I guess everyone lost interest in this game except me. I finished it last night, at least one way. I understand there is another. This is the most frustrating game I have ever stuck with all the way to the end. The flaws are many, yet I never could walk away from it. I did things so many times that they became almost easy. Combat, in particular with the carbine (assault) rifle, got to be second nature. Lock, zoom, nudge, headshot, repeat . . . Still, with scripted unfairness and wonky controls, the game managed to keep me pissed off all the way to the bitter end.
The final mission along this branch one-shots you at the very end without warning. Only losing once, after nearly completing it, lets you know that you can have RPGs shot at your helicopter at close range.
What's most disappointing, ironic even, is that after spending so many mountains of cash, after employing all those people to put so much effort into it, they still managed to fall short in some of the most important criteria for a game, like the paramount area of player control. Streaming and real-time performance in general leave much to be desired. And the AI is bush league. These problems boil down to a few key people letting the rest of the crew down. It was so close too, but not fully cooked.
No one can deny the richness of this world, though. It is compelling despite the nasty flaws. I guess that's why I'm still in Liberty City, frustration notwithstanding. Now I want to follow the other path.