Let's face it, who are we really fooling? It's not that we turned stupid or anything. We're intelligent. We know that. Most of the time, we're just lazy. We've gotten used to taking it easy for this sort of stuff and when it gets harder we just find it easier to say something happened to us. We've just become lazy and undisciplined in these studies. If we really wanted to, we could totally get everything. It's just this block that has taken over us and made us complacent. I've been like that for a long time, but lately I've been pulling myself back into gear and it's scary how much easier I can understand everything. I've spent about 7 hours studying every day the past week or so and it's killing me and it's taking away from everything, but after this semester, it'll pretty much be over.
But yea, by no means, am I pigeonholing everyone. I'm not saying everyone's like that, just that the majority of people seem to be that way. I mean, it's just about the discipline we have to keep, you know? We still remember stupid shit from back in the day that doesn't mean anything, or songs from ten years ago and little moments from our entire lives, how different is it from learning things in class or from a book? We read the papers, and books and understand these concepts and ideas, but throw a textbook at us and it's like another language. What's so different, you know?
Maybe I'm wrong or maybe I don't know what I'm talking about, but it just seems like that to me. Anyway, I don't mean to step on anyone's toes with this. But 20 hours of biochem in 2 days is just not conducive to life. I swear, why does biology need so much chemistry anyway? It's not like chem majors have to take that much bio. Bastards.