I've liked what I've heard from the album on the NIN MySpace page.
I'll be getting this one tomorrow, definitely.
Seems EW likes this albumEDIT on 4/17/2007
Yes, I have purchased the album!
Gotten through the first 7 tracks, so far.
So far, so good.
The CD came as a black CD saying "Year Zero" on it.
But, after taking the CD out of my DVD drive, it reveals the real CD cover -- it's white now and says "NIN" and "Year Zero" on it. And, now there's a bunch of binary numbers on it all over the disc, too. I put the disc away, back in its case.
EDIT, some few hours later on 4/17/2007
I just finished listening to the album. So, I opened my case to put the booklet away; and I noticed the CD itself is jet black again.

Does this CD change colors or something???
Anyways, the CD's pretty good. It is out there, to say the least.
In most of the tracks, it seems like Trent is playing multiple roles here, in the first person perspective. Here's some examples...
One song, the lyrics sound like he's an angry, pissed-off voter who feels he/she for the wrong leader -- that song's "Capital G."
On "God Given," he sounds like a religious fanatic.
"Meet Your Master" sounds like he could be a terrorist.
On "The Good Soldier," the lyrics sounds like a soldier that starting to question everything, after everything he has seen and done. The soldier is starting to lose it, basically.
"The Greater Good" sounds like some sort of subliminal message bring fed into someone's head.