Not necessarily. Maybe we'll have less AAA-exclusives, but so what? Frankly, most of the AAA games are starting to piss me off because a lot of them end up being derivative graphics-fests, and I can do without that.
I have no problem w/ companies -- like Rockstar making GTA series; UbiSoft w/ AC; Lionhead with Fable; Bioware with KOTOR, Jade Empire and Mass Effect; etc etc -- making their games for consoles to make tons of the money so that they decide to then port it over the PC, as long as we keep getting our PC ports. Usually, when this occurs, things can be added and fixed for the PC version -- like extra content, new game features, better graphical enhancements, some gameplay issues fixed, etc etc.
Now, I have a problem when companies take the Epic route and make GoW for consoles where it comes out fine, but then port it to the PC lazily. So lazily, it still has a stuttering issue and STILL has NOT been fixed on the PC. C'mon, Epic -- go fix this.
I'll take an Aquaria over a Crysis any day (and don't take that as an in-depth review of Crysis, because I haven't even played it, and I'm sure it's not a bad game... but you see what I'm saying).
As good as Far Cry was, it was NOT Crysis. Crysis is just superior to FC in so many ways -- zero gravity levels in Crysis are awesome, the frozen levels rocked, much better voice-acting, and better presentation. I think Crysis was more "artsy" than FC, myself -- see the alien levels in zero gravity and the frozen levels. FC wasn't too artsy in regards to the way the enemies looked; it just looked great, technically. Crysis just needs some performance improvements, whereas FC (still) needs a freakin' better save-system.
Even though I hold a certain affinity for PC gaming, you can't really blame them. All the money is in the console games. Many of the games are clearly made with a console-oriented affiliation in mind, GTA4 included.
WoW would prove otherwise that NOT ALL the money is in console games.
I think heavily-KB/mouse driven games (such as the strategy games) have a better shot at making money on the PC than they would on the console.
Speaking of which, you can't really expect great things out of driving with a kb/mouse. I played GTA:SA on PC and it was glaring how bad the driving controls were with the combo. But then again, all shooting aspects were really easy. There's a pretty big differential between the two.
GTA: SA's driving with KB/mouse is fine, if you ask me; it was designed fine, since the camera's are less wonkier than they are in the past when using the KB/mouse. Really, though -- gamers respond quicker w/ the control pad for driving elements, in general, anyways.
Plus, if you got a problem w/ driving elements in PC games, there are good PC gamepads out there supported -- such as the X360 Controller For Windows. GTA: SA supports that controller just fine.