Author Topic: One of my best friends from around grade 8 is fucking crazy  (Read 3962 times)

Offline gpw11

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One of my best friends from around grade 8 is fucking crazy
« on: Monday, February 26, 2007, 03:13:08 PM »
I kind of figured something was wrong when he came back to our school in grade 11 from being in alternative schools and staying with his dad in Africa.  I think the main tip off was he didn't wear the city. I don't care what's going on in your wear shoes in a city.  We never really hung out when he got back, but I did offer him shoes.  He didn't want any. 

Next I heard he was in a May Day parade. Apparently he was quite enamored with the whole communist theory.  The only time we talked about it was when he said it was perfect on paper.  I've made my opinion of people who think this way known before here.  Not surprisingly (and like most people in the circle he traveled in at this time) I can't think of a single time he's actually had a job.  Ironic how these apparently radical thinkers supporting the rights of the workers don't work like the rest of us.  You'd think they'd at least try it out a bit first. 

A friend of mine ran into him a few days ago at another friends house. The conversation where we talked about it went something like this:

Friend : "I ran into Luke the other day."

Me: "No shit.  Where?"

F: "I stopped by Tim's place.  He was there.  It was weird."

M: "Oh yeah, how's he doing?"

F: "Well, he has a huge ass Jesus beard and Jesus Hair, lives in a garage of a house I assume is abandoned and  dumpster dives and sells weed for money to get by."

M: "Damn.  I could get him a job for sure.  We should do something..."

F: "No, he's a hardcore anarchist.  He says he likes living in the garage because there are like 25 people living in the main house.  Obviously all anarchists.  He dumpster dives and sells weed because he doesn't want to have anything to do with the market system we've established."

M: "We should seriously burn that house down."

Look, being an idealistic communist is one thing.  It's pointless and not very unrealistic, but hey we all like to dream when we're sitting around all day not working.  Anarchists, on the other hand, are probably quasi-retarded.  I've never met an anarchist who didn't come off sounding like someone talking about their favorite fantasy novel.  Market anarchism, free-market anarchism, anarcho-capitalists, Anarcho-syndicalism, and so on and so forth - all of them are fucking so unrealistic why would you even bother?  Sure pure egalitarianism would be great, but often time it's not even what they're talking about. Fuck, I don't even think they know what they're talking about 90% of the time.  And by 'they' I mean the people who seem to subscribe to the possibly thousands of different utopian anarchist theories.

Look, grow the fuck up. I could imagine a fantasy world were everything would be great too, we'd have unlimited resources, infallible moral reasoning skills, and flying cars that could get you around the world in like 3 hours.  I could do that, but what the fuck would that accomplish?  If you want to be different, find a more useful way to do it.


Offline Ghandi

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Re: One of my best friends from around grade 8 is fucking crazy
« Reply #1 on: Monday, February 26, 2007, 03:24:35 PM »
These sorts of people piss me off. I've met people like them (not just anarchists) and I find that usually they have these great radical ideas but don't do shit about them but piss and moan. Don't like the country? Get the fuck out and go start your own then. Why sit around in it and bitch about how much it sucks? The fact that they bitch about how much the country sucks is ironic because they are the reason.

Offline gpw11

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Re: One of my best friends from around grade 8 is fucking crazy
« Reply #2 on: Monday, February 26, 2007, 03:35:20 PM »
Yeah, see that's the thing.  There's nothing wrong with wanting a change and all that, but if you're going to dedicate your life to it, at least try to be productive about it.  The problem with these people is they can't be productive about it, aside from a complete revolution or a giant cataclysm, this just isn't going to even have the chance to happen (and fail).  Apart from that it's all academic - but the pointless kind of academic because if it can't happen and you can't even try to get it to happen, what's the point in talking about it?  It's like saying you've solved the worlds energy problems....we just have to harvest energy from the sun! 

Offline Xessive

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Re: One of my best friends from around grade 8 is fucking crazy
« Reply #3 on: Monday, February 26, 2007, 03:39:49 PM »
I'm no anarchist or whatever, I just want to initiate some kind of economic collapse. Why? Because it's slightly more fun that not doing it.

I believe in order, and anarchy (as romantic as it may seem) is no way to go.. Even animals have order! Of course either extreme can lead to apathy, which is why a nice balance is good. Order versus Chaos, fun stuff.. Although nowadays it's mostly Order versus Order with a whole bunch of bystanders in the middle, and Chaos looks mighty tasty.

So in conclusion, don't bunch up those Anarch weirdos with us crazy types! We're like apples, and they're cucumbers or something.. There's a method to our madness, but they're just weird.. They should just get laid or something, maybe they're just really frustrated.

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Re: One of my best friends from around grade 8 is fucking crazy
« Reply #4 on: Monday, February 26, 2007, 03:47:34 PM »
some people would rather not join in with a society that they consider to have a few too many faults. i don't see anything wrong with being an idealist, it may well be unrealistic and childish, but it's better than selling your views short, because they don't fit in with the standard way of doing things.

it's not like he's going to make some change to the world around him, but at least he's living in a way that he finds morally acceptable.

Offline gpw11

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Re: One of my best friends from around grade 8 is fucking crazy
« Reply #5 on: Monday, February 26, 2007, 04:48:18 PM »
some people would rather not join in with a society that they consider to have a few too many faults.

That's perfectly fine.  You have options if you want to do that.  Options like living on a boat or in a cabin in the woods.  One of those options isn't living in society and just pretending like you're not living in it.  Much like how it's fine to want to change society, but to only talk about doing so is useless.  Being idealistic is one thing, but being uselessly idealistic is another.  No, it's not immoral, but it accomplishes nothing, so at the end of the day what have done with yourself?  Fucking nothing except leach off the goods that the society you've shunned has provided for you without contributing anything.  There are excuses for people doing so, but just doing so because you feel like it isn't one of them.

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Re: One of my best friends from around grade 8 is fucking crazy
« Reply #6 on: Monday, February 26, 2007, 07:23:10 PM »
Wow I don't think we have many people like that in NZ, but if we did (and imagine we do) I've never come across one.
though we get our fair share of losers who would rather not have a job and chase after some shitty dream. Don't get me wrong having a dream or a "long term goal" is fine (it gets me through my week) but sitting on the dole collecting my f'ing taxes to feed yourself while you bum around playing PS2 all day and night is not the pursuit of a dream!
A "friend" a few years back lost their job for one reason or another (they were only a temp' to start with) and mentioned they she'd rather not find a job for a few months... I bit their head off saying I'd rather not paying taxes in that case or some such.

Offline poomcgoo

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Re: One of my best friends from around grade 8 is fucking crazy
« Reply #7 on: Monday, February 26, 2007, 07:28:53 PM »
What the fuck?  There are really people out there who believe in anarchism?  I thought that shit was a joke.

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Re: One of my best friends from around grade 8 is fucking crazy
« Reply #8 on: Monday, February 26, 2007, 08:43:59 PM »
Crazy dude.

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Re: One of my best friends from around grade 8 is fucking crazy
« Reply #9 on: Monday, February 26, 2007, 09:33:43 PM »
Hooray for stupid people.

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Re: One of my best friends from around grade 8 is fucking crazy
« Reply #10 on: Monday, February 26, 2007, 10:49:21 PM »

Offline HxCeddie

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Re: One of my best friends from around grade 8 is fucking crazy
« Reply #11 on: Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 12:31:17 PM »
God, I fucking hate anarchists. It seems like every bike messenger in Boston is an anarchist. A while ago when we had the Democratic National Convention (which sucked serious ass btw because there was a cop at every corner), a bunch of people protested and marched towards the Fleetcenter. Even though I know it was an editing trick by the news, a local news stations broadcast a story about it. First they showed a woman at the DNC who was wondering why they were even protesting. When they were asking people about it outside, the kids all had dumbfounded looks on their face. They kind of just stammered or just gave an answer that was so nonsensical that it was ridiculous. Shit, I wish I could find that broadcast somewhere.