Author Topic: You guys remember "Fatty Feels Left Out" from YTMND? Those girls go to my school  (Read 2292 times)

Offline Cool_Gamer1

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a friend of a friend found that pic on someones myspace then posted it on ytmnd.

now the thing has spread over the internets pretty fast, spawning a few remakes in the process

it was funny for first few minutes, but then it really got me thinking about the girl in the corner. i sort of saw her around every once in a while with those friends and she seemed pretty happy, but i dunno, maybe that picture shows how she really felt. its a strange, almost pop-artish picture that could just be a badly timed shot (maybe she was just standing there) or something more revealing than what was intended.

i wonder if any of them have seen it.

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Re: You guys remember "Fatty Feels Left Out" from YTMND? Those girls go to my sc
« Reply #1 on: Thursday, May 03, 2007, 08:08:33 PM »
I hope not.  That would be depressing if she ever got wind of it.  Better to not know and just let it die out.

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