Author Topic: Online Dating  (Read 36114 times)

Offline gpw11

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #80 on: Saturday, September 29, 2007, 07:39:44 PM »
~l~ says:
ever fuck  in the rain! !
G says:
why yes, yes I have
~l~ says:
~l~ says:
i havent
G says:
really?  You're missing out.  If only I could pencil you in tonight..
~l~ says:
~l~ says:
if only!
~l~ says:
id rock ur socks off!
G says:
Man, I hate losing socks. but that would still probably be a ver y enjoyable five min.  I mean evening.
~l~ says:
~l~ says:
ur silly
G says:
what's your plan for tonight?
~l~ says:
not a thing...think i might head out for soemthin to eat...but not sure yet...really bored though
~l~ says:
what about u! !
~l~ says:
or mayb ill find some1 2 fuck me since u dont want to
G says:
I'll kill that motherfucker
~canucksgurl~... says:
~l~ says:
fuck me then!
~l~... says:
i want u
~l~ says:
soooo deep inside me
~l~... says:
i want to feel u explode
~l~ says:
i want to feel ur body against mine
G says: mom is reading this right now
G says:
....this is bad.

Offline beo

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #81 on: Saturday, September 29, 2007, 08:05:47 PM »
"cunucksgurl" eh?

if she's this one;, i feel sorry for you. however, if it's this one;, i just hope your mind can withstand the visual abuse of seeing her naked.

Offline gpw11

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #82 on: Saturday, September 29, 2007, 08:25:09 PM »
haha.  I was trying to avoid that, because that would be an actual dick move.  Luckily no, and no.  MSN name, not the name she uses for stuff.  Well, on the site anyways. 

Offline idolminds

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #83 on: Saturday, September 29, 2007, 11:28:49 PM »
If you pull out the robe and wizard hat you'll be my hero.

Offline ren

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #84 on: Sunday, September 30, 2007, 04:26:56 PM »
I think we should make the frontpage GPW's post history.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #85 on: Sunday, September 30, 2007, 08:12:26 PM »
I think we should make the frontpage GPW's post history.



G says: mom is reading this right now
G says:
....this is bad.

made me laugh really, really hard.

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #86 on: Sunday, September 30, 2007, 09:24:43 PM »
ahaha I liked that part a lot too.

Offline PyroMenace

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #87 on: Monday, October 01, 2007, 02:20:13 AM »
hahahaha, I just updated myself on this thread.

You know if I didn't know gpw I would have thought he was full of shit and trying to come off as some lady's man poser, but only after knowing him that I can believe hes avoiding sex with hot chicks. You need to write a book about your escapades, fuck Tucker Max.

You'd be every man's hero.

Offline gpw11

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #88 on: Monday, October 01, 2007, 09:59:54 PM »
To be fair, the ratio of hot girls to mediocre girls on these sites seems to be pretty low. Then again, I might be tainted by the fact that I've developed this thing where if a girl types or communicates like a fucking moron they instantly look uglier.

One of the funnier things about this is that when you're logged into this site checking your mail you can see the last 20 or so people to check theirs within a certain mile radius of you (I think 500).  I've seen 4 girls I know pop up in there.  One because I instantly recognized her, 2 because they use the same pictures as they do on Facebook, and the other because I accidentaly clicked on her profile.  I hope I got away with that scott free.  I don't know if they've seen me or not.  I log out right the fuck away.  Then I learned that I can right click on the thumbnail, copy the address, log out and then check their profile.  Hilarious.  I'd be worried about them checking mine out, but I"m not too worried about someone running across this:

Sit ups
push ups
jumping jacks
other peoples needs
kegels - wait why the hell did I say that?

About Me
I'm not going to lie to you here; I'm pretty awesome. I'm also pretty humble. Who can't love that? Some people might think that me saying that I'm pretty awesome automatically excludes me from being humble, but really that's all just part of the mysterious contradiction that is my bad-ass self.

You'll notice from my picture that I look pretty tough. I had a cut on the bridge of my nose at the time which really amplifies the effect of my rock solid manliness. I got it when I drop-tackled a rouge cougar that was going after a small child.

I turned down the medal.

First Date
I'd probably start it off with casually showing you how many chin-ups I can do (5-7 depending on the day and humidity) and take it from there.

In fact, I'd like for as many people I know to see it as possible, but to be too embarassed to tell their friends.  That said, I don't know if any of them have seen me.  I've only seen one since we were both on at the same time, and she poked me in the stomach on the way to the bar to get a drink.  I talked to her friend for a bit and left and then she sent me a message on facebook the next day not mentioning the fact that she probably saw my profile on a dating site, but mentioning how it was a shame I left because we hadn't hung out in a long time...which was only a half truth.  I don't know if she's just being friendly (not a friendly girl), or if she wants to sleep with me (again...there was a summer where she wanted to sleep with me, but ..nevermind, it's a long story that's not entertaining unless you know the third party). 

Nevertheless, I can see why people don't want to have "intimate encounter" on their profile, but instead go for "hang out".  Clever.

Offline gpw11

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #89 on: Monday, October 01, 2007, 10:23:56 PM »
We can try a new game.  I will reply to this:

I looked at some profiles on here before I joined and I noticed the ones that cought my attention were the ones with some honesty. So here it goes.
I'm a girl who knows what she wants and is on the road to get it. I work very hard at my job and do very well. I have a lot of goals in life and i'm looking for a partner to help me achieve them and maybe even join me on some of them. I am very normal! Meaning I have no baggage, I just want to meet a nice guy. Im a good looking, confident, athletic girl. I go to the gym often; I also am in a running group. I love hiking, biking, snowboarding, skating, and if you can introduce me to another one I’m all for it! I’m a natural blonde with green/brown/grey eyes (yeah I know it depends on the light)

If you are the man for me you will be:
Able to laugh at yourself!
Confident in yourself.
Honest, patient, respectful and loving.
Goal focused.
Able to keep up with me!
Can be my friend and my boyfriend.

I am looking for someone to spend time with, or I guess I should say someone I enjoy spending time with. I don’t have a problem meeting guys and I’m going to be blunt and say it happens to me often. BUT their the wrong “type” of guy… I mean sure they look good after a few beers in some dark lighting but when I actually go on the date with them they turn out to be from some other planet.

Anyway I may sound picky and stuck up but I think people need to be in order to get what they want.

Here is my intended reply:

I stumbled across your job application and was very impressed.  My night manager even went so far as to say that he thouroughly enjoyed the "cut of your jib".  I don't know exactly what that means, but it sounds good and his opinion means a lot to me; I'd trust that man with my life.

Now that the secret is out that we're impressed with you here at Gregg Industries, I think it's time for us to try to recruit you to the team.  Our method will be to answer how we fit the description of the man for you.  Please bare with me here, I'm really nervous. goes.

I am very capable of laughing at myself. I do it a lot.  I've also discovered that others are also very capable of laughing at me.  Not with me, as some might think, but directly at me.  I take this as a sign that I fit in, which is a bonus because you didn't mention that.

I'm very confident in my abilities to make others laugh at me as well as my natural skill in making any situation worse for myself.  In fact, I'm 99% positive I can ruin any sure thing with minimal effort - I'm that good at what I do. 

I'm very honest, perhaps to a fault.  I mean, it saved the court a lot of time once, but it kind of screwed me over for a few years.  Right after that I found out how patient I could be.  There isn't a lot to do where they sent me, but I got through it because of my stoic-like patience.  That is not to say, however, that others faired the same.  My 'roomate' wasn't very patient although he did teach me I could be very loving, and he taught me always to be respectfull after I got traded around the place for a pack of smokes or a sharpened toothbrush.  He was a great mentor.

I might be the most goal focussed person you'll ever meet.  When watching hockey, I find it's always very efficient to just watch the goal.  That way you don't wste too much valuable energy moving your head around.  As a bonus you also avoid alchohol and motion induced spins.  Oh, and it helps you avoid dreaded eye-contact with strangers.

As for keeping up with you, I'm not sure what you mean.  I'm going to assume you mean party like really hard (check this out: wooooooooo!) or run really fast.  In both cases the answer is:  It'd be impossible to tell you since I don't have any quantifiable data pertaining to the question.  Specifically I need to know how hard you can party or how fast you can run before I can answer that question.  It's really hard to solve for multiple variables.

I'm well trained at being a friend and a boyfriend.  I have a different personality for each one, which works really well.  I do have to warn you that Steve, the friend personality, gets a bit clingy.  At the same time, Charles, the boyfriend personality gets a bit possesive and jealous.  I'm going to need to be assured that you will breakup any fights I get into with myself in the least dramatic way possible in public, but the most dramatic way possible in private. 

And I love dogs!  If by dogs you mean cats.  Otherwise, they're alright...but they're not cats.

Anyways, I feel good about this interview.  We'll keep your records on file here and if you have any further questions you know how to get a hold of us.  Have a good day and a safe drive home.


Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #90 on: Monday, October 01, 2007, 10:48:42 PM »
This thread has made me laugh far too many times.

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Offline Pugnate

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #91 on: Tuesday, October 02, 2007, 01:02:26 AM »
Greg has way too much free time.

Offline TheOtherBelmont

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #92 on: Tuesday, October 02, 2007, 01:54:02 AM »
Hahaha fucking awesome, you just gave my roommate and I a good laugh GPW.  Jesus christ, this thread needs to be stickied.

Offline gpw11

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #93 on: Tuesday, October 02, 2007, 04:22:18 PM »
What the fuck Pug?  I thought we were friends.  If anything I don't have enough free time, I just like really avoiding school work.

On that note, I just got home from work and saw that she read the note, but didn't write back.  I take it it's either because I blew her motherfucking mind or because she's just too nervous.  Ooooor she just skipped over it because it's not less than a hundred words and I don't have a picture of me with no shirt on in front of my bad ass camero in my low-rent low class suburbian house.

Now we play the waiting game while I look for new victims. 

PS.  A girl messaged me the other day who claims to be 18 but it pretty obviously 16 or so.  To catch a predator? 

Offline shock

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #94 on: Wednesday, October 03, 2007, 09:27:29 AM »
Oh my god.  This gets BETTER and BETTER.
Suck it, Pugnate.

Offline gpw11

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #95 on: Sunday, October 14, 2007, 10:26:24 PM »
I'd usually feel like a bit of an asshole doing this, but it has to be shared and I no longer have roomates:

everyone who meets me luvs meI'm a very ambitious, nice, outgoing, independent women who's very open minded with a good attitude. I don't give a fu*k what anyone says or thinks, I just do what I wanna do when I wanna do it. I'm a girl that likes to lead life as simple as possible. I'm not into drama, games, lies or bullsh*t

I'm a confident girl that is 5'5" with long brown hair to my a$s with blonde streaks. I have my eyebrow, tounge, ears and nipples pierced. No tatties. Men with tatties or piercings are a big turn on for me. I do warn ya if I'm attracted to you I'm quite the nympho with a co*k obsession.

I was born & raised in a small town, I've lived in Vancouver for the past 7 years. I have a good head on my shoulders and have built a good life here in Vancouver. I am the type of girl that is totally upfront and honest. I am who I say I am and I expect the same. I am quite wild and fun but at the same time I know how to just settle down and be responsible when needed. I am very independent I don't rely on anyone for anything, my family doesn't live here so my time is spent working and having a blast with friends.

I live each day to the fullest. I'm a solid believer on trying everything well almost everything in life at least once. Life is too short to hold back!! I am a real people person a social butterfly as you can call it, I have no problem meeting people.I have enjoyed being single the last 2 years and have met over 500 people at clubs, pubs, through friends, events, concerts, the mall, the internet, etc..

What I like: DOUBLE RUM & COKE in 1 hand and a shot of Aliza in the other,shootin pool, token that good B.C.chronic, hangin out with my friends, clubbin ~n~ pubbin, partying, watchin hockey & UFC, cruzin, golf/mini golf, camping, going to the beach, road trips, raves, concerts, 420 baby and much more. I pretty much like anything and everything(AND I MEAN THAT).... If there is anything else you would like to know, just ask cause I'm certainly not shy!!


Not that it really matters, it's the one on the right.  Sick.  She's also doing that hand thing in all 5 or 6 of her low class pictures.

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #96 on: Sunday, October 14, 2007, 10:32:11 PM »
These are the kinds of people that make me want to commit horrible and generally homicidal acts on a daily basis.  I was going to say that somebody should invent a repellent for these types of people, but then it occurred to me that we already have several.  Like intellect.  And deodorant.

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Offline gpw11

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #97 on: Sunday, October 14, 2007, 10:52:31 PM »
oh, hey the guy in the picture is throwing some kind of gang sign.  I was originally going to say that looking at the pic is like a black man watching a movie and you're all yelling out "DON'T DO IT!" but after seeing that, he totally deserves what he gets.  AIDS.  From a disgusting girl.

Oh, and her name thing was "blazemaryjane420 : PaRtY LIkE a RoCkStAr, FuK LiKe PoRnStAr"

Offline idolminds

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #98 on: Sunday, October 14, 2007, 11:09:38 PM »
Thats not a gang sign, hes saying "My brain is this big."

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #99 on: Monday, October 15, 2007, 01:02:40 AM »
If by brain you mean penis, then yes.

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Offline TheOtherBelmont

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #100 on: Monday, October 15, 2007, 03:06:23 AM »
I think I killed some brain cells reading that profile and seeing that picture, huffing paint probably would have been healthier.

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #101 on: Monday, October 15, 2007, 07:20:26 AM »
Not to mention more pleasant.

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #102 on: Monday, October 15, 2007, 10:22:39 AM »
These are the kinds of people that make me want to commit horrible and generally homicidal acts on a daily basis.  I was going to say that somebody should invent a repellent for these types of people, but then it occurred to me that we already have several.  Like intellect.  And deodorant.

Back in the day these sorts of people were taken out back and never seen again. Our society has gone seriously downhill since then.

Offline gpw11

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #103 on: Monday, October 15, 2007, 08:15:03 PM »
It's probably time to tell you about the Ghost Whisperer.  I've held it in long enough.

So, when I first started this a few months ago, one of the original people to contact me was this lady from a shitty town around here.  I say lady because she was somewhere in her mid 30's, and I say shitty town because I've been there and it's really shitty.  Anyways, she seemed nice enough, and was pretty good looking in a 'I'm totally not a slut and I'm like 35 kind of way'.  Nice face, nice body, glasses, looked normal - which is something I wasn't really expecting at that point. 

Anyways, she had been in a relationship for like 8 or 9 years and just got out of it.  I think she said she only had sex with like 2 other people before.  Remember: at this point my 'category' was Intimate Encounter, as was hers.   She's really friendly, but also raised the first self-doubts about this whole thing.  She quickly got past the talking stage and wanted to know when we were going to have sex.  Luckily, she lived very far away, so this was easy as hell to avoid.  This was the first time I kind of figured I might be doing a bad thing here. 

We kept on inter-talking, probably a message or so a day, and she wants my msn.  I think this is when I went and set up my alternate account. She sent me some tattoo picks, which people should never do because tattoos look pretty gross when photographed with a flash and some face shots.  I think at one point she wanted to cyber. I had to stop and think for a second here because I could either A.) not do it or B.) ride my bike into the sunset with Stone Cold.  I went for option A because it seemed like the less assholey thing to do.  To be fair, I don't know if that's what she was getting at, but she was asking a lot of sex questions I certainly didn't feel comfortable talking about at the time with a total weird stranger.

So, anyways, then things get really fucking weird.  She wants me to go up there and stay with her for a weekend. Um, haha?  I'm super busy....untill like march.  That's cool, she can come down here.  Uh, I live with like 6 roomates in a really bad situation, it probalby wouldn't be cool.  Oh, she can get a hotel? 

Now, this is a fork in the road again.  Best option: delay a response.  "Yeah, that'd totally be cool, I just don't know when would be a good time."  She's cool with that.  Oh, by the way, she then lets it drop that she's fucking crazy.  See, at this point she decides she needs to tell me that she feels a really deep connection with someone on the internet she's never actually met before.  So deep in fact, that she feels like telling him weird things you should never tell anyone (or even really think about).

I can't remember the context, but at some point she said something about being really powerful.  Now, if you want to make someone really curious, just hint that you're 'very powerful' because I had to fucking know what she meant by that.  At first she didn't want to tell me, and that was cool.  I asked once and dropped it, but then she remembered the 'extra special stranger connection' and decided she just had to tell me.  You see, she sees and hears ghosts.  She also controlls ghosts.  Every house she has ever lived in has had multiple ghosts because she's drawn to ghosts or ghosts are drawn to her or something like that.  She said some other stuff that I can't really remember because the blood was rushing to my head as I was thinking about two weeks into the future when someone would find my mangled body after this chick tracked me down and stabbed the fuck out of me because the ghost of Marc Anthony didn't like the inter-competition.  I don't remember exactly what she said, but I know she was typing for like 5 min, and I was just sitting there staring at the screen thinking about how utterly fucked this whole thing was.  I might still have the transcript on my other computer, and if I do I feel it's now in the public domain and I'll post it, but there is a good chance I erased it in a panicked 'I have to pretend that never happened' moment. 

See, it would have been funny, but I felt bad.  This girl was bat-shit insane and I obviously had some weird effect on her, but I can't keep this game up.  So, ultimately, she's either going to be pissed and send ghosts after me, or be really hurt by the fact that I just dissapeared - because I can't slowly let this taper off, I need to cut contact ASAP. 

Still, I sent a message to her every couple of days or so on the site.  Kept it really short and boring, and totally didn't log into that msn account.  Then, all of a sudden she dissapeared. Generally, it's a huge relief (it's been probably two months since last contact), but at the same time, I can't help but wonder what the hell the Ghost Whisperer is doing right now. 

Oh, and I think she was totally deaf.  Hot.

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #104 on: Monday, October 15, 2007, 08:37:44 PM »
She and her ghost friends are searching for you right now.

Offline idolminds

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #105 on: Monday, October 15, 2007, 08:44:43 PM »
You might want to be, you know, not home on Halloween.

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #106 on: Monday, October 15, 2007, 08:46:59 PM »
Maybe she's become a ghost too.  Dude, stay home on Halloween.  Imagine it.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #107 on: Monday, October 15, 2007, 10:05:14 PM »
Do what Kams did as a joke. Have one your friends send a message to her on MSN that you died in an accident. Eventually she will see your ghost even though you are still with us.

You can take this opportunity to step out of the picture, or send her e-mails from the grave.

Offline gpw11

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #108 on: Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 01:44:17 AM »
Backround: this girl started talking to me a few weeks ago.  I noticed something was wrong right away and avoided her.  She eventually got the point and disappeared.  She showe'd up on the site tonight with a different name and sent me this:

::):  hey
::):  u think im werid right
gpw11:  yes
 ::):  sweet thanks
gpw11:  That's what I'm here for
::):  im sure u are
::):  got n single cute guy friends
gpw11:  none that I think would work out for you
::):  why caue im too weird or too ugly
gpw11:  no, not at all, but because they're single because they want to be single
::):  they are gay
gpw11:  seriously?
::):  huh
gpw11:  who told you this?
::)  i think you are too
gpw11:  Oh shit!
::):  what
gpw11:  seriously, my mom would fucking kill me.  They already have a lesbian daughter.
::):  come on, u dont want a gf,
::):  you don tlike girls
gpw11:  shhhhhh.  Not too loud.
::):  rolling my eyes at u
gpw11:  what?  Why?  That's a hate crime
gpw11:  So, seriously, how'd you figure it out?
::):  your not gay
gpw11:  what?! 
::):  your not gay
gpw11:  I don't know, now you got me thinkng about it and I might be.
gpw11:  I did fuck that guy once

Offline TheOtherBelmont

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #109 on: Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 02:49:08 AM »
This thread gets better and better.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #110 on: Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 06:20:01 AM »
I did fuck that guy once.

Haha, pure gold.

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #111 on: Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 04:11:10 PM »
Yeah, that got really weird after.  See, the site has it's own im that opens in a java popup window, and that's basically where that conversation went down.  I always intend to disable it, but a.) I'm too lazy and b.) it only has to work once.  That said, the people who try to talk to you on it are usually the ones you don't want to talk to.

Anyways, so I close that window, go to my inbox, and see a message from this girl.  "See what you could have had" is the message, and below that is a horribly lighted picture of this girl's breasts being pushed up in a water bra.  It was actually pretty gross, especially because she's crazy.  I don't know what her face looks like, but it's probably not good. Under that, in quotes "Too Bad, So Sad" and a little smiley face holding a sign saying "shit happens"  Anyways, all that aside, I decided it was probably time to stop all contact with this girl, and the previous methods weren't working too well.  So, I sent her a message saying something to the extent of how she's totally freaking me out.   I can't remember what she replied and when I eventually blocked her the system also deletes all the messages she sent me, but I'm fairly certain she tried to convince me she was someone I know, right after she tried to convince me in various other ways that she isn't actually weird, I'm just probably kind of gay or a creep, and she just does this as a dare/as a joke with her friends/as an experiment/whatever. 

I imagine I'll get some rude message under another username eventually.  Now, Ghost Whisperer was kind of eccentric, but this chick is full blown fucking nuts. 

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #112 on: Wednesday, October 17, 2007, 09:37:59 PM »

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #113 on: Wednesday, October 17, 2007, 09:41:34 PM »
I could totally make jokes right now about how certain people here are totally going to go find her now.  But I won't.

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #114 on: Wednesday, October 17, 2007, 09:50:34 PM »
Heh, that would be funny. Like, if someone here sent her a message about a date on friday night at the local italian place. That would be funny. I would really get a laugh out of that. IF SHE DOESN'T RESPOND I SWEAR I'LL KILL MYSELF.

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #115 on: Monday, October 22, 2007, 11:16:31 PM »
Do you dislike blind dates as much as we do??? is your opportunity to grab your friends,brothers,cousins...and go on a triple date!;)))...(with the 3 of us on this profile!!!)

We are charismatic,fun,talented,well-educated,well-travelled,family and goal-oriented girls,that are full of life!
We are looking to meet the same in 3 guys...if you are out there dont be a stranger,say hello and let the fun begin!!!;)

Holy shit.  I can't tell if it's a joke or not.  "Hey bro, I was just looking on this internet dating site, and there's these three girls who want to go on a a triple date.  Yeah?  Awesome.  I don't know, we'll get Gary in on it.  We can probably convince him to take the hideous one."

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #116 on: Friday, October 26, 2007, 11:37:03 PM »
G says:
THat's hot.  I love the total lack of feminine features and I really hope you have a massive penis

In context it's not nearly as funny so just use your imagination.  Needless to say the whole joke thing didn't go over well.

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #117 on: Monday, October 29, 2007, 11:51:51 PM »
shawty:  hey
Gpw11:  what's going on?
shawty:  how are you
Gpw11:  good, and you?
shawty:  good
shawty:  how was ur weekend
Gpw11:  IT was pretty solid.  I got bombed
shawty:  ddi u dress up
Gpw11:  yes
shawty:  as what
Gpw11:  A wizard
Gpw11:  I put on my robe and wizard hat
shawty:  lol
Gpw11:  Do you like to dress up?
shawty:  yup
shawty:  i dress up as a naught shcool girl
Gpw11:  I cast level 3 Eroticism.  You turn into a real beautiful woman
shawty:  huh
Gpw11:  I meditate to regain my mana, before casting Lvl. 8 Cock of the Infinite.
shawty:  english please
Gpw11:  I spend my mana reserves to cast Mighty F*ck of the Beyondness.
shawty:  ok
Gpw11:  Wanna cyber?
*** shawty's IC window is closed

My name has been changed.  Her's, however, has not.  Come on now - shawty?   Are you serious?

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #118 on: Monday, October 29, 2007, 11:54:55 PM »
This thread is the best free entertainment ever.

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Re: Online Dating
« Reply #119 on: Tuesday, October 30, 2007, 03:09:33 AM »
You're my hero, gpw.