Author Topic: C&C 3 THREAD -- No C&C3 patch coming soon, though Kane's Wrath will be patched  (Read 7983 times)

Offline scottws

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Re: Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars THREAD -- Patch 1.04 released on April 7,
« Reply #40 on: Friday, April 20, 2007, 04:11:11 PM »
You two should just make out or something. Honestly, everyone knows its just a matter of time at this point.

Funniest thing I've heard all day.  Thanks!

Offline MysterD

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Re: Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars THREAD -- C&C Exploit to be fixed in 1.05
« Reply #41 on: Sunday, April 22, 2007, 06:31:22 PM »
Ahhhh, I can laugh hard now....EA, good job....

C&C3 Observer Exploit [April 22, 2007, 2:41 pm ET] - Viewing Comments

Planet Command & Conquer has a video demonstrating a multiplayer exploit in Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars (thanks Ant). They have a confirmation from EA of the legitimacy of the exploit, which can allow an observer to break the fourth wall and participate in games, and word is this will be closed up in the coming version 1.05 patch.

Offline sirean_syan

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Re: Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars THREAD -- Patch 1.04 released on April 7,
« Reply #42 on: Saturday, May 12, 2007, 10:57:44 AM »
I felt like making making mentioned that I finished the game the other day. Overall it was pretty great. The endings of each campaign were pretty weak (more or less, "Look, you won. Yay!"), but the game itself works out nicely. I've played a few skirmishes against the CPU since then and it's strange how different the game plays out. Things feel much faster and flowy where as the campaigns are like trying to take down static fortresses. Although, that's pretty common of C&C from what I remember.

Great game overall. If you're even in the mood for a RTS it's a great fix.

Offline MysterD

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Re: Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars THREAD -- Patch 1.04 released on April 7,
« Reply #43 on: Sunday, July 15, 2007, 10:09:30 AM »
Patch 1.06 is coming out tomorrow, guys. And they will reset the ladders on Tues.

And, they are already at work for version 1.07

Hey guys,

I apologize for not providing this update yesterday, but I wan ted to make sure our plans were solidified. We just got QA sign-off on patch 1.06 last night, a day later than expected, and are prepping it for release.

Patch 1.06 will be released this Monday. The time-window for d eployment is uncertain, so stay tuned to the message boards for when I say it is officially LIVE. Hopefully I can beat out the sharp-shooters on here that eye-ball our FTP servers 24/7.

And just a reminder, patch 1.06 is a small patch with NO balan ce changes. However, it does address the invincibility exploit and will greatly increase disconnect reporting so we can better track disconnect frequency amongst all users and suspend and ban accordingly. Patch 1.06 will also fix the Cloaking field bug that was taking away too much money from you. There are other minor changes in 1.06, but the ones noted above are the most significant.

On Tuesday we are going to finally reset the 1v1 and 2v2 ladder. Here is exactly what will be reset:

-Your Ladder Rank
-Your WIN/LOSS LADDER record
-Your ladder Elo score
-Your disconnect/desync stats

Your historical stats will not be touched. These are the stats you can see in your Persona Profile under "Overall". This means that your overall win/loss record will be disproportionate to your new 1v1 and 2v2 record after the reset. We did not want to reset your historical stats, but if popularity is high enough, we can do this in the next ladder reset. Please note, everyone will be taken off the ladder after the reset. You will not be put back on the ladder until you play at least one ranked online match.

And now for a Patch 1.07 + Ladder Season Update, please rea d this in full

Patch 1.07 is well underway and is going to encompass a number of critical components with it. This patch is going to enable full in-game functionality with our MOD SDK. Yes, that means the MOD SDK will be released exactly the same time as Patch 1.07. This patch is also going to hone in on 10-15 critical bug and balance changes. As I've stated in the past, we are looking at creating smaller but more critically efficient patches that we can produce quicker as well. This is why I am looking for the top 5 balance changes across the community. We'll certainly take a hard look at the Mothership/MS combo, Pitbull spam, and tier 3 defense usability, and other popular balance changes. Our goal will be to fix a small but critical combination of bugs and balance changes.

We are hard at work on patch 1.07 and are trying to output it quicker than usual. When I have a better sense of the time- frame, I will do my best to provide that to you, but please know that we are trying to speed up the process, especially given the MOD SDK and our first incoming ladder season. I WILL keep you posted.

I'll end this large update with more specifics about our up coming first ladder season which we have spoken of numerous times.

I know we have tried to launch this earlier, but getting it al l in place with world-wide legal rules and big prizes... phew, its a challenge the first-go-around.

The 1st season of the C&C 3 ladder season we are targeting for around the patch 1.07 release. This is because patch 1.07 will have critical balance and bug changes and will also put a new level of security code on current cheats. This also means that we will reset the ladder AGAIN when the season begins.

The ladder reset we are doing on Tuesday is meant to wipe the slate clean and start helping us get a good picture of players disconnect frequency, and furthermore, handing out suspensions and bans as needed. We understand there may be some initial flak for such a quick second ladder reset, but when you start a ladder season, this is of course necessary. It will also help us suspend or ban people abusing the system, and thus making them permanently ineligible for our first ladder season, yes permanently.

The 1st ladder season for C&C 3 will be announced once we have world-wide legal rules in place and prizes locked down. What I can tell you is we are not going to make this some measly prized season, we plan to put cash prizes in place and give players real incentive to fight online to climb the ladder.

So, that is your big APOC update. I think this is a real opportunity to start fresh and between patch 1.06/1.07, the MOD SDK, our first ladder season, further taking action on disconnectors and cheaters...there is a lot to be excited about here for Command & Conquer 3.


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Patch v1.07 is out!
« Reply #44 on: Sunday, August 26, 2007, 06:28:36 AM »
Patch v1.07

Version 1.07 Patch Notes - August, 2007


This patch for Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars enables the Mod SDK, fixes several bugs, and makes some balance changes.


· The Mod SDK installer will only work with the 1.07 patch. The Mod SDK installer is for the user to create customizable maps, units, AI, UI, and much more. Visit for more information and to download the Mod SDK.

· A custom map launcher screen has been added to launch single player custom maps. This is found under the Skirmish button in the Main Menu.

· Replay browser has been converted into a general game browser. There is a tab for launching replays and a tab for launching Mods.


· Fixes for various cheats have been put into place. Please be advised that players attempting to tamper with the game may cause online matches to automatically desync.

Bug Fixes

· Fixed a bug that wouldn't allow GDI projectile shells to track targets properly.

· Fixed a bug that caused the Scrin Drone Platform to self- destruct when coming in contact with an enemy upgraded Scrin Annihilator Tripod.

· Fixed a bug with decoyed GDI Mammoth Tanks created by the Nod Decoy Army support power that allowed them to crush enemy units.

· Fixed a bug where support powers, Scrin Tiberium Vibration Scan and Nod Radar Jamming Missile, deducted twice the amount of credits indicated.

· Fixed errors that caused some players to experience unexpected problems due to copy protection.

Balance Changes

· Scrin Mothership will now take 8 seconds to deploy over the Scrin Signal Transmitter, where it will be unselectable by user but can be attacked by opponent. Scrin Mothership speed has been increased by 33%. Weapon chain reaction delay increased by 1 sec.

· GDI Pitbull health reduced by 20%. Mortar given a scatter radius of 50. Mortar upgrade cost increased to 2000 from 1000.

· Scrin Buzzer Hive now leaves 1 Scrin Buzzer instead of 3 when destroyed or sold.

· Cranes for all 3 factions can no longer build defensive structures or superweapons.

· Harvesters' rate of collecting Tiberium has been made equal across all factions. Harvesters will now unload at the refinery before moving to a new Tiberium field.

Other Changes

· John Freeman and James Geiger credited for Mastering Lab work.

· TransGaming Inc. credited for Macintosh conversion.

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Re: Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars THREAD -- Patch 1.06 coming July 15, 2007
« Reply #45 on: Monday, August 27, 2007, 01:59:04 PM »
the fact that cranes can no longer build defensive structures has changed the way the game plays entirely. i play as nod with heavy defensive tactics and it's fucked my game right up! oh well, it's probably a good move as fighting turtlers can be quite irritating.

as an aside, is anyone else here playing this online? if so, send me a pm or something.

Offline Xessive

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Re: Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars THREAD -- Patch 1.06 coming July 15, 2007
« Reply #46 on: Monday, August 27, 2007, 10:29:04 PM »
I haven't had a chance to explore the patch fixes properly yet, but I'm sure the changes were for the best. I'm just glad I got a new widescreen so now I can see a lot more on-screen ;D

I'd play online but my internet connection is so bad I can't get any decent latency to internet servers.. I just LAN with my bro.

Offline MysterD

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Re: Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars THREAD -- Patch 1.06 coming July 15, 2007
« Reply #47 on: Thursday, October 30, 2008, 08:33:14 PM »
Sounds like EA might not patch C&C III: Tiberium Wars (Vanilla) at least for a while.

Though, C&C3: Kane's Wrath expansion will be getting another patch; that's being worked on currently.

EA's online community manager issued the following statement concerning a patch for Kane's Wrath.

    Guys, a few things...respectfully...

    -Our Live Team is currently taking shape and they (with me included) are already taking responsibility for Kane's Wrath and C&C 3 (in the future).

We are working on a second patch for Kane's Wrath as I type this. I already mentioned that on the C&C 3 boards.

We are currently not working on a C&C 3 1.10 patch right now, but as you can see, we are currently releasing Red Alert 3 and giving Kane's Wrath some more much needed love in the near future, so it's a bit challenging to have all the resources to do all 3 things at once.


I'm sure once the dust settles all will be well. The WORD here is patience.