were made to look like some rotting desolate third world rat hole, when in actuality they are some of the wealthiest places in the world.
Some pictures of Saudi cities:
I have to be honest, the cities in Saudi Arabia look far more modern than most places in the world. The roads are easily better than any where else either.
There was nothing good about the episode. The writers were extremely ignorant, and fit very typically into the stereotype everyone else has of Americans. They don't care as long as it is funny.
It would be the same as making a cartoon about an Arab family going to America and finding the roads full of redneck incestuous families that are drunk, violent, illiterate, ignorant and extremely stupid.