I guess I should explain myself. I wasn't looking for pity, or necessarily even advice. I just wanted to vent, and felt like this was a place where I could do that. I expected some people to tell me to go get a job, some to say "yea, that sucks", and othera to not even reply. I felt like I was attacked, which made me question if I even wanted to come here anymore. I haven't really posted in here for a long time anyway, because I just feel detatched. It's the same reason I don't go out when I get the opportunity, I've been isolated for so long I guess I feel like that's the way it's supposed to be. (well that and the fact that I have no car or license, so going out means with my parents)
In the rest of this post I'm going to attempt to explain my situation a bit better, so it doesn't look like I'm some whining little kid who doesn't think mommy and daddy are being nice because they tell me to do somethign with my life. That's not what I'm pissed off at them about. I know I'm lazy, I know I need to get a job and get out of their house. that's a problem of my own, and it bothers me as well.
My dad: I can pretty much sum up the way my dad has ever made me feel by describing 2 events.
1) I'm about 10 years old, my brother 8. My dad asks for us to stack up a pile of firewood he had delivered, up against the back of the house. We're given no instructions, othe than to stack them up against the back of the house. We do it, and the stack is a bit shaky (of course it is, we're 8 and 10). My dad comes home and sees it, and with us standing there, he says somethign to the effect of "I shouldn't have even bothered. I knew they would screw it up. I have to do everythign myself." Who the hell expects and 8 and 10 year old to stack wood perfectly? And then bitches about them being useless right in front of them?
2) I'm 16 or so and have a friend over. My dad asks me to do some work in the driveway, which is right outside my bedroom's outside door. I ask if I can do it later, and I'm told no, I have to do it now. So I open my door and turn on some music to listen to while I'm working. My dad comes out to the driveway and hears the music. He doesn't even hear it, and assumes it's "angry" music, and tells me, "turn of that garbage, I don't want to hear it". Not only was the CD one of HIS that I was borrowing, but it was Christian rock (Third Day). That's just the I feel like he sees me. Despise everythign about me, without looking or listening first.
My mom: She's controlling. VERY controlling. She wants a say in everything I do. If I don't do things exactly as she wants, she gets mad and storms off saying somethign like, "fine, do it however you want", and will be in a bad mood for a while. Or she'll just straight up ask "why do you have to question everything I say?" So, I should listen to her advice on how to do things, right? Here's some examples of the way she wants things done, and the things she does to make me feel like I don't matter:
-The bathroom window looks out onto the driveway. You DO NOT close the blinds because someone is out there while you're wanting to go to the bathroom. No one can see into there during the day, and it DOES NOT need to be closed.
-Butter has to be spread slowly across bread, and microwaved beforehand so that it's soft enough.
-The toilet lid should not make noise when it is closed. If it does, you're slamming it.
-You NEVER hold your fork in your fist while using it to hold any meat you are cutting. The handle of the fork must run along your index finger and into your palm, and the cut must be made ALONG the tines, NOT between them. Cutting meat in public any way other than this is embarrasing, and will bring threats to not be taken out anymore.
-People should go to bed by 11pm or so, midnight at the latest. This includes when I have no classes or anythign the next day, and I'm living 2000 miles away from her. She used to ask me if I was gettign to bed ontime over AIM, or fuss at me for not being in bed yet.
-About 3 or 4 days of the week my mom will get up and make breakfast. She asks everyone what they wants, and makes it, usually an omollette or something. When I come in, she says "I'll be done in here soon, so you can make something." So you're making breakfast for everyone but me? Even for my 26 year odl brother who's never held a job and never lived away from home? At least I tried, by going to college. I fucked that up, but I TRIED to do something wth my life.
-Same thing as breakfast, but with dinner. She (they) did it tonight. I went inside to go to the bathroom, and saw they had cooked sausages on the grill. They actually cooked some for me, but never told me. Mine were cold and in the microwave on a plate, and everyone else was done eating already.
I'm not making this shit up. Tetsuo will tell you. When I was living in Phoenix, away from my parents, I still got nagged by my mom all the time. She would call, or message me on AIM. She would want to know if I was getting to bed on time, if I was eating right, exercising, telling me how to keep my apartment clean, how to most efficiently take my clothes to the laundry room, tellign me how many bottles of water I should drink within a 24 hour period and how to make a chart I could mark as I drank each bottle. She once spent 5 minutes explaining in detail over the phone how to take my turkey out of the oven without spilling grease out of the pan.
And no, my brother doesn't deal with any of this shit. He is genuinely loved, and given tons of positive attention. hell, they still buy him video games on a regular basis, and never say anything about him needing a job. The last thing I asked for was a $5 ball end replacement for one of my piercings, which fell off and I lost. I was told too bad, if I had a job I could buy a replacement. Last week they bought him a Final Fantasy game for Gameboy, and never thought twice about it.
So I have my own issues, and I have to get past them or work through them. Feeling like I'm not supposed ot be able to interact positively with other people and so I should just be isolated for my whole life, or just my laziness and procrastination. Then my parents add their bullshit to it all, and get on my case about how I rinse the laundry detergent cup wrong, it just gets to me.
I'll stop there. Hopefully it's clear now that my anger and frustration is a combination of 2 things. 1) I've got my own issues I need to deal with 2) My parents do a great job of nagging me and making me feel worthless, which adds to my frustrations.