Author Topic: Does Maddox like Macs?  (Read 8606 times)

Offline idolminds

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Does Maddox like Macs?
« on: Monday, March 05, 2007, 09:12:46 PM »

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #1 on: Monday, March 05, 2007, 09:35:43 PM »
One of the first times I've ever actually felt on the same wavelength as Maddox.  I feel a little dirty.

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #2 on: Monday, March 05, 2007, 10:14:40 PM »
How did you know he updated his page haha?

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #3 on: Monday, March 05, 2007, 10:35:08 PM »
Haha.  Yea he doesn't do updates very often anymore... this is like the first update in 5 months, but this one was pretty good.

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #4 on: Monday, March 05, 2007, 10:44:58 PM »
It was... it just amazes me when people post a thread about how he updated his page on just about every forum I go to. It amazes me because I check every other day for updates and I guess others do the same.

This was excellent though. I loved his comment on how Mac users thinking they are buying into a social community or something.

To be honest, this is one of the reason I hate the smug Wii fanboys. It is almost like the exact same attitude from some of them. Before anyone gets the wrong idea, I love my gamecube and have a lot of respect for Nintendo. I also plan to buy a Wii soon. I just find the marketing of the Wii to be just about the same as that of a Mac. The same pretentious smug bullshit.

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #5 on: Monday, March 05, 2007, 10:47:37 PM »
I watched that first Flash video on there, and one thing that kind of burned me up was the guy saying the people at the store didn't even know what cable to use to connect the camera to the PC and then some girl comes on and says that you just plug the camera into the Mac.

Oh yeah, I forgot about the super duper special magical Apple cable that comes with everything.

Where do (did?) they come up with this shit?

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #6 on: Monday, March 05, 2007, 10:56:34 PM »
It all comes out of Steve Jobs' magical ass.

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #7 on: Monday, March 05, 2007, 11:01:11 PM »
You people just don't understand. Macs are just easier. They have these on/off buttons and come in like 5 different colors. Before I got my mac I didn't even know how to wipe my own ass. But luckily my mac showed me how.

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #8 on: Monday, March 05, 2007, 11:03:52 PM »
Thank god others are coming out. I thought I was the only one.

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #9 on: Monday, March 05, 2007, 11:14:53 PM »
Another awesome article by Maddox.  I need to get his book, its only like $10 at Amazon.  I'm actually surprised he hasn't written an article about this earlier.

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #10 on: Monday, March 05, 2007, 11:27:25 PM »
He makes a really good point about talking with the hands.  I've done that for years in three different circumstances:

1.) job interviews

2.) Class presentations

3.) talking to police, teachers, principles, whenever I'm trying to get my ass out of trouble.

It distracts people from what you're actually saying so they have a harder time to break it down in case you fuck up or somehow contradict yourself (I think I learned this from Clinton).  The best part about this is that people don't see that because some people do it all the time and you could just be one of them.  For that reason it is a horrible thing to have in a commercial because you don't want to distract people from the manufactured message you're selling them.  You want them to absorb every word.  I understand that they wanted the people to be more animated because it's just someone standing in front of a white wall, but personally I still think it's a horrible decision on the part of the director. 

As for what Maddox is actually talking about, he has some points I agree with.  If you've ever read or seen 'Pirates of Silicone Valley' there's a quote about the state of Apple right before Jobbs got his ass fired that went something like 'When exactly did we stop selling computers and start selling a religion?'.

If you look at the three main operating systems out there, Mac has a community behind it unlike any other (which is kind of fucked considering the entire concept of linux).  Mac users defend their choice to the death, and go way the fuck out their way to try and convert the masses.  Windows users don't care generally, but the foolish try to defend their choice.  Linux users don't say much because they're busy actually using and tweaking the system they choose. 

I've got nothing against macs, and I like OSX quite a bit, but it's not for me.  I don't need to be educated on it, I just don't need or buy into the design philosophy behind any apple product I've ever seen.  I'd much rather stick with a PC and Windows or even Ubuntu with beryl (something I'll be dual booting the second I get a new pc).  I'm not graphic designer or musician and you can't convince me to pay more for something because it has white plastic around it.  Stop telling me my choice in inferior because I like customization, the option to upgrade, games, and certain other features I think windows can provide for me that mac doesn't.  I've never had a major problem with a virus or spyware, I don't know how you can't get your digital camera to work with a pc running xp, and for some reason it seems to me like using itunes to transfer songs to an ipod seems much more inferior than just dragging and dropping onto a non-apple player with a pc. 

That's just me.  Leave me alone.

P.S. The more I think about the iPhone, the more it sucks.

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #11 on: Monday, March 05, 2007, 11:44:38 PM »
Also, the graphic designer/musician thing is *kind of* a myth.  There's a lot of that stuff, and it's good stuff, for Macs, but I know a ton and a half of fucking graphic designers and musicians that can't stand Macs and do work every bit as good as people who go the other route.  So I cry bullshit on that one.  I'm a musician and I barely even use a computer for the stuff in the first place.

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #12 on: Tuesday, March 06, 2007, 12:13:26 AM »
Wait... is this thread about Macs or about how Maddox hates Apple's advertising?

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #13 on: Tuesday, March 06, 2007, 12:26:28 AM »
Wait... you mean there's a difference?

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #14 on: Tuesday, March 06, 2007, 01:12:39 AM »
If you look at the three main operating systems out there, Mac has a community behind it unlike any other (which is kind of fucked considering the entire concept of linux).  Mac users defend their choice to the death, and go way the fuck out their way to try and convert the masses.  Windows users don't care generally, but the foolish try to defend their choice.  Linux users don't say much because they're busy actually using and tweaking the system they choose.
Holy Hell what were you huffing when this paragraph started making sense to you? My uni's computer science department actually received threats from people when they decided to replace their Linux cluster with OS X.

I won't bother pointing out the irony of a bunch of Windows users bitching about OS X because they think Mac users are all stuck up. (... Oops.)

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #15 on: Tuesday, March 06, 2007, 01:20:34 AM »
And we won't bother to care.  Note also that my hatred of Macs has nothing to do with a love of Windows (which I hate) or a specific hatred of OSX.  I just fucking hate Apple and their overpriced pieces of colored plastic.

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Offline JacksRag(e)

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #16 on: Tuesday, March 06, 2007, 01:32:50 AM »
Everyone just needs to shut up and stuff.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #17 on: Tuesday, March 06, 2007, 01:34:25 AM »
You shudup wabbit.

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #18 on: Tuesday, March 06, 2007, 01:39:06 AM »
I'll take you seriously when you speak like an adult and not a four year old!

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #19 on: Tuesday, March 06, 2007, 01:45:16 AM »
Que: Keeping in mind that this is exactly what I'm talking about. Windows costs more than OS X, by a good $70. A MacBook is only about ~$50 more than a comparable Dell Inspiron (although there are much cheaper, lower-end models of Inspiron). Apple hasn't been selling Macs "in colors" for years. And absolutely none of this relates to the question of whether OS X or Windows is superior.

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #20 on: Tuesday, March 06, 2007, 02:46:42 AM »
I also hate Dell.  I build my own computers and have for years with very few exceptions.  And that's not the issue.  Nor is the OS the issue.  You don't seem to be listening to what I'm saying.  My single real contribution to this is that most of us hate *Apple*.  We could give a flying fuck about Macs or OSX, we just hate Apple and the people who run Apple and the obnoxious culture Apple has developed.  Some of us, like myself, also hate their products.  What it comes down to is that, as a company, we wish Apple would die; except that we don't *really* want them to die because the competition keeps all our stuff significantly cheaper.  Say what you want, but desktop stuff (if you have half a clue where to look) is significantly cheaper across the board on the PC side.  Obviously I'm not talking about Dell, who you'd have to be a fucking idiot to buy from in the first place due to their inferior quality and lousy prices.

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Offline gpw11

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #21 on: Tuesday, March 06, 2007, 03:01:36 AM »
Holy Hell what were you huffing when this paragraph started making sense to you? My uni's computer science department actually received threats from people when they decided to replace their Linux cluster with OS X.

I won't bother pointing out the irony of a bunch of Windows users bitching about OS X because they think Mac users are all stuck up. (... Oops.)

Fair enough.  To clarify; from my experience from talking to people in person and looking at comments on Digg, it seems that Mac users are by far the most fervent supporters of their OS.  I seem to come across far less Windows or Linux users trying to convert people or even get involved in such debates.  Your experience may differ.

That said, I don't think anyone here is 'bitching' about OS X or saying Mac users are all stuck up.  In fact, I'm pretty sure I said I liked OS X quite a bit.  If anyone is bitching about anything it's Apple's marketing, which is something I find to be pretty poorly done in theory.  In practice it obviously works because they have done an excellent job of appealing to the type of consumer that every corporation and marketing firm out there wants a piece of; the alpha consumer.  The type of consumer that crosses many demographic thresholds, is prone to brand loyalty, and goes out of their way to promote the products they choose to buy.  Obviously not everyone who buys a Mac is that way, but considering how vocal the small community is I'd say there was a lot of them.

That said, Apple has done wonders in recent years and a lot of that is because of the marketing (the other huge factor being the design philosophy).  I mean, how else could you explain people buying the iPod Shuffle or getting excited about Apple TV?  There are superior products out there, but no one cares....because they don't have the same visual appeal or have Apple attached to them. 

In the end it doesn't really matter.  I think we can assume that anyone who defines themselves in any way whatsoever based on what OS they use is a fucking tool, and the same can be said about anyone who actually cares what OS you yourself use.  That, my friends, is when consumerism starts to get a bit out of hand. 


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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #22 on: Tuesday, March 06, 2007, 09:34:18 AM »
I also hate Dell.  I build my own computers and have for years with very few exceptions.  And that's not the issue.  Nor is the OS the issue.  You don't seem to be listening to what I'm saying.  My single real contribution to this is that most of us hate *Apple*.  We could give a flying fuck about Macs or OSX, we just hate Apple and the people who run Apple and the obnoxious culture Apple has developed.  Some of us, like myself, also hate their products.  What it comes down to is that, as a company, we wish Apple would die; except that we don't *really* want them to die because the competition keeps all our stuff significantly cheaper.  Say what you want, but desktop stuff (if you have half a clue where to look) is significantly cheaper across the board on the PC side.  Obviously I'm not talking about Dell, who you'd have to be a fucking idiot to buy from in the first place due to their inferior quality and lousy prices.

You buy from Dell to get a good price from corporate or student discounts.  I don't know about you, but my laptop would have cost nearly $3000 but I got nearly $800 in discounts and stuff.

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #23 on: Tuesday, March 06, 2007, 12:54:05 PM »
What is a mac? It is basically a PC with an original and exclusive operating system, and uses only proprietary peripherals. In terms of price, I find it extremely over the top, yet I compare it to clone systems because like the majority of PC users I build my own rigs. Even if you use identical hardware in the latest Mac with that of a clone PC, the PC will blow the Mac away in any benchmark. This is a fact. The other fact is that the hardware in the clone PC will cost a lot less. In fact if you build the comparable PC solely on price matching, the gap widens even further.

Yet I find it understandable that W&C compares the Mac to a Dell rather than a custom built rig. That's because both are brand names, and purchasing brand names brings certain advantages, such as guarantees, less headaches, faster purchases etc.

Having said that, only a small percentage of PC users buy brand name systems. Most build systems themselves.

I won't bother pointing out the irony of a bunch of Windows users bitching about OS X because they think Mac users are all stuck up. (... Oops.)

haha, I didn't think of it that way.

Why do I really dislike the Mac?

1. The marketing. This has nothing to do with Apple, but to do with any underdog in a cut throat business. Take for example my former university, Brock U. It was a mid sized university, and the smaller size allowed it to become more personalized. There were smaller seminars and the profs were more hands on because of this. Yet the board of directors wanted nothing more than their university to become huge. Since their university was still growing, they had to find a way to distinguish themselves from the competition. It wasn't a choice, but marketing. The brochure made it sound like the university wanted to be small sized. They took pride in having smaller campuses without brand name food franchises that "spoiled" the university experience. They made it sound like they were small by choice, when reality was they would have given their wife's left breast to make their institute the size of something like University of Toronto.

This was five years ago. Now they have progressed to become much bigger and are continuing to grow. So where is that ambition to be small now?

Take a look at the Wii. Nintendo would have you believe they love being the underdog. That they love the fact that their console is the weakest on the market, because it allows them to be unique.


The fact is that Nintendo would have loved to have released a state of the art console, but they just didn't have the resources. So they decided to differentiate their product, and for the most part did a good job. But their marketing is irritating beyond belief. While the Xbox 360 advertises all sorts of bells and whistles, the Wii advertises itself as being fun, which is laughable especially when the fanboys eat it up.

Similarly the Mac is the underdog. Most people buy PCs and not Macs., and Apple has to find a way to distinguish itself. That's why they resort to irritating and pathetic marketing efforts. Again they would give their right testicle to have the market that Windows does, but don't, so have to distinguish their product.

This brings me to the second reason I dislike Macs., and that is the Macs themselves. Now I really don't care that Macs are inferior, honestly I don't. That isn't quite what makes me hate them, but rather the way they market themselves. Honestly if I was the CEO of the Apple company, I wouldn't have done it differently. And what they do isn't different from any successful underdog. So if I were a shareholder I'd think their marketing was excellent, especially since it is fairly successful. Unfortunately it is just irritating and mean spirited.

As for the advantages of Macs, they are all gained at a big trade off. If you had PCs released that were as restrictive and closed as Macs then you would get the same advantages. Stuff like better security, lack of viruses, lack of compatibility issues etc., all come at a massive price.

To me it is like the difference between two well functioning yet totally different economies. The Macs are a lot like a communist country while PCs are like an open and mostly well functioning democracy. While having an open democratic country (if you aren't careful) will mean you sometimes have to go through unfortunate events like September 11th, you will have the advantage of having the latest technology, the most creative ideas, and diversity in culture. You will be able to get the cream of the world with ease.

On the other hand using a Mac is a bit like living in a successful communist enterprise. You don't have to worry about being mugged, your property stolen, or your vehicle ever running out of spare parts. But on the other hand everyone drives the same car, life is bland, and you have to pretend to get excited about the latest movie, when it debuted overseas ten years ago. Oh and your national anthem tells you your country is the best, when it really isn't, and your national sport involves making people immigrate to your country.

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #24 on: Tuesday, March 06, 2007, 01:14:58 PM »
Actually Pug, I think only us "hardcores" build our PCs. Most PCs are pre-built Dells and such.

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #25 on: Tuesday, March 06, 2007, 01:20:09 PM »
I think the most of the Dell purchases are the low end surfing rigs. I think most people have their systems built by comp stores in the yellow pages?

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #26 on: Tuesday, March 06, 2007, 01:28:03 PM »
Most PCs *are* low end surfing rigs. Or business PCs that a company orders in one big lot. Custom built rigs are for gamers and general enthusiasts, which are minorities in the PC world.

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #27 on: Tuesday, March 06, 2007, 01:36:40 PM »
My laptop's a Dell and I use it primarily for school work and stuff.  Likewise, I would never consider getting a Dell if it was for a  desktop since I would just build my own machine, but my laptop is really a top of the line laptop for its size.

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #28 on: Tuesday, March 06, 2007, 01:54:09 PM »
the Wii advertises itself as being fun, which is laughable especially when the fanboys eat it up.
You seem to have some sort of vendetta against the Wii.  That's fine I guess, I had it out for the original Xbox.

But I'm telling you, when I first played the Wii it felt like a really fresh and fun experience.  It's not a super-awesome single player system, but playing Wii Sports with a few people is a pretty damn good time.

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #29 on: Tuesday, March 06, 2007, 02:09:49 PM »
You seem to have some sort of vendetta against the Wii.  That's fine I guess, I had it out for the original Xbox.

But I'm telling you, when I first played the Wii it felt like a really fresh and fun experience.  It's not a super-awesome single player system, but playing Wii Sports with a few people is a pretty damn good time.

Oops I should have been clearer.

I really don't have a vendetta, I just don't like the marketing. I don't mean to say that it isn't fun. It is great fun, and I plan on getting one. I just find the adverts comparing the Wii to the PS3 and the 360 claiming it is fun irritating, because they are all fun. But the adverts make it sound like the Wii is the only fun console there is, which is obviously bullshit, but they have to do what they can to set themselves apart. I guess the other consoles just plan to bore us to death. :P

I wouldn't be saying any of this had it not been for the whole fan boy battles that I read on IGN, and the irritating marketing. I just vent a lot about the Wii not because of the console, but because I let some of these console fanboys get to me. :P

Most PCs *are* low end surfing rigs. Or business PCs that a company orders in one big lot. Custom built rigs are for gamers and general enthusiasts, which are minorities in the PC world.

Well alright. So how do the low end surfing rigs compare to similarly priced macs?

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #30 on: Tuesday, March 06, 2007, 02:16:47 PM »
Well, low end PCs are cheaper than the low end Macs. Mac low end only goes so far until you have to move into used territory. In the Macs defense they do have the iLife software coming with the OS(as far as I can tell), so if you're just getting a computer for someone they can plug it in and have software to do stuff with. A clean Windows install gives you jack shit.

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #31 on: Tuesday, March 06, 2007, 03:27:33 PM »
My laptop's a Dell and I use it primarily for school work and stuff.  Likewise, I would never consider getting a Dell if it was for a  desktop since I would just build my own machine, but my laptop is really a top of the line laptop for its size.

I have a Dell laptop also (Inspiron 6000) and I'm very impressed with it. I've had no problems thus far. It wasn't built for gaming (Christmas present for doing schoolwork) but it still runs a few games like WoW. But yeah, I'd never buy a Dell desktop. That's just stupid.

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #32 on: Tuesday, March 06, 2007, 05:29:39 PM »
What is a mac? It is basically a PC with an original and exclusive operating system, and uses only proprietary peripherals.
Ever since the Intel switch, a Mac is just a high-end PC. It uses any generic peripheral you care to drop in to it. Surprisingly, my own limited experience suggests that the hardware support is better than Windows - there's none of that "find and install the manufacturer's driver that may or may not work, then configure like Hell" bullshit.
Even if you use identical hardware in the latest Mac with that of a clone PC, the PC will blow the Mac away in any benchmark. This is a fact.
In much the same way that it is a fact that Iraq is bigger than France: widely believed, but not actually true.
The other fact is that the hardware in the clone PC will cost a lot less. In fact if you build the comparable PC solely on price matching, the gap widens even further.
The price gap wasn't that wide when I got my last computer. In fact, I recall that the low-end OEMs were a bit cheaper than a custom built computer (priced on Newegg, with shipping costs included).
Why do I really dislike the Mac? 1. The marketing.
I happen to agree with you here, although I'm also going to use "the Que defense" and say that just about everybody's marketing offends me.

Also, please knock off the silly analogies.
This brings me to the second reason I dislike Macs., and that is the Macs themselves. Now I really don't care that Macs are inferior, honestly I don't. That isn't quite what makes me hate them, but rather the way they market themselves.
How is that different from your first complaint?
As for the advantages of Macs, they are all gained at a big trade off. If you had PCs released that were as restrictive and closed as Macs then you would get the same advantages. Stuff like better security, lack of viruses, lack of compatibility issues etc., all come at a massive price.
"Restricted and closed"? OS X is a *nix. It has the same basic structure as Linux. That's why it's extremely configurable, and that's why it's extremely secure. (Windows, conversely, is a proprietary clusterfuck that can't really be configured for shit. I understand Microsoft has done a lot to improve their software's security, but they're still years behind *nix.)
To me it is like the difference between two well functioning yet totally different economies. The Macs are a lot like a communist country while PCs are like an open and mostly well functioning democracy.
What did I tell you about the silly analogies?

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #33 on: Tuesday, March 06, 2007, 05:56:27 PM »
Ever since the Intel switch, a Mac is just a high-end PC. It uses any generic peripheral you care to drop in to it. Surprisingly, my own limited experience suggests that the hardware support is better than Windows - there's none of that "find and install the manufacturer's driver that may or may not work, then configure like Hell" bullshit.

Well it is definitely limited. My cousin was getting that Mac with the Core Duo set up and I did a bit of research on dual booting the Mac with XP, and its support for video cards like the 7800. It has a lot of issues and in most cases it lags behind an equivalent PC by a significant margin.

I also have an article on this by PC Gamer. It is really late here, but I will scan it when I wake up.

In much the same way that it is a fact that Iraq is bigger than France: widely believed, but not actually true.

Seriously look this up a little. I'll post the links to the benchmarks tomorrow and show you the mag. scans.

Alright I just looked at that link you posted, are you serious? It is pretty late and I am half eyed and giggling at your annoyance with my stupid analogies, but yea.

That Dell has much slower hardware than the compared Macs.

1. The Macs are using Core Duo, while the Dell uses the worst processor in he history of processors, the P4. :o
2. The Macs have more memory and the memory they use is twice as fast!  :o
3. The Mac uses an X1600 while the Dell uses a 9700 pro!  :o
4. The Mac uses a 5400 RPM HD while the Powerbook G4 uses a 7200 HD. The Dell has the fortune of using a 4200 RPM.  :o

Jee what a fucking mystery... I wonder which will benchmark higher. A Mac using fairly current hardware, or a Dell using last generation's processor, a five year old video card, and a hard drive twice as slow as the standard.  ::)

*looks at benchmarks*

The Dell despite having clearly inferior hardware wins the CPU and Memory benchmarks. That's pretty shocking.

I happen to agree with you here, although I'm also going to use "the Que defense" and say that just about everybody's marketing offends me.

Also, please knock off the silly analogies.

What did I tell you about the silly analogies?

*laughs at silly analogies comment*

You make the Quemaqua defense sound like an alternative to the Chewbacca defense.

How is that different from your first complaint?

Congratulations, you have passed the test. Welcome to the CIA.

I have an unrelated question. What games do you play?

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #34 on: Tuesday, March 06, 2007, 06:27:50 PM »
Gah, sorry. That Ars Technica article was the wrong one. I'm still logging on via squirrel, which makes it a huge pain in the ass to find anything. Especially while still trying to indulge my heroin-like BitTorrent habit.

As to games: Oblivion runs quite acceptably, and that's about the worst I've thrown at my laptop. Tragically, I play PC games less and less nowadays, mostly because I find Windows increasingly painful. (I like OS X because it's easily the least brain-damaged OS out there. That is not to say that OS X is not brain-damaged in its own infuriatingly stupid ways, only that it is brain-damaged in fewer of these infuriatingly stupid ways.)

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #35 on: Tuesday, March 06, 2007, 07:42:32 PM »
If by "Que defense" you mean "I hate everything", then I guess I am shamed.  If by "Que defense" you mean "All advertising falls from the treacherous reaches of the devil's excrement chute", then I'll be very content.

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #36 on: Tuesday, March 06, 2007, 07:48:05 PM »
I'm all for articles like this one. Too many people are switching to Macs. On campus I see about 50% Macs now. I remember when I first got mine, it was like 10-20%. Having a Mac is no longer special, it's almost a bit boring.

In summary, Macs suck and you shouldn't buy one.

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #37 on: Tuesday, March 06, 2007, 10:51:46 PM »
For some reason I remember you to be a massive Mac fan Doc.

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #38 on: Tuesday, March 06, 2007, 10:55:11 PM »
He is. He's just trying to fit in with everyone...SEE WHAT MACS DO TO PEOPLE?!?!

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Re: Does Maddox like Macs?
« Reply #39 on: Wednesday, March 07, 2007, 02:14:56 PM »
Here are some propaganda videos: