Author Topic: Can anyone give me suggestions on motherboards?  (Read 2314 times)


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Can anyone give me suggestions on motherboards?
« on: Sunday, February 25, 2007, 06:26:47 PM »
My brother's motherboard is dead and needs to be replaced. I've not paid attention to PC hardware in a while, so I don't even know what brands to look for anymore. It's probably gonna be too hard to find an Athlon XP board now, so he needs a new CPU as well. He needs a something that has:

a reasonable price
ATX form factor
serial ATA
182 pin DDR w/ dual channel ram support if possible
an AGP slot

His old one is a Gigabyte N700S-L or something like that. I did a google search and couldn't find anything.

This is the second Gigabyte board that's gone bad on him in the last 2 years or so. It just won't power up. My dad said he messed with somethign on the board (dunno what) to allow the power supply to boot up even if the mobo doesn't send it the signal to, and that powered up fine. So he's pretty sure it's the motherboard. Same thign happened witht he last one, and he moved the same RAM, CPU, hard drives, PSU, everything to the new board, and it worked fine for about a year.