Uh, your link seems to have nothing about Crazy Taxi in it. I are confused. I even searched the site and got the same page. What gives?
Anyway... yay Crazy Taxi. Right now what I really want to try is Bounty Hounds, though. Well, I have tried it. Demo and full game. I just can't find anywhere to buy it! The demo totally fucking sucks, so don't bother with that (in Japanese too, or at least the one I tried), but the game is pretty cool. It's extremely simple, probably to a fault, but I enjoy it. You basically run around and kill mass quantities of nice-looking enemies in fairly no-frills environments with a variety of weapons. The killing is super basic, but it looks good, and there's some fun character customization stuff. Once it gets cheaper I'll order it online probably.
Right now I'm too busy with Metal Slug for much else, with a little Oddworld on the side.