Author Topic: You know what I hate the most about smokers  (Read 7507 times)

Offline PyroMenace

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You know what I hate the most about smokers
« on: Friday, March 09, 2007, 03:14:02 AM »
When your driving and they crack the window to let the smoke out, and its freezing fucking cold outside. It may be just a crack, but you can still feel that cold air.

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #1 on: Friday, March 09, 2007, 04:22:05 AM »
There was a stand up act about smokers in cars. I don't remember who or how it goes (with out butchering it).
Simply said if you (the non-smoker) cracked opened the window, then pulled your your manhood out and started to make knuckle babies promising to get "most of it out the window".... yeah see It's hard telling good jokes like this when you don't even remember who told it in the first place....  :(

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #2 on: Friday, March 09, 2007, 08:25:28 AM »

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Offline HxCeddie

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #3 on: Friday, March 09, 2007, 08:40:03 AM »
Hey, why don't you cram it up your cram hole. I'll smoke with the windows rolled all the way down in 0 degree temp. I do what I want, when I want!!!

...or something...

Offline gpw11

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #4 on: Friday, March 09, 2007, 06:04:53 PM »
I never smoke in other people's cars unless they're smoking.  If you're in my car and it bothers you, fuck you get your ass out and walk pink lungs.

And I roll it all the way down.  It's the only way to do it.

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #5 on: Friday, March 09, 2007, 06:37:27 PM »
the smokers i know never smoke in their cars :s

Offline MysterD

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #6 on: Friday, March 09, 2007, 10:00:56 PM »
Bleh @ smoking.

Yeah, and my ex-g/f smoked....
Bleh @ that.

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #7 on: Saturday, March 10, 2007, 11:11:35 AM »
What I hate is people who complaint about smoking as though they were made of sugar.  That pisses me off.  I'm trying to quit, but calling it a "filthy habit" is a fucking joke compared to most of the filthy habits people have.  It's no different from anything else, it's just that there's a vendetta against it and people like to jump on bandwagons.  I'm quitting for health reasons (I've had like 2 smokes in 2 months or something), but I'd still like everybody to take a nice big cup of STFU and quit whining about stuff.  Though I know what Pyro's talking about with the window thing.  One of my friends likes to drive with the windows all the way down pretty much all the time, smoking or not, and if you're sitting in the back... damn it gets cold.

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Offline Cobra951

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #8 on: Saturday, March 10, 2007, 07:06:26 PM »
I have no problem at all with people having vices.  Seriously, even if they want to go shoot up somewhere until they end up dead.  It's their choice.  I do have a problem with breathing smoke-filled air on a regular basis.  Smoking is a habit which affects everyone's air in enclosed spaces, so something needs to give here.  I don't have a vendetta against smokers, but I can't complain about the increasing restrictions on where they can smoke.

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #9 on: Saturday, March 10, 2007, 07:13:40 PM »
That too is bullshit in my opinion.  I have smoked indoors twice in my life.  Both times were in Las Vegas, where you're allowed to do so.  Everyone else who has ever complained about me smoking near them can go to hell as far as I'm concerned.  If you don't like it, walk as far away from me as you feel you need to.  I'm sure not going to cry about it.

As you can tell, I get a bit feisty about this topic.  =)  I'm trying to quit, like I said, I just think people are way too sensitive.  I think the whole secondhand smoke thing is a complete joke where anybody but young children are concerned.  Yeah, if you're standing around breathing in somebody's smoke like 5 hours a day, that's bad.  But don't *even* give me shit if you occasionally inhale something when I happen to be nearby having a cigarette.  Your fucking SUV puts out 8 jillion times the crap and *I* have to breathe *that* shit all day long, and you don't seem to have a problem all but humping your stupid vehicle, so kiss my ass.

Please note - the "you" is figurative.   ;)

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Offline Cobra951

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #10 on: Saturday, March 10, 2007, 07:48:58 PM »
Well thanks for the disclaimer anyway.  It keeps things cooler.

In my own, non-figurative case, smoke can trigger asthma, so it's a matter of health, on the spot, and not in some theoretical distant future.  So I'm feisty about the topic too, from the opposite perspective.  If I walk into a bar on a weekend night, I expect smoke.  I know it's going to be there, and that it might affect me.  I have a known choice.  I don't have a choice if someone lights up in an elevator, or in a rest room while I'm on the toilet, or in a waiting room, if the business at hand is too important to dismiss over the issue.  I have never had a problem with someone smoking outdoors.  If the wind is unfavorable, it's easy enough to shift positions, even without making the smoker aware of the reason.  It's strictly about the air I breathe.  Like boomboxes on wheels at 2 AM, this is a habit which affects everyone near those enjoying it.  Its effects can't be ignored if they go on continuously.

Offline gpw11

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #11 on: Saturday, March 10, 2007, 07:53:08 PM »
I hear what you're saying to a point Que, but you do have to take the negative health effects of second hand smoke into account.  The problem with the no tobacco zealots is that they ceased being reasonable once they started getting their way. 

No smoking in bars and other indoor establishments is reasonable and logical.  If you want to smoke, smoke outside so other people don't have to deal with it.  Governments taxing the shit out of tobacco products in countries with government health care is also reasonable and logical.  These kinds of things make sense and are probably good for society as a whole.  But then you still have people complaining and what can you do?  You can start a populist appeal for votes and stop being so reasonable.

The government in BC has recently passed a new set of laws regulating tobacco use.  These are a bit less reasonable but just enough to not really piss anyone off.  The ones I know of are no smoking in public places.  As far as I know this includes bus stops, near doors, and near windows.  Hey, fair enough, people don't want to stand in a 3/4 enclosed structure and breathe smoke.  That makes sense.  Although I think this also includes the bus stops that are completely outdoors....which makes little sense. Nevertheless, not really a bad move.  The second part is kind of fucked.  Stores can't have tobacco products in plain sight nor can their be any advertisements out there for tobacco products.  This makes little sense, but I can't blame the government for believing that advertising creates impulses that must be obeyed at all costs...I mean, a lot of people are fucking idiots....usually the people getting involved in panels discussing things like this are the worst.  If anyone thinks it's going to stop people from smoking or going to stop kids from smoking they're kidding themselves, but hey whatever.

So, then you have to wonder where it goes from here...because this is another victory for some people and it's only going to give them more confidence.  There's a lawsuit in Sweden right now where a chick is being sued by her neighbor.  The offense?  Smoking on her own property more than 20 but less than 50 feet away from the neighbor.  Sure, that's an extreme...but do you really think it couldn't happen here in a few years?  Various governments (provincial, state, and federal) have already been involved in lawsuits against big tobacco.  Strange isn't it, that they can sue the makers of a product they allow to be sold.  Sue for what?  Being harmful to health and addictive...facts that we've known for a long fucking time.  You can't have been smoking for the last 25 years, get cancer and decide that you're the victim, you knew what you were doing.  The same goes for the government....either tobacco products are legal to be sold and the government assumes it's population knows about the health risks or they're deemed too dangerous to be sold.  No half-assed suing of big tobacco because of medical costs...those are covered by the sin tax. 

And where does this go?  I imagine in the next 20 years we see smoking being limited to private residences.  At that point if the government was being sincere they would just come out in the next couple years and announce a phasing out plan where it will be illegal to sell tobacco (or just smoking tobacco) in stores and to use it in public, but chances are they'll still allow that due to the massive cash crop it is. 

And people will still bitch.  These are the same people that complain about loud music in cars, dogs barking, and a variety of other things that are really unavoidable if you want to live in a civilized society.  The health issue is just a rallying point.  These people know that the 3 seconds a day of second hand smoke they're most likely receiving won't kill them, just like they know being around cars, sick people in a city, and in the sun at all is bad for them. 

Personally, I'm against government regulation of what you put in your body period...but the government has to go one way or the other here.  People will complain about anything if they think someone will makes them feel passively-aggressive powerful after a hard day of being an absolute nobody at work, that's not going to change but for a government to go beyond the reasonable level of health concern is just a populist move that inches slowly more and more towards totalitarianism.

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #12 on: Saturday, March 10, 2007, 08:00:22 PM »
That's all unreasonable.  Tobacco is a legal product, and should remain so.  (Imagine the alternative.  Didn't prohibition and the drug cartels teach us enough already?)  Reasoable restrictions on use are as far as it should go.  They're there already, or beyond.  I can definitely see this getting out of hand.  Too bad, for everyone.

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #13 on: Saturday, March 10, 2007, 08:44:59 PM »
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.  I have zero problems not smoking indoors, and if there's somebody legitimately bothered (asthma, etc.), it's just plain common courtesy to avoid smoking around them.  But *everything else* infuriates me.

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #14 on: Saturday, March 10, 2007, 09:44:20 PM »
Personally I get a very sore throat if I'm in smoke too long. I try to avoid it if I can. My dad is kinda scary though, hes allergic to something thats in cig smoke. His heart races and misses beats. They were at a concert at the county fair, kind of humid and it was open-air in the grandstand. Someone was smoking a couple rows in front of him (even though there are no smoking signs all over), and he had to leave because he could feel something wrong. Long story short he spent the night in the hospital and since then he avoids it at all costs.

While I agree with Cobra that prohibition on cigs would end badly (see: war on drugs), I still find it funny that cigs are sold. The FDA bans anything that might hurt a handful of people that use it, but cigarettes can kill thousands a year and its just fine.

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #15 on: Saturday, March 10, 2007, 09:51:26 PM »
Alcohol kills lord only knows how many more people every year, but they still sell that, too.  What it comes down to is nobody in charge gives a flying fuck about the populace and their health.  They care about hot button issues and politics.

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #16 on: Saturday, March 10, 2007, 11:53:24 PM »
Best Family Guy Line Ever:

Cigarettes killed my father... and raped my mother.

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #17 on: Sunday, March 11, 2007, 12:51:51 AM »
That's all unreasonable.  Tobacco is a legal product, and should remain so.  (Imagine the alternative.  Didn't prohibition and the drug cartels teach us enough already?)  Reasoable restrictions on use are as far as it should go.  They're there already, or beyond.  I can definitely see this getting out of hand.  Too bad, for everyone.

Don't think that tobacco will go anywhere anytime soon.  It will never be illegal anytime in the near future. Do you realize how many taxes that the government gets from tobacco sales?

I have an inside view, because my dad works for the largest tobacco company, at a high up position, and I grew up in the tobacco city of the nation. He's been to many of the court cases as an expert witness and basically he says that they are willing to tax the shit out of it, but it will never be illegal. Why would they make it illegal when they could make money off of it?

As far as the smoking in public, I agree with Cobra that you should be able to smoke as long as those around you can get away from it. That's part of Que's argument- if you don't like it, get away. I agree, if that is possible. If not, you should respect those around you.

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #18 on: Sunday, March 11, 2007, 01:05:55 AM »
Maybe because I act like a jackass people don't realize it, but personal respect is always job one.  During any previous statement I meant that to be implied.  You should never make other people uncomfortable if you can help it.  My only issue is when people complain about a tiny bit of smell or claim that it's getting to them when you're ten feet off.  I once had to leave a party and go like 30 feet from the building because this one chick claimed it bothered her, and there was no fucking way she could even smell it from where she was.  She was just being a vindictive bitch because she had an axe to grind.

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Offline gpw11

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #19 on: Sunday, March 11, 2007, 02:25:55 AM »
And that's the problem.  The people complaining about smoking outdoors are vindictive pure and simple.  Like I said, they're not actually that concerned about their health - if they were they'd be in long sleeves in the sun and would probably walk around with gas masks on.

There was a cool letter in a paper here a while ago when they passed these new laws.  The gist of it was a guy saying that when he smokes walking down the street people look at him like he's a second class citizen as he's walking by gridlock and cars idling in parking spaces.  The best line was something like "for some reason I get looks like I'm a bane to society.  I have a master's degree, have a good job that I believe contributes to the good of mankind as a whole, and I pay my fair share of taxes.  So why is it I'm the piece of garbage while the junkie breaking into cars, contributing nothing, and spreading disease gets nothing but public sympathy, free syringes, and a slew of public funded programs to help them quit?"

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #20 on: Sunday, March 11, 2007, 02:38:04 AM »
Couldn't have said it better myself.

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Offline PyroMenace

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #21 on: Sunday, March 11, 2007, 02:58:34 AM »
Look, my main issue with smoking is why do my friends, family, my loved ones, all of which are smart individuals smoke cigarettes. The hazard to your health is obvious, I just don't see why they continue other than the fact of acceptance of being apart of some special minority, which I think is stupid. You can say it contributes to relieving of stress, but I argue with that. By smoking cigarettes you start an addiction, having the addiction itself can compound stress, smoking can relieve this stress, but would've been greatly reduced by not smoking and having the addiction in the first place. However, if you really believe this affect on stress and can convey that to me, then I will start the smoking habit myself. Do you honestly want to spread the habit to close people you know?

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #22 on: Sunday, March 11, 2007, 03:02:33 AM »
It really shouldn't be hard to understand.  Going to eat at Jack in the Box is begging for death, but we do it because they have delicious meaty goodness.  Alcohol is terrible for you, but we drink it because we enjoy it.  A hangover doesn't relieve stress, nor does a beer belly, but those are side effects of the instant gratification we get from the stuff.  It's the same with cigarettes.  Smoking them is pleasant and enjoyable, and in smaller doses you don't get the same side effects.  In higher concentrations, you do.  Just like any other thing that you really enjoy but that happens to be terrible for you.

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #23 on: Sunday, March 11, 2007, 03:03:57 AM »

Offline PyroMenace

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #24 on: Sunday, March 11, 2007, 03:20:27 AM »
It really shouldn't be hard to understand. Going to eat at Jack in the Box is begging for death, but we do it because they have delicious meaty goodness.  Alcohol is terrible for you, but we drink it because we enjoy it.  A hangover doesn't relieve stress, nor does a beer belly, but those are side effects of the instant gratification we get from the stuff.  It's the same with cigarettes.  Smoking them is pleasant and enjoyable, and in smaller doses you don't get the same side effects.  In higher concentrations, you do.  Just like any other thing that you really enjoy but that happens to be terrible for you.

I'm sorry, it is for me. I tried smoking, several times. In fact I smoked for a week straight. And then several other times with friends. All it left for me is a really bad smell and a nasty taste in my mouth and no mental change or attitude that I could remember or experience that out balanced these two side effects. I'm with you on Jack in the Box and alcohol all the way, but when it comes to cigarettes, it will always be a mystery I will never understand due to my personal experience versus everyone else's. Don't get me wrong however, I don't go out of my way to be a complete nuisance to those who smoke, it will just be a small annoyance of mine. Like I have said before Que, you above all others at least brought me some understanding to the habit.

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #25 on: Sunday, March 11, 2007, 03:50:43 AM »
Well, personal taste, preference, and one's body all plays a part too.  I knew a guy who always got gas after he smoked.  Who knows why.  Never met anybody else that was affected that way.  And I knew a guy who tried it a few times and he always got sick.  Thinking it was a fluke, he kept trying.. and kept getting sick.  And I've known people who love the taste of cigarettes and some who hate it.  And there's a fairly wide variety in smokes, so you're going to get a lot of different flavors and such depending on what you try.  Hell, my own tastes have changed in that regard.  I started out smoking Marlboro menthol milds, then lights, then Camel Turkish blends... and I thought the Camels were amazing for a couple months.  Then suddenly I didn't like them anymore and went back to Marlboros.  Then it was Parliaments for a bit, some other stuff I don't remember that a friend gave me, and now I'm back on the Camels.  But as stated, I've more or less quit at this point.  I have a pack, but I've had maybe 2 smokes in 2 months or thereabouts.  Anyway... case in point, nobody's saying you have to like them.  I know people who don't drink just because they don't like it or it makes them feel weird or they get totally nuts when they're drunk.  But it still registers as a pleasant vice that most people enjoy, and most people who smoke enjoy it... otherwise they wouldn't do it.  =)  That doesn't mean it's for you.  And, like any vice, if that's the case, be happy!  It'd be better for all of us if all this terrible stuff wasn't so enjoyable.

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #26 on: Monday, March 12, 2007, 12:00:52 AM »
Smoking in public areas is now prohibited where I live except for casinos and bingo halls.  Personally, I think it's a good thing.  I dislike the smell.

Edit: indoor public areas.  It's still legal to smoke outside though, but I really don't like it if I have to walk through a crowd of people smoking at an entrance to a building. 

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #27 on: Monday, March 12, 2007, 11:05:46 AM »
As far as I'm concerned online multiplayer is almost always required.  The only game I've bought recently without online play is Oblivion, and it's the only game where I really don't miss it.  Online play is the best thing to happen to games, and at least for my 360, it's the only thing I play.

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #28 on: Monday, March 12, 2007, 11:06:30 AM »
Totally wrong thread there poo.

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #29 on: Monday, March 12, 2007, 11:09:43 AM »
Haha.  Fuck.  Every time I sign into the boards while I'm already reading a thread, and it sends me back to the thread I was reading, it always sends me to the wrong thread.

Anwyays, in reply to this one, I smoke because it makes me look cool.  Buy a pack of Marlboro 27's and smoke them.  It's fun and I look like a bad ass.  Yeah, I'm serious.

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #30 on: Wednesday, March 14, 2007, 07:02:45 PM »
For the people in Cali, I heard of some law trying to be passed where people can only smoke in their homes. Is this true? If so, that is just the stupid thing ever. I would really like to see how Cali would enforce this.

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #31 on: Wednesday, March 14, 2007, 08:41:01 PM »
The same way they enforce any other law?  If a police officer sees you doing it you get a ticket?

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: You know what I hate the most about smokers
« Reply #32 on: Wednesday, March 14, 2007, 09:45:39 PM »
Which then gets crammed right back up his ass by 20 smokers standing nearby.

I've heard nothing of this.  But yeah, I'd pretty much march on the governor's office and rip his face off with a meat cleaver if something like that got passed.

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