It's probably time to tell you about the Ghost Whisperer. I've held it in long enough.
So, when I first started this a few months ago, one of the original people to contact me was this lady from a shitty town around here. I say lady because she was somewhere in her mid 30's, and I say shitty town because I've been there and it's really shitty. Anyways, she seemed nice enough, and was pretty good looking in a 'I'm totally not a slut and I'm like 35 kind of way'. Nice face, nice body, glasses, looked normal - which is something I wasn't really expecting at that point.
Anyways, she had been in a relationship for like 8 or 9 years and just got out of it. I think she said she only had sex with like 2 other people before. Remember: at this point my 'category' was Intimate Encounter, as was hers. She's really friendly, but also raised the first self-doubts about this whole thing. She quickly got past the talking stage and wanted to know when we were going to have sex. Luckily, she lived very far away, so this was easy as hell to avoid. This was the first time I kind of figured I might be doing a bad thing here.
We kept on inter-talking, probably a message or so a day, and she wants my msn. I think this is when I went and set up my alternate account. She sent me some tattoo picks, which people should never do because tattoos look pretty gross when photographed with a flash and some face shots. I think at one point she wanted to cyber. I had to stop and think for a second here because I could either A.) not do it or B.) ride my bike into the sunset with Stone Cold. I went for option A because it seemed like the less assholey thing to do. To be fair, I don't know if that's what she was getting at, but she was asking a lot of sex questions I certainly didn't feel comfortable talking about at the time with a total weird stranger.
So, anyways, then things get really fucking weird. She wants me to go up there and stay with her for a weekend. Um, haha? I'm super busy....untill like march. That's cool, she can come down here. Uh, I live with like 6 roomates in a really bad situation, it probalby wouldn't be cool. Oh, she can get a hotel?
Now, this is a fork in the road again. Best option: delay a response. "Yeah, that'd totally be cool, I just don't know when would be a good time." She's cool with that. Oh, by the way, she then lets it drop that she's fucking crazy. See, at this point she decides she needs to tell me that she feels a really deep connection with someone on the internet she's never actually met before. So deep in fact, that she feels like telling him weird things you should never tell anyone (or even really think about).
I can't remember the context, but at some point she said something about being really powerful. Now, if you want to make someone really curious, just hint that you're 'very powerful' because I had to fucking know what she meant by that. At first she didn't want to tell me, and that was cool. I asked once and dropped it, but then she remembered the 'extra special stranger connection' and decided she just had to tell me. You see, she sees and hears ghosts. She also controlls ghosts. Every house she has ever lived in has had multiple ghosts because she's drawn to ghosts or ghosts are drawn to her or something like that. She said some other stuff that I can't really remember because the blood was rushing to my head as I was thinking about two weeks into the future when someone would find my mangled body after this chick tracked me down and stabbed the fuck out of me because the ghost of Marc Anthony didn't like the inter-competition. I don't remember exactly what she said, but I know she was typing for like 5 min, and I was just sitting there staring at the screen thinking about how utterly fucked this whole thing was. I might still have the transcript on my other computer, and if I do I feel it's now in the public domain and I'll post it, but there is a good chance I erased it in a panicked 'I have to pretend that never happened' moment.
See, it would have been funny, but I felt bad. This girl was bat-shit insane and I obviously had some weird effect on her, but I can't keep this game up. So, ultimately, she's either going to be pissed and send ghosts after me, or be really hurt by the fact that I just dissapeared - because I can't slowly let this taper off, I need to cut contact ASAP.
Still, I sent a message to her every couple of days or so on the site. Kept it really short and boring, and totally didn't log into that msn account. Then, all of a sudden she dissapeared. Generally, it's a huge relief (it's been probably two months since last contact), but at the same time, I can't help but wonder what the hell the Ghost Whisperer is doing right now.
Oh, and I think she was totally deaf. Hot.