The idea of Galactus, the greatest villain in the Marvel universe being in a movie sounds awesome right? Everyone knows who he is, the evil devourer of planets consuming entire worlds to survive.

Now when I heard FF2 will feature Galactus, I was immediately pessimistic. I just couldn't imagine how they could do this 30 foot powerhouse justice. Well... they figured a way out. They will just turn him into a stupid cloud.
I've heard this at a lot of other places, so I am sure it is true. I refuse to watch FF4 just because I don't want the pain of watching Dr.Doom reduced to an idiot. Now I am pretty sure I will skip the sequel as well, despite the silver surfer looking fairly cool.
April 18, 2007 - With the release of Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer just weeks away, rumors have begun circulating about who might voice the Silver Surfer and what Galactus may look like in the Fox-Marvel sequel.
Ain't It Cool News claimed last week that Morpheus himself, Laurence Fishburne, was in the running to voice the planet-devouring Galactus (although there have also been rumblings that he may voice the Surfer instead).
The film's director, Tim Story, has acknowledged that Galactus makes a climactic appearance in FF2, but until now there had been no word on what the colossal comic book character would look like in the film.
Now AICN claims that Galactus will look like ... a giant storm cloud. "Think Superman/Silver Surfer flying through clouds with Galactus/Jorel (voice-over)," according to the site's scooper.
Feedback from readers:
That's the most retarded thing I've heard. Galactus is the devourer of planet's for Christ's sake, not a hurricane!! X-Men 3 failed to bring us a full Sentinel. Don't ruin FF2 like is!! Please!!
OOO!! Watch out for the evil storm cloud, Cloudy McPuff!!
I think that's probably the dumbest idea I've ever heard in my life. I was just thinking about this same issue this morning and I thought that this would be a cool idea: Use the millions of robots that the Ultimate Gah Lak Tus was made of, but then have them join up together to form the "body" of the classic Galactus, purple hat and all. This would be the form that he would take to communicate with the FF.
I think Tim Story may be in for a lynching if he truly has created a "storm cloud" Galactus. I know I for one am not going to be happy.
You know, Hollywood has a really funny way with making you anticipate comic book movies and then throwing all that out the window when they make a stupid decision like this. They didn't allow the X-Men to travel to space in The Last Stand (which would've resulted in the Phoenix storyline how it should've been) because it wasn't believable enough. Yet, they have mutants on screen that can do amazing things! If they make Galactus a huge storm cloud it will make Ultimate Gah Lak Tus look like a Godsend! This is so laughable and I hope that it's not true. If it is true, Marvel needs to grow some cojones and start telling these big time movie producers who have taken too many hits of acid to shove their crappy scripts where crap comes from: their ass! I'm going to pray to God that Galactus appears in his almighty 616 form. I say nay to the Cloud-Galactus! I SAY NAY!!!!!!!!
galactus as a storm cloud, F*** that. A cloud that eat planets? Thats retarded. Read can construct a giant fan and blow him away. I hope this is just a bad rumor
That will ruin the movie! How lazy can they get? Why not make a cg Like Galactus just as their doing with Silver surfer… I just think it will look very stupid for the silver surfer to fight against a stupid cloud
It makes better sense than having the comic book form. I would rather see him as a giant machine or planet like unicron from the transformer movie.
In other news in the upcoming King Kong sequel, the part of King Kong will be played by Jack Black in a money suit. Just to save on budget.