the game is excellent. i haven't got time to say what's so good about it right now, i'll just say that it's really good fun. as a hardcore c&c fan, i feel that this is a very worthy succesor to generals.
i did, however, have to crack the game to get it running on my system - and given that i haven't got net access at my flat at the moment, so had to download the crack on a fucking phone (which took forever), i was really fucking pissed off. before i took this root, i uninstalled daemon tools, alcohol 120, nero, blindwrite and every other peice of software that might offend ea - but still no dice. i even tried installing windows xp (i use 2000 - which the game isn't really compatible with, but that's a whole other fucked up thing i wont go into).
because i spent the best part of a day trying to sort this out, and because my time is valuable, in future, i will be pirating any game that i would otherwise buy from ea to recoup costs.